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  1. In Thailand, you must be at least 15 years old to ride a motorbike with an engine of 50cc or less. To ride a motorbike with a larger engine, you must be at least 18 years old
  2. Especially if the F1 cars have no engines like the submarine
  3. Whats wrong with pattaya
  4. How did they know he was British did he show them his passport? That's the problem here in Thailand if you speak English they presume you're British
  5. What's the driving requires is some personal pain
  6. Who needs enemies when you got friends like that!
  7. And all those critics are articulate enough to get up and do an extremely important speech in front of an international audience without a script, ''I think not'' go away you morons and get a life
  8. If they think the payments are bad in Bangkok they should see them in Pattaya or as I like to call it dog s- -t alley
  9. Wear it and let us know how you got on
  10. Thai politics can of worms
  11. These people need to get a life
  12. Ruangkrai Leekitwattana, This man needs to get a life
  13. Double Tax Agreement (DTA) This agreement exempts any individual residing in Thailand and the country where Thailand has signed the agreement with from paying income taxes on both countries. To clarify, an individual can pay income taxes in the country where the individual is currently residing. The DTA has several purposes regarding income tax: Prevent double taxation for reducing financial burdens among individuals. Avoid conflicts on taxing rights ensuring income is taxed once or at a reduced rate. Ensure fair treatment on taxation from discrimination. Prevent tax evasion and fraud by sharing information with the contractual party. Promote economic activity in stimulating cross-border transactions and investments between the treaty countries. As of 9th October 2023, Thailand has signed the DTA with 61 countries. Nevertheless, the individual may be subject to double taxation in Thailand and the country where Thailand is not a contractual party to the DTA. Armenia Australia Austria Bahrain Bangladesh Belarus Belgium Bulgaria Cambodia Canada Chile China (People’s Republic) Cyprus Czechia Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Hong Kong Hungary India Indonesia Ireland Israel Italy Japan Korea Kuwait Laos Luxembourg Malaysia Mauritius Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Norway Oman Pakistan Philippines Poland Romania Russia Seychelles Singapore Slovenia South Africa Spain Sri Lanka Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Tajikistan Turkey (Turkiye) Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States of America Uzbekistan Vietnam
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