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Posts posted by DavidJow

  1. Mutation of SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) and probable recombination with SARS-COV-1 / MERS

    One of the likely mutations in the next decade with variants, or strains of the type SARS-COV-1 or MERS could cause an unprecedented biological catastrophe

    SARS-COV-2, which appeared in 2019, has SARS-COV-1 and MERS as a "close cousin", with a genetic proximity of the order of more than 80%, would have great capacities to be able to recombine with others SARS-like coronavirus, as described.
    The main mechanism of coronaviruses is the ability to be able to recombine very easily, as with influenza viruses which recombine very easily and create new strains, hence the need to create new vaccines each year.
    The big difference between SARS-COV-2 and SARS-COV-1 and MERS is the death rates.
    The death rate from COVID-19 is around 2 to 5%
    The death rate from SARS-COV-1 & MERS, is around 20-40 %
    The difference is the contagion rate, we were lucky to be able to control the old coronaviruses because of their low contagious rate.
    The problem is that if SARS-COV-2 were to mutate, recombine with a coronavirus with a very high death rate, while keeping a very high rate of contagion, could cause a collapse, and an unprecedented health disaster in the world, which will cause military confinement, even in the most democratic countries and a catastrophic crisis.

  2. My insurance certificate state that I am covered for COVID-19 up to 155.000 €uros (no have USD) - Should it be ok ?


    I have two givens names, should I put David Jow as first name, or separate and put Jow as middle name ? ( because the Thai Embassy in France, for the e-visa request they ask to put the another givens names as middle name.. which is weird ) but how about Thailandpass ?

    What if I arrive so earlier like 06.00 AM, do I need to have a extra booking for early check-in from the previous day ?

    What if I arrive so late, after 18.00 PM, do I need to stay 8 nights instead of 7 nights, for for the ASQ ?


    I may plan to get the PhuketSandbox, but not sure, but in case, I should book from the previous day ( I arrive on 10 FEB, but I book from 9 FEB to make sure I have a room when I arrive in hotel at early morning ) can the TP - and Thai visa be rejected, because the hotel booking start the previous day of my arrival ?



  3. I leave out of Thailand, the baby born in Thailand, showing the EU passport.


    They require to see Thai birth certificate at the ImmPass control of the airport in Thailand, then they stamped the passport of the baby with the date of exit

    and a sentence under in Thai language "Dek kiet noy Thai" ( Child born in Thai )


    That all.


    They require the birth certificate just on the one first exit

  4. Hello, I would go to Philippines, but I'll transit through Suvarnabhumi Airport.


    As the e-cig vap is banned in Thailand.. does transiting without exiting customs of the airport can be risky ? ( ZURICH - BKK - MANILA )


    Right, on theory we doesn't pass the customs, but if someone is caught with kilos of heroin in the transit point they will caught him surely..


    and the e-cig cannot be placed into the check-in bag, so I don't know if it's possible to transit the e-cig to SVB airport without problem.. into the carry-on bag


    Ah, what's funny, I found before many e-cig on Sukhumvit Rd selling in outside store.. at evening


  5. 2 minutes ago, swissie said:

    "They don't even have writter regulations how long we can stay maximum as "tourist"


    This is a very good time to familiarize yourself with Thai-Immigration Laws. Better you head back for the Philippines. You will not like Thai-Immigration Laws.

    No, I don't want go back to the Philippines.

    Thai Immigration Laws doesn't show any limit using Thai TR visa ... 

    Show me the regulations !


    • Like 1
  6. 6 minutes ago, manarak said:

    ...because cheating immigration regulations is not illegal. yeah, right.

    There's not cheating.. 


    They doubt we're staying longer for stealing job of Thai people, which is not.

    They don't even have writter regulations how long we can stay maximum as "tourist"


    Exemple In Philippines you can be a long-tourist for many years, without being illegal.

    Thailand the same, is written no where tourist limit stay.. 


    The only regulations is the land border which is limited twice by calendar day! if using VE

    and deny foreigners who don't have enough cash & suspect them as they're staying longer to work illegally!

    As the entry in Thailand is stressful and seem to be nearly a lottery to get into their quota of being refused entry..  and especially for people who came many times even without doing illegal.. and being denied & sent to the cell..
    Do entry by the another international airport like Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Phuket, Krabi.. U-Tapao(Pattaya) does help or not ? and have less chance to be denied ?
  8. 1 hour ago, jackdd said:

    You are very well aware that "being denied entry for staying too long as a tourist" is no official reason to be denied, so you won't have to appeal against it ????

    If somebody gets denied for the famous 12.2 (no means to stay in the kingdom) i would state that i have cash in my pocket, savings on my bank account and income from abroad which i can prove, which allow me to finance my stay.

    I think in most cases the IO being afraid to "lose face" if his decision gets officially labeled as wrong and overturned, would be enough to be allowed entry just after you submit the appeal (it never gets submitted to the minister, they just void the denial stamp)

    Putting a thai birth certificate copy as father of Thai child, can be helpful ?

    How much for the application fee ?


    Do need it to give at which IO ? when already in the cell ? 

  9. Paradoxal

    Often the -return ticket- will be even cheaper than the -one way ticket- flight, especially with airlines like Air France, Thai Airways, & some other airlines... especially to EU countries.


    So is possible to tell can I get return ticket as it's cheaper than the one way flight, but I'll not use the return coupon ? 



    I guess right they will not give this choice..

    • Haha 1
  10. 9 hours ago, observer90210 said:

    Why did the stupid employee (sorry!)  in Europe fold such an important passport page ?


    I would take up the matter with the entity that employs this person.


    They may say buzz off, but one could always try after all and ask them to refund the cost of the damaged document, by the fault of their careless employee.


    Out of topic, but anybody aware if a cell phone stored next to the passport chip say in a bag, can damage the Chip/Antenna ? Due to the stupid rule asking visiting guests to always show passport in the country, often it can be carried in a shoulder bag with other personnal items.

    Yes, is what I've did on the spot, I complained the people & also ask the supervisor who is caring the holding of the check-in, to see the mistake of their employee giving me back the passport with a fold on the bio page. They was careless and they ask the next customers to check-in


    I dislike that they made a fold on the bio page especially on the MZR band, it have a trace and when I copy the passport it's look like also weird.


    Then, I contacted the handling company who make these check-in, they told me to send a email with the copy of passport damaged .. I send email, they don't dare even to answer to me.. then I followed the email to all the supervisor & manager of the company! NO ANSWER. Since 1 month.


    I think I'll call them every x minutes and harass them, harass & harass as they don't respect me as they're not willing to answer me.


    Change this passport will cost me 86 euros + ID pic cost & wasting time.


    The employee recognized that the machine reading the passport is not fine.


    I gave them my passport in very good situation, and they give me back the passport with this ugly fold and make the corner being more fragile..  and the passport was just done this year also for 10 years validity.




    My passport was previously folded by a person working at the check-in desk by passing the passport she made my passport folded on the corner where is the data bio photo page.. but that was during a flight from a European country to France so nothing much to worried..

    Now, I'm stressed, is this trace of fold, I can be denied entry into Thailand or into an Asian country


  12. Thai custody law is not relevant into this child, as the child is not Thai at all, even the child is born in Thailand


    The real answer is at the French side, you've shared parental custody even if you're not married to the mother.

    That's French law. Any father who recognized a child in less 1 year after the birth, the father enjoy shared parental & custody over the kid.


    About the Cambodia law, I am not really sure.


    It's a complex situation, because in the eyes of the French law, you've plenty right over the kid.

    If you're less advantaged at Cambodia law, and you bring the child in Cambodia, the mother can keep the child in the Cambodia soil and avoid you leave the kid out of the country.



    Thai authorities, would not like to have problems with that, as long you're providing proof you're the father, they will not make any problems.. Any custody problem will be between French & Cambodian authorities side, Thai authorities would not like to bother about theses problem, they will not care at all as the child have absolutely nothing to do with the Thai Citizenship Law.. and are not their citizen

  13. Hello, 

    I have a big treatment,


    Effexor 75XR, 2 pills day

    Xanax, up to 4 pills days (0,50mg x 4 )

    Lyrica, 2 pills a day

    Zolpidem, just in case pills.

    Laroxyl, 75 mg a day


    I have the prescription from my doctor, from European country


    Right as I am willing stay stay so many months in SEA. I have alot of stocks of this medicines...


    What will  happened if exemple I bring for 2-3 months drugs and being caught at Suvarnabhumi ?


    Being jailed ? fined ? or just confiscated some of drugs



    Theses drugs are quite expensive to get in Thailand and is complicated..I prefer my own stock.

    • Like 1
  14. We recently heard that is some kind of alarm notifications used when the foreigner used alot of Visa Exempt Entries.


    I wanted 


    Someone know how it's calculating this alarm to the IO ?


    Do getting a "real" visa, make the alarm reset ?


    I had a previous non-O single entry the last entry to it's good favor for me ? + before some TR visa & VEE,  beforebut I will go on Visa Exempt Entry this time




    • Like 1
  15. On 6/21/2018 at 5:46 AM, NextStationBangkok said:

    Jail should be open a rice farm or fruit farm, so that Thailand can make them work, and at least pay for the families of the criminals. It will increase food production, and income for the family of the criminal, also some savings after the criminal is released.


    In this way the death penalty can be commuted to life time imprisonment and allow them to correct themselves.


    Some argue death is good for crimes. In fact death is easy freedom for them. Rather punishment should be severe. No one is born to know when he is going die.


    Criminals can be make work hard on open Agricultural fields, manual labors and should be allowed to speak to TV interviews, so that no should think about such crime again.


    I totally agree with this.. they're spending so much money for the death row and any kind of care for them .. 

    It should be opposite, they're the one who need provide alot of work to pay the victimes.

    • Thanks 1
  16. 17 hours ago, moto77 said:

    How do people get into these problems anyway? 
    I can understand a day or two, but a month and then worrying about it later? ? 

    Anyone can do a mistakes, he did, so he now he ask what the best issues to resolves it.

    There's many reason, have problem with bank/credit card, doesn't work & can't leave Thailand at time..

    Being sick..

    Being into love.. 


    But right if it's voluntary overstay and have way to go out at the right time, yes it's very stupid.

    • Like 1
  17. Hello,


    I had previously stayed about 7 months from July 2017 to Mars 2018

    With Visa Exempt Entry, Tourist Visa, and Non-O visa 


    I am scared to be eventually denied at Suvarnabhumi Bangkok airport, entering with the Visa Exempt Entry. I will come this July 2018

    In case if I am denied, what gonna be the next ? they will send me in the deportation-Immigration jail ? or transit area ? or what else 
    can I take flight and go to Cambodia ?

    Because some report will explain this  if the foreigner was not deported but just denied entry, I am in the right to go anywhere outside Thailand as I am just denied, but in practice it will be the same also ? I don't want take flight going back to my home country  .. and now I've no time being get a TR visa.





    • Like 1
  18. 2 minutes ago, stevenl said:

    Sorry, I meant 'Also leaving Thailand with foreign passport and also leaving your home country there could be problems if you don't have the mother's consent.'. Now if you don't have any problems with your home country, good for you, but you'll have issues with Thailand, no matter the passport. Maybe not the first time, maybe not the second time, but problems will come.


    Get this sorted asap, or you'll regret it later.

    I can have problem if the mother is going to make a case for kidnapping agains't me.


    But she will don't do that.


    But how a thai IO will make problem for a kid using a foreign passport and leaving Thailand ? They never asked if the kid is dual citizen.. 

  19. 4 minutes ago, stevenl said:

    Also with foreign passport and also leaving your home country there could be problems if you don't have the mother's consent.


    Get this sorted asap, or you'll regret it later.

    No, there's no problem for me ..

    I have shared parental authority in my country. 

    I never had such problem to leave my home country with her, using her foreign passport. I can even apply alone her foreign passport at the passport office, in our country, or embassies.

    There's nothing to be sorted in my home country, the law states here that the both non-married parents have both parental authority. So I can leave and enter her in my country as I want. Never had any issues with that

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