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Posts posted by Mauiguy

  1. Too funny;)) Wish I could give you good counsel, however the last one I bought literally exploded the second time I tried to recharge it! Fortunately no injuries.  I now use a Tecstar that has lasted over a year. I’m certain I Have singlehandedly  eliminated dengue in my neighborhood;).  It also serves me well to improve my tennis strokes;))))

    • Haha 1
  2. 10 years nearly never. A few runins ( pun intended) with some restaurants. Avoid under cooked chicken, and the clams/ shellfish sometimes dubious. Lived in Mexico and Central America before.  Terrible problem there.

  3. First of all I live in Phuket. I used to drive approximately 20 km daily to work on a major highway.  There was rarely a week that passed that I did not pass a horrible wreck generally resulting in death.  The taxi and van drivers here have zero respect for common sense, respect or the most basic regard for human life.

    Was that written in jest, or are you delusional?  I have lived all over the world in my 68 years , raced cars and motorcycles, and have NEVER witnessed on a daily basis such complete ignorance regarding complete lack of basic safety on driving here.  I am fortunate to be able to afford a Thaidriver because what I witness daily terrifies me. I don’t scare easily.  I have sky dived, SCUBA dived with sharks, worked for the CIA, been shot at etc.. To date driving in this insanity is by far the most dangerous activity I have done.  Several years back I just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and was hit while crossing the street by a motor bike driven at high speed by a 17 year old Thai. Of course no license, insurance, registration etc.  8 days oh hospital with 2 major surgeries.  14 pieces of metal in my face etc.  No big deal.  90% of my friends living here in excess of 5 years have been involved in accidents, more often than not they were not to blame.

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