With what I know now and looking back Ive come to realize that Ive made some big mistakes along the way,
1. I should have not informed the UK pension department that I was moving to live in Thailand . Big mistake ( at the time I had fallen in love with a wonderful Thai woman and Thailand compared to my home country , was a paradise on earth where I wanted to live in for ever ) .
2. Wanting to be with the love of my life and live in Thailand as quick as possible, I sold my house and banked the cash . Big mistake ( I should have rented my house out which would have increased in value , plus the rent money that I would have received would have been a big bonus. )
3. Building a house , so that my Thai wife could be near her parents. Big mistake ( I spent a lot of money building a house near where my wife's parents lived out in the country side . 6 months after building the house so my wife could live near her parents , her parents decided to sell their house and move to another far off part of Thailand. )
4. I decided to take out a private health care insurance policy that would cover me for any inpatient medical treatment . Big mistake ( I should have just saved the monthly private health insurance money in a saving account )