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Posts posted by Sokolov

  1. Great kick the overstayers out. Kick out the criminal foreigners too. Many foreigners come to Thailand to do  scams and other crimes. I have been victim of a deposit scam related to a two year rental agreement facilitated by a real estate company run by Americans. In Thailand there is too few laws and regulations related to property scams and it is easy to set up a real estate company who can do crimes with impunity it seems. 


    I paid two months deposit paid, and rent paid monthly for two years. Two weeks prior to my contract ended, I got sick and was admitted to a hospital. When I returned the door was looked all my belongings stolen by the land lord. The land lord said the sofa was damaged and the TV, totally bogus charges. The land lord tried to extort me for 10,000 Bath to give me back my belongings.


    I am astonished anyone can become so evil they evict a 100% disabled individual while in hospital and then have the nerve to extort me for 10,000 Bath. I have asked Consumer Protection Board of Thailand for advice. I have very little hope the scammers and the real estate company will be brought to justice. These scams is very unfortunate for the many honest  land lords and real estate companies. Important Thailand get more regulations the latest regulation from May 1st 2018 is not sufficient to protect consumers rights and these scams hurt Thailand's reputation as a tourist and retirement destination. 

  2. Sadly, I have got a neighbor that create nothing but problems. Harassing me by ringing the doorbell always. He complains about smell from my apartment and send the apartment complex security guards to inspect my apartment. He is threatening and has been trespassing in my apartment twice.

    According to Thai law trespassing is illegal, but my problem is burden of proof. I am 100% disabled, so I cannot defend myself against this bully. Is there anything I can do other than move? Can I complain to the Immigration and get them to declare him an undesirable alien?

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