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Posts posted by Boris79

  1. Thanks guys.. And sorry for the mistake. 


    So, except my passport, I don't need to request any documents in my home country? Can I do everything in Thailand?


    There is the possibility, like in Italy, to separete the money into the marriage? 


    Anyone experience with it? How long will take do everything? 

  2. Hi everyone, 


    I'm italian and my partner is Chinese. We are living in Phuket and would like to get marry here. Since we are both foreigners and luckily is our first time, we need your help to know how, where, how long and which kind of documents we will need to provide.. Any helps is really appreciated!! ???? 

  3. 12 hours ago, essox essox said:

    you do NOT have a re-entrance VISA you have a re entry PERMIT.....there is a big difference...

    Re entry PERMIT allows you to RE-ENTER THE Kingdom of Thailand...


    I'm really curious to understand how you know which document I have..


    I'm sorry to confirm you that, as I posted, I'm in Thailand with a Visa TR M ( tourist multi-entry valid for 6 months). 



  4. Hi everyone, 


    I have a turist multi-entrance visa, but for my first time I didn't decide yet where will be my second time out from Thailand, it means that I didn't get the flight ticket yet. 


    Usually when I'm re-entering in Thailand at the check-in desk they ask me to show my next flight ticket to prove I will exit from the Kingdom. I always had so I don't know what can happen if I will reply that I didn't book it yet. Never happened to someone of you? 


    And if I reply, since I'm in Phuket, that I will exit by car to go in Malaysia? Can works?


    I just need the time to plan. 



    Thanks.. ? 

  5. 9 hours ago, BuckleUp said:


    To me that says his company/structure is NOT based in Thailand. Perhaps he's an online entrepreneur. Maybe he works through freelance website and part of the "gig" economy. If they are not working for a Thai /approved multinational here, what legal entity will sponsor the work permit? Seems the OP comes here for holidays, does not pay tax here, etc. So how can he get a work permit here then?


    Actually we work for an Italian cruise company based in Shanghai and our itineraries are from Japan to Thailand. 


    In any case we are planning to open a business here, a Thai company that will let us work (or at least one of us), with a regular wp and visa. 


    9 hours ago, BuckleUp said:

    You also got to decide, you want the kids educated Australian/European/American or Chinese or Thai? Consider open-mindedness versus closed-mindedness. Individuality and creativity versus indoctrination into a culture/religion/way of thinking. 


    I well know. Is exactly for this reason that 7 years ago I went away from Italy, and I didn't choose any other place in Europe, USA or Australia. I absolutely don't want my child will learn that way to leave, let's say to don't live. 


    Now, after 7 years I still working hard to unlearning my culture. 


    The education comes from many different inputs, and is just my opinion, European, American and Australian can learn a lot from Thai people. 


    I know, no one country is perfect, also in Thai there are many problems, we are just uman been. But I travelled most of the world to find a place, and his is the only one where I feel me at home. 


    I speak Thai, like my partner, not well yet, but we are improving. And off course my child have to learn Thai and English as first languages and Chinese and Italian as secondary. 


    About the open mind, I like to think that the education before comes from the school, it comes from parents. Travel to know different countries and religions will help my childs more then one book. 


    Western way to live, for me, is overrated. 


  6. Ok.. sounds really a complicated life. But, since we cannot live in our country, we will find the way. 




    1. We can marry in Thailand


    2. If we are married, if one of us regularly work in Thailand, the other one can have the same visa extension.


    3. If our child will born in Thai, the child can stay till he will be 18yo, but if the he/she leaves the country will need a visa to re-enter in Thailand, I imagine that the visa can be extended if one parents regularly works in the country. 


    4. Once the child is born witch nationality will be? There is any chance for the child or, if not possible, for me (to help the child) to have Thailand passport? 


    5. If is confirmed that the child will not be allowed to go in public school, all the private schools have a cost of 15-20.000 or there are some with a reasonable price? 




  7. 30 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    If your child is born here they will be allowed to stay indefinitely. When they do leave they will need a passport and their birth certificate to prove they were born here. After that they would need a visa to enter the country.

    If one of you has a work permit that means you would have a non-b visa or extension of stay based upon working. If on an extension of stay your child could get an extension for being a member of their family based upon their extension.

    If you are married the spouse of the one working could also get an extension as well.

    Thank you for your help. 


    But I still have some doubts, probably for my bad English.. 


    If he born in Thailand he can stay indefinitely or till is 14 or 15yo? 


    If he can live in Thailand, there is any different solution to stay for us different from the work permit? 


    Can we merry in Thailand if both of us are foreinger? And it will help for the child? 


    If my partner is pregnant, they will allow her to renew the visa or work permit and have the baby in Thailand? 


    Last question, if the child is born in Thai, he will have problem to go to normal school? 



    Sorry, we are a bit worried..

  8. Hi everyone.. 


    Me and my partner are italian and chinese.


    Our actual job is all around Asia. Since we work about 6 months at year the resting 6 months we live in Thailand with a tourist multi entrance visa. Is already 7 years that I stay in Thai. 


    We are planning to change job and stay definitely in Thailand, also to make a family. 


    In the moment we can have a child is possible that both of us will have a work permit, or is possible that only one will have and the other one will have another kind of visa. 


    My question is.. what will be about the child? If will born here, can stay in the country or will have visa problem?


    Which is the best way for us to set up our families documents to stay in Thai? 


    Many thanks, 

  9. 7 hours ago, xylophone said:

    A friend just sold (after 5 years of trying) his 64 sq m apt for 4.9 mil baht and it did have the "extras" you have mentioned (sea view, pool, gym etc) and was a well kept as was the building.


    I have seen condos for 2-3 million, but around 29-32 sq mtrs only and not in great locations.


    I take it that you are looking at this from an investment viewpoint as the one you mention in your post is not for the owner to live in, but an investment (such as it is). So investment or to live in?

    I'm looking for something to leave as main objective. But many agents told me about the "big" opportunities for investment.

    I would like to make clear if is a scam or not. Honestly 10% for 15 year guaranteed, sounds strange.. They will give more then the value?

    If is real I don't exclude both of the options, but I don't think so... That's why I would like to hear from someone already experienced this cand of investment. 

  10. 7 minutes ago, xylophone said:

    This scheme and a couple of others are being offered by a developer in Patong and when you look at it, even if all promises are kept, it's not as good as it sounds...........


    A lot of these are sold for 5 million baht or thereabouts and for that the buyer gets a small condo in which he has the use for one month a year only. The rest of the year it is let out to short stay visitors, mainly because this developer has a tie-up with some Chinese agents and it is registered as a "hotel" so short stay is fine.


    So if 5 million is paid upfront and 7% return is paid per annum, at the end of 15 years the original purchaser gets his money back, so not a fantastic investment although one months holiday a year is possible.


    In some of the contracts I know of, the developer agrees to buy the condo back at the original purchase price, so in 15 years time the original purchaser gets 5 million baht back. So in essence the purchaser spends 5 million baht and gets 5 million baht back, spread over 15 years and then if all goes well the condo is repurchased for 5 million baht.


    Now the last paragraph could well be the "problem area" because the developer would have to be held to his original contract, that is if the developer is still around or hasn't changed the name of the company or similar, or of course something else comes into play like buying the condo back at the going rate for a 15-year-old condo??


    In my opinion, too much to go wrong over a long period of time and quite possibly more fishhooks than I have been made aware of, this especially as Patong does not have a good reputation for developers staying the course when things look a little rocky (cue ACE condos and The Park development, amongst others).

    Exactly what I'm talking about. I stay in Patong. 

  11. Yes, exactly my doubts.. 


    The only way make me think is.. 


    When I start to come here (7 years ago) I book a small hotel with no swimming pool, the price was 1500thb at night, since I need for a month they give me 1200 at night (36000), every year on, even if the price increase I get a better deal, actually I rent one room in a similar hotel and position of my first time, plus swimming pool and I pay 300thb at day (9000thb monthly). 


    The difference is enormous, If they rent the condo to people that pay much more then the real value.. Can be possible. But... 

  12. Hi everyone and thanks to who can help me. 


    I'm reading the Civil and Commercial Code of Thailand, but since English is not my mother language, will be easier if is in Italian. Someone knows if exists any traslation?


    Then if you knows some good link or book that can explain all the steps, costs and rules to open a commercial activity from a foreinger.


    When I will be ready I will have a good lawyer, business consultant, etc... But I already opened business in Italy and I like study by myself before act.


    I'm living in Phuket, if there is some one knows about this topic and would have a drink togheter will be very appreciated. 


    Thanks a lot.

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