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Posts posted by telboybk

  1. But on the bright side, at least the islamophobes are starting to read the links, thereby educating themselves.... that’s a positive... or am I being generous because their argument has stalled, especially in the face of Bangladesh renouncing this girls ability to pursue Bangladeshi citizenship, which will see her returned to blighty.
    And you're STILL referring to people as Islamophobes.

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  2. MMM.....maybe.... but not really... I posted a link to an article approved by the editors of the independent, which you seemingly counter by posting a tabloid article.
    it reinforced the figure shown by other sources, and was an easy fit to provide as a link.... you know... something tangible instead of promoting demonizing misinformation, as you did with your 84% rubbish
    but hey, would you feel better if I verified my numbers with yet another source? “Yet another”, because the DoJ link I provided in this thread, also verifies the numbers I (and shah) used
    Demonizing? Muslims do that by their actions alone.
    And you're aware that The Independent is Muslim owned?
    The information in my link is widely known.

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  3. 3 isn't nonsense. I was aware of a grooming gang in my small seaside town in Northern England. The leader of the gang was Iranian and a near neighbour of mine. They operate from a kebab shop in the poorer part of town. Nearby are 2 refuges for vulnerable young girls, run by Social Services and housing a couple of dozen young girls from various parts of the country.
    The girls are lured into the shop with the offer of free kebabs and drinks. Eventually the free food turns to alcohol and drugs. Finally, the girls are persuaded to go off in cars, taken to a house where, for a small fee, multiples of Pakistanis gang rape them. This has been going on for years.
    I reported my neighbour to the police. Rather than investigate the matter, they let it slip to him that it was me that had reported him.
    A couple of weeks later, I was walking down the street with my wife and daughter, when he came flying up the street in his van and drove straight at us. We leapt out of the way and he jumped out of his van and attacked us. As a result, he ended up in hospital and I was charged with a race hate crime. Luckily, I had captured the whole incident on CCTV with audio. The police viewed this and although it clearly showed that he was the aggressor and I'd only defended myself and my family and hadn't used any racist words, the police still charged me. After several weeks and a good solicitor armed with the CCTV, the charges were dropped. He was never charged at any time.
    These gangs are prolific, throughout the UK but the police, not wanting to be charged with racism themselves, turn a blind eye to it.
    Exactly. But some posters here STILL deny and dont want to believe it. After all that's happened.

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    • Confused 1
  4. And this girl did all that, did she?
    i understand she made some horrible comments.... which seems to be something she has in common with you... ergo... your just as bad as her.... or worse, if it can be demonstrated that she acted in ignorance, whereas your hate speech is deliberate and all the more despicable for it.
    Hate speech? Nothing in my post was false. You compared me to Muslim extremists not the WOMAN in question. I don't think you even understand what you write.

    But it speaks volumes that you would attack me for hate speech (something apologists for Islamic terror seem to do quite often) but not mention any hate speech coming from this ISIS whore, her Anjem Choudrey-supporting father or the terrorist-supporting lawyer her godawful family have employed.

    Maybe because you agree with it?

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  5. They are still not Muslim only areas.
    That claim is untrue and used to create fear and prejudice.
    Would Muslim-comtrolled areas be more accurate?
    I can guess your answer?

    And Sharia patrols ARE still happening.

    The only ones creating fear and prejudice are some Muslims with their awful behaviour.
    And they're STILL uncovering grooming gangs

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  6. Why aren’t I an islamophobic? That’s a pretty screwed up question, to which the answer is probably maturity, education and personal experience.... I do hate snakes though, but thats a phobia that has little negativity, unlike hating others for their religion.
    a reality check? Me? After reading this bile, I’m thinking your in need of pacifying with a frontal lobotomy.... but let’s look at that paragraph a little closer.
    prevention technique... so where your again mistaken is in assuming I’m talking about preventing or converting extremists back to peaceful citizens (btw... extremists are the issue, not Muslims as a religion)
    No...  I’m talking about education to prevent them becoming extremists in the first place.... a balanced approach, vs the hate your spewing... an positive example to ill informed children, to better inform them of the situation, because what does not work is your hate speech.
    meanwhile, she may be 19 now, but she was 15 when she made her fateful decision.... 15 year olds are not mature or well advised, and are oftentimes inclined to impulsive decisions, this may have been just that.... compound this with the fact that at 15, her education stopped, and was replaced by immersion in god knows what... certainly it was not in any form of higher education or mainstream life and the exercise of freedom
    I can’t really speak as to her current mental condition... but surely you have heard of Stockholm syndrome, which is something to consider... that said, another member did respond in a not so despicable a manner, to inform me that this child (in mind, if not in body) showed no contrition during an interview, to which I already responded that this would be a negative point in her returning to the UK,  effectively obviating my thoughts about the possibility of using this child’s experience to benifit other children considering similar ill advised decisions.
    you might think my previous post a load of crap, but please know that in ten years of reading this forum, you have just posted one of the most outrageous and hateful posts I’ve every read... well done, you’ve reset the bar to a new low
    ”let her terrorist sprog rot in the desert”.... wow... what a statement... definitely a new and despicable low... are you a Christian, per chance?
    Excuses excuses. Stockholm syndrome blah blah blah.
    The rest of your diatribe is just typical pro-Islam bs excuses and apologist crap.

    Personal experience? Maybe you could visit one of the many Muslim dominated no go zones in UK or Europe and get back to us about your experiences there.
    And that kid will obviously be brought up as another ISIS terrorist, raping burning and drowning captives. But hopefully the drones will take care of that.

    And not Christian by the way. LOL!

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  7. 17 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

    The UK is not ruled by "British Muslims".


    British culture has not gone, it's still there. 


    The posters subsequent posts show they have no tolerance for faiths they do not share. #8


    Poster is spreading propaganda based on intolerance.

    Mayor of London ... MUSLIM
    Mayor of Birmingham ... MUSLIM
    Mayor of Leeds ... MUSLIM
    Mayor of Blackburn ... MUSLIM
    Mayor of Sheffield ... MUSLIM
    Mayor of Oxford ... MUSLIM
    Mayor of Luton ... MUSLIM
    Mayor of Oldham ... MUSLIM
    Mayor of Rochdale ... MUSLIM
    Over 3,000 Muslim Mosques
    Over 130 Muslim Sharia Courts
    Over 50 Muslim Sharia Councils
    Muslims-Only No-Go Areas Across The UK
    Muslim Women ... 78% don't work and are on FREE benefits/housing
    Muslim Men ... 63% don't work and are on FREE benefits/housing
    Muslim Families ... 6-8 children planning to go on FREE benefits/housing
    ... and now all UK schools are ONLY serving HALAL MEAT!

    All this achieved by just 4 million Muslims out of the 66 million population!

    Why would anyone have tolerance for Islam? And why is it only the non-Muslims need to show tolerance? The double-standard is shocking.

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  8. 1 hour ago, Bullie said:

    Iv Britain had not invaded their countries at the time, and commited all these atrocities against the native populations ov India, Pakistan, Avghanistan, Bangladesh, to name but a vew, They would never have had a reason to come to the U.K. in the virst place....

    All empires have had their issues. But how long does Britain have to pay for them? And what about non-white, non-Christian empires? The Ottomans? I don't hear anyone complaining about them.

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  9. 4 hours ago, SammyT said:

    And you've done your part to stop this by moving to Thailand? Ironic you haven't immigration laws of your own country while relying on the immigration laws of another's. 

    Maybe, like myself, he saw the coming of Sharia, blasphemy laws and despicable behaviour by some Muslims and decided it was better to live elsewhere. Whites are in the minority in Birmingham and London and it's basically against the law to criticise Islam. Who wants to live under that?

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  10. 4 hours ago, Spidey said:

    As I pointed out, the majority of terrorists, in the UK, were born in the UK, second and sometimes third generation Brits. What do you advocate, deport all Moslems, British or not? Where would you deport them to? They're 100% British.

    In name only. They're Muslim first. I agree you can't deport people born in the UK but some Muslim terrorists weren't born there. They need deporting if they survive and after the appropriate prison sentences have been served..

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