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  1. Thanks alot for the CCTV video link… now its all completely clear and i am happy that i made the right assumption from the start.. and i hope that all the guys in here that directly choice the farang side would reconsider why they even live in Thailand if their mindset about thai people is so negative yet have the free choice to stay elsewhere… So its clear they had already a history… Him throwing that plastic bad behind the counter and cursing inside a shop infront of childeren!!! Wooow that kind of behavior he should have deserved to get kicked right there already… Then coming back… unbelievable, being asked to leave… and refuse… this guy should get blacklisted; visa revoked and his wife… well can not say anything positive about her either… First i condemned that he was attacked by a group.. but after seeing that video he had it coming and he got away too good from it… he deserved it… imagine having this kind of people as your neighbors…
  2. Well think that makes it more correct… ethnicity might even be better 55555. But i think you get my point. I don't dare to pull the racism card on this i don't wanna touch that… but generalizing it most definitely is. What kind of limited poorly thinking statement it is to say thai people think or do like this… its a opinion of somebodies own experience in his live (however poor and limited that might be)
  3. Yes, i have, even complete strangers.. When you are polite and behave correct and get into problem and yes it helps if you speak thai.. and stay calm and let the others keep shouting and using the “impolite” thai language where you keep being polite, it happens alot… it all depends on your own attitude… playing the tourist or “i am better then you” yes then indeed you will never ever see this happen… its kinda sad how all people of a nationality get pushed into the same box.. but thats probably because of a persons own limited view and the people what they meet… afraid my statement will not be liked by many but you live in your own world you can think what others think but that does not make it true,
  4. After reading also the link, their are always 2 sides to a story but as the wife of the farang admitted this : “she suggested that Jarae’s loud speaking might have been misinterpreted as anger directed towards them." I would believe the story of the shop owner to be more trustworthy.. Also i do not think she pushed/requested the other thai people to beat up the guy, but that they themselves had enough of this guy extreme rude behavior combine that with some songkran alcohol and there you go.. The Fin his wife should have learned the guy some manners instead of playing the proud farang wife.. Now i hope she realizes that probably the entire village just does not like the both of them(most likely that is to positive thinking from my side…) You get what you deserve ; what comes around goes around… on a side note i dont think they will be invited to any other party in their neighbour not just that shop, funny how the bad people always play victim…
  5. what its worth, well lets see you are selling a lazada and shoppee account.. sell for 1 million bath a month.. shops exists 3,5 years... '"We also have stock and contacts as to where to get goods. "" thats worth nothing.. the question would be whats the gross profit.. and what are the returning customers.. so its a product everybody else can buy.. and what if you have already made a new shop and sell the same products again but lets say 5-10%.. then you just sold "thin air" yes you would have no reviews... or perhaps you would already... if you prepared,. difficult to say as its a big gamble for a buyer.. depending what you ask for it.. selling it for whatever reason makes almost also no sense... as you would most likely would not even get 10% of your monthly revenue for it.. would be more wise to let somebody handle your shipping and messaging and offer them a a good percentage so you still have an income but no work at all... now thats more realistic, selling... even with showing your revenue its not worth much.. as its easy to copy and outrun you even with reviews/shop age...
  6. Let take this as an example.... machine trimmed weed will never be accepted as high quality weed (yes we talking in the nr1 weed country... sorry not US/Canada/Aussie) same goes for vacuum-packed.... it might be accepted for export or for selling shops else where in the world,. The OP has started a good topic and its good thats it gets some attention.. if its really here in alot of dispensaries i don't know.. i will stay with facts and guesses.
  7. Let's be clear PGR is not good to smoke, and the farmers should be clear when they use it (most of them really know what they are doing.. and what the risks pro's/cons are) unfortunately some seller have no idea what they sell.. or don't even know about PGRs. For the regular smoker and people who smoke over decades some don' t even know the difference, but the farmers do... outdoor its hardly ever used (sorry no facts to proof lol) As a smoker i would not want it and would just throw it away (if i would smoke it.. dont get high on your own suply hehe), as a farmer i would be ashamed to show a product as shown on the picture below on the right... and trust me almost no shop in the nr1 weed country of the world will accept this as a product, and to be honest it does look like its been dried/got wet/dried again and got some heavy but rot and it tried to fix with some @@(*&(*$%^&^% - its just look unnatural... Ofcourse good quality weed is grown with regulators and indoor (no pgr's!!!!) (yes we can say without its impossible to deliver a high quality product without it (and co2 is not a must.. if you know what you doing...) . .. the question what is a high quality product of course would be different answered.. but let's say dutch coffeeshop quality like +10 euro price a gram.. so sorry Canada/US/Aussie still some years to catch up, no offense) probably said to much... but those who know will know and understand ...
  8. Some real keyboard warriors here… funny how every little “pro” or “neutral” russian comment gets burned hard… Being referred as a troll or whatever nonsense, keyboard warriors supporting a Ukraine clown who is just a pawn for warmongering US/Nato… sad.. As for complaining so hard about Thailands choice of vote… well everyone could already know Thailand would make this choice… and again its the correct choice they made.
  9. Proud.. not following the stupid media with fake news, Always Anti-China and anti-Russia just because people believe the media and whats being thaught from a very young age,,, guess very few people actually know what going on in Ukraine for the past 8 years,, freedom of press or word.. what a joke... Aslo great to see Putin join APEC 2022
  10. would also never advise to use this with cooltubes.. (nightmare with low results.. bad invention which does not belong in the canna business) adjust a-wings cap would even be greater for more light-spread. and i would prefer osram 600 watt instead of philips As said above, most people here use indoor "small" tents indeed in already airconed rooms. so yes i would say interesting for those...never used or had Lucius so for the ballast itself i cant speak but if its comparable with Lumatek i would really put a 600 watt in a small tent.. and compare the results for fun... as for the lazada seller no ratings or reviews.. yeah 100% cash on delivery... otherwise byebye picture below (adjust a-wing with a lumatek ballast)
  11. if you cant lower the hum. the hanging might not be the best option... cutting to final product.. and dry from there.. might be a better idea to keep it under control,, ofcourse well spread on newspapers with some fans blowing.. ofcourse you will loose some weight compaired to hanging first and then cut it nicely.. but loosing more to mold is also not smart.. but ofcourse depend what we talking about how many plants... etc etc.. there is no 1 answer fits all..
  12. have tried and order quite a few different coco peats... and many claim to have very low EC... others say ... nothing is added... but measuring is knowing.... starting with an 1500-2500 EC value is a big NO go. 1.5 - 2.5 mS/cm or 1500 -2500 μS/cm Have not found a cocos or not the bricks who has a nice low EC... yeah they most all got the PH correct... 5.5-6.5. cannadude420 cannabis soil.... EC 2300 μS/cm... Getting good soil here... or even making your own Coco or Peats mix... with a low EC seems to be pretty hard here.... more is beter... is certainly not what we want for the EC.. as for how to test PH/EC i would refer to bluelab/hanna websites... but looks like we have exp. players in here. any updates on coco or soil with a low EC... please post it here. coco should be maximum 800 μS/cm... but if its real clean it should actually be 100 μS/cm and seedling/starting plants 1500 μS/cm anything higher is just too much....
  13. Doing a border run at Nong Khai ,Laos to get a quick 30 days, (which also can be extended with another 30 days) do you also need to show the 20k ?

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