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  1. But remember to turn your lights off for the good of the country.
  2. Who calls it "pot' these days ????????????..i wouldnt worry old timer nobody getting stoned on hemp..
  3. Need a few thousand hits of 0.2 % garbage. The only hit you would get is on your throat....its hemp nothing more. Period
  4. Bit like trying to get drunk on non alcoholic beer innit...id imagine ????
  5. Pronunciation of "school" Sakoon. Says it all really.. ????‍♂️
  6. No need for fear from unvaccinated if your already vaxxed surely..your safe..????
  7. How many somchais die on the road countrywide on a daily basis?? but when a doctor gets killed ( God rest her soul) it makes news??
  8. Don't test you won't find it's that simple.. I'm British. Look at the test rates there compared to here with countrys of similar population.. If you don't look you won't find
  9. I've a fever and a headache every morning. No need to go to a concentration camp. I know what medicine I need... ????
  10. They are immune. Its the centre of the universe is it not. Cos its the heat or some mad vegetable from the jungen Only foreigners spread it remember
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