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Everything posted by Nanaplaza666

  1. If you have seen one before and you saw the tv news you must have seen the gold neckless they showed on the hood of the car . And that certanly looked like a 5 baht gold neckless so if she stole 5 baht weight of gold how can she have ran of with the rest . What rest ?? If only 5baht weight was stolen and the neckless looked like at least 5baht weight . 1. It looked like at least 5 baht weight 2.she stole 5baht weight 3.with what "the rest" she ran of with 4.sure looks like you'r defending yourself 5.no need i am not attacking you just stating the facts 6.have a nice day 7.take a breather
  2. A bit late don't you think if they would have done this prior to vaccinations . And i am happy that you found a way to get a little tipsy on a friday night but comming to the point , you can't say the litterbox is working just because you can get tipsy .
  3. You are quoting the wrong person , i said exactly that but in other words .
  4. I also didn't say it was only 1 item but if you saw this story on the news and you saw the neckless that was left in the car( don't know if you ever saw a 5baht gold neckless) it looked like that neckless was already 5 baht . Having a bit of a bad day Lou?? I didn't attack you in any way just stated what i saw on the television news . Don't understand why you feel the need to defend yourself.
  5. Saw it on the news yesterday and it looked like the 5 baht of gold was still in the car so i don't know what they mean with , she took of with the rest .
  6. Probably a dashcam in a police car of wich they havn't set the correct date .
  7. Ask LongTimeLurker he says the litterbox sceme is working very well and he is living on the island so he should know ????
  8. Agree to disagree , you and everybody you know , so you know everybody on the island right . And they all have been dubble vaxxed everybody on the island . If it was working they didn't have to close that fishmarket to controle the spread . And if they only counted people that are actually sick all over the world it wouldn't be a pandemic . But that's a different story .
  9. The phuket litterbox bubble , and why it's not working is because if vaccinated people can still infect others it will only work if the whole of phuket is fully vaccinated and that's not the case . Only 1 shot is not fully . And the whole incubation period has to be upheld . Hence the infection rate on phuket and the closing of the fishmarket yesterday to stop the spread . It is only working when 100% of the people , locals and visitors are fully vaccinated and that's just not the point . But i bet people that live on(in) phuket will say it is working because there finally is some money coming to the litterbox and they can't admit that it isn't working ofcourse that would be shamefull .
  10. Are you spying on your neighbours ?? Have a sexy girl living nearby ?? Or just buy this thing to look at Ur(neighbours)anus for 1 day in a 100 years .
  11. Yes and since the opposite is probably more true and vaccinated people can also get infected and spread the virus , it's not working .
  12. If they(The Red Cross) would give them to needy people , i wouldn't mind even though i already paid because i am not an elite and don't want to be seen as one because we can pay for them and others in need can't. But i am afraid that that's not the story and that it will be as you said , going to the elite and friends .
  13. They never stopped lying . The only thing they did was call other peoples news fake news and lies so their own lies didn't look like a lie .
  14. Now how much would they have paid the family to denie the right for bail ?? Would look a bit pathetic if they filed for bale and it was granted and he would be walking around again soon wouldn't it ?? He denied intention to kill her , but he did . And he denied any attempt to rape her but he did anyway . Next he will denie it was him in the first place although he confessed already .
  15. For people with a bit of a brain yes , but for these clowns we should be happy if they can even make it work in 2022 . They are so far behind on everything(ordering,recieving,planning) that they can already give up on 2021 and by saying this he hopes to give some of the masses hope that it will all be ok in 2022. But what he doesn't say is that at this rate and with these people in charge it could be the end of 2022 before most people will be vaccinated , so that means 1.5 year more of this hopeless B.S . This might be close to the truth but if he says something like this there will be mobs from now untill dec. 2022 and they will get more and more violent .
  16. I was planning to say something just like what you said , but i couldn't have said it any better . ????
  17. If you love your live buy a normal gas powered bike . Even that's quit dangerous but doable . I think with an electric bike they will not see and hear you at all , as we all know Thai don't use mirrors, indicator lights and are on their phone half the day while driving .
  18. P.s we all read that they said 72% and 98% with 2 sinovac shots right , so why the mix and match then ???
  19. That data is on mr A's calculator , just another handpuppet of mr A and P saying these things . The Thai tests show that sinovac is more effective then pfizer and moderna even against the Delta variant . Wonder who done those tests ???? . Could it be a branche of the ministry of health , i wonder . They do know that aducated people and foreigners read this news as well right not only rise farmers far north with no internet or aducation .
  20. When they predict tourist nr's and money spend they like to keep the nr's high . But to lure tourists in, they think that changing the being locked up nr from 14 days to 7+7 days will make a difference . You won't be locked up for 14 days in one place but 7 here and 7 there so it sounds like less .
  21. Damn dude , you need to stay of whatever is your guilty pleasure .
  22. And they have to be carefull of traffic otherwise they will die "on" the road .
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