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Everything posted by golli

  1. Unfortunately Phuket is a shadow of what it once was. It's now over run by foreigners living there who have no respect for Thai people or culture and have driven the price of accommodation through the roof. The Thai food is western style and expensive. The taxi mafia has always been there so I used local van drivers who I became friendly with over the years. My last trip was exactly that my last time in Phuket. There are a lot of friendly beachside places to visit with good beaches, music, food and women if that's what you're looking for. Places like Khao Lak and Chumphon.
  2. I love how people here like to bash certain nationalities. Drunken stupidity happens everywhere in the world. In Thailand they will sell you booze until you drop unlike other countries where the bar would be sued if this happened. Drinking with people who you would have nothing in common with other than you're on holidays or living in Thailand can be a disaster waiting to happen.
  3. Do the crime pay the fine. Would they do this in their own country. I doubt it. Another entitled Epat/ tourist.
  4. Who cares what Nationality he is. He's acting like an idiot. Anyone who rides bikes in Thailand knows they will get cut off at some stage. The video shows him break checking her so he caused the damage to his bike. Wearing headphones while riding isn't very smart. I wonder if it was a man would this clown acted so aggressively. Send him home on a one way ticket. Remember we are all guests in this country so if we don't like how things are we can always go back to our own country.
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