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Posts posted by Leef

  1. 2 hours ago, brommers said:

    So the hugely rich industry is moaning that it will lose money. What about the hundreds of thousands who have lost their jobs, their rented homes and more. I have no sympathy for the Association & it's members.

    The industry provides jobs for a huge amount of people who presumably will lose them or at least have their salary massively cut. The association doesn’t have 9 billion - that’s the industry, which includes countless small restaurants. The association is supposed to give the industry a unified voice. 

  2. 3 hours ago, Surasak said:

    I think the money is available via the foreign currency holdings. If these projects get started, it will provide employment and in the long term will be of greater benefit to the country. Like anywhere else though, the longer it is put off, the cost increases. 

    If it’s so attractive and going to benefit the country then why not lot private enterprise take care of it? Is it because there’s not the need and so businesses don’t see a way to make money without government support? In which case is it really needed at all? Give the money back by way of tax breaks and let Thai citizens do what they want with their own money.  

  3. 2 hours ago, Oldie said:

    The strong Baht is caused by international speculators - many of them sitting in western countries. The whole Asian crises was caused by them. I am afraid you blame the wrong ones. 

    Spoken like a member of the Thai government. All ways Someone else’s fault and usually a Westerner! Do you blame the gambler for the bookies losses as well? Thailand had a huge level of debt before the crisis. Most if not all financial crisis are caused by governments interference in the markets. That interference may take years to play out but eventually it will. Meanwhile the government whose policies caused it has long since buggered off to their mansions. 

    • Like 2
  4. 13 hours ago, Neeranam said:

    You are 86 years old, you fool. 


    Why on earth would you try to have a relationship at this age in a foreign culture? 


    Ever consider that they might just be after your money? 

    Why shouldn’t he gave a relationship with someone of a foreign culture? He chose the wrong girl but he’s entitled to some happiness. Easy to judge and dismiss someone older as a fool but who are you to say that? 

    • Like 2
  5. Macao has had zero new cases for a substantial period of time. Taiwan has less cases than Thailand. Hong Kong’s cases seem under control. I guess the Thai government is lumping them in with the mainland in order to toady up to their masters in Beijing. Maybe Prayut and co will get new Rolexes from Beijing.

    • Like 1
  6. 19 hours ago, Chrysaora said:

    You're incorrect, as it shows nothing of the sort.   Your conclusion is not logical.

    Actually he is correct. By getting rid of his American citizenship he’s no longer liable  for U.S tax. Boris Johnson did the same.



  7. I forgot to mention a few things:


    8. The Nazis would have loved their ability to spy on and control every aspect of their peoples lives and to keep them ignorant.

    9. No rule of law. (Maybe even the Nazis had that).

    10.  Harvesting of organs - Nazis were not able to do that due to lack of technological know how.


    Anyway Traubert I think all things considered one can see the CCP and the Nazis have a lot in common.





  8. On ‎9‎/‎10‎/‎2019 at 7:52 PM, Traubert said:
    On ‎9‎/‎10‎/‎2019 at 5:38 PM, Leef said:

    These Chinese sound like the daleks from Dr Who. Personally I think there are similarities between them and Nazi Germany in the 30’s. 

    How so?

    1. They like to describe themselves as communist. They are not by any definition communist. They are a fascist totalitarian state.

    2. They are led from the top down by someone who has positioned himself as dictator for life.

    3. That someone purged his rivals.

    4. They have a massive propaganda machine spreading their message.

    5. They have millions of people in concentration camps (Uighurs).

    6. They are supremely nationalistic and xenophobic.

    7. They have designs on the territory of other countries (all the counties with sea access around them are concerned and China was laughed out of court for their ridiculous territorial claims).


    How are they NOT like pre war Nazi Germany is the more pertinent question.

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