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Posts posted by p_rry

  1. Good news! I think it was some problem in the IT department. This morning I couldn't get online anywhere in the school. Later the internet was working again. Today when I tried to set up my router, everything worked fine and I had a wireless signal going.

    One other question though. All of us in the office were able to connect to the wifi signal I made. One teacher however wasn't able to view any webpages, but his computer still said he was still connected. Any idea what could cause this?



  2. I held the reset for 10-15 seconds. The password worked again as "password" and when I opened a browser, the netgear install page came up which only comes up during a first install, so it was reset.

    First I'm supposed to restart the modem, but I don't have access to that. Then I turn on my router. A minute later I'm supposed to plug the cable into my computer. I haven't been able to cofigure anything else yet. The install page won't let me go any farther until it has the correct isp information. I need to get past the internet connection problem. The instructions told me to restart the modem. I wasn't able to do that. I'm thinking that might be the problem. Could that be how the router automatically picks up the isp info? Probably not, but I'm not sure why else they want me to restart it.

    I still can't access webpages with with the current setup, only when the cable is directly in the computer. I can manually enter the isp info. I'll try the ipconfig command. thanks. I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow.

  3. NHJ,

    Yes, I reset my router. I had to look on google images to find out it's a pin hole that needs a paperclip to reset, lol. The lan cable runs into my router and another cable runs into the computer. The pc recognizes the lan connection, but there isn't any internet. If I unplug the the lan cable, xp lets me know.

    When I plug the lan cable directly into my laptop or pc the internet works right away. Nothing else is required to connect to the internet.

    What do I need to do to find the ip, dns and gateway? Is it the winiconfig command? It's been a while since I had to look this up. If I can find this info I could skip the setup wizard and just enter the info.

    Since I just want a secure wifi connection in the office, I guess either device would work.

  4. There's basically no wifi signal in my office at school. All we have is a lan cable that connects to one pc computer. Many of us have laptops. I brought in my netgear wgr614 wireless router which worked fine for me in America (with a 220V-12v converter). The problem is this time I can't really restart the modem like I have to do. At my home in America it was easy. All I have near me in my office is a box outside my office with a bunch of lan ports. Most of them are used in the office next door though. My netgear device was not able to dynamically pick up certain ISP information. Therefore, I have some questions.

    1. Is there a way to get the primary dns, secondary dns, ip address, ip subnet mask, and gateway ip address without actually having to ask the IT guys? From what I hear it would take them two weeks before they would help me anyway.

    2. Would using a access point device be a better option? I found a linksys wap54G laying around the today, but no I idea how long it's been since it was up and running. I downloaded the software/instructions from the linksys website, but it seems like I will still need the isp information. Hopefully it can automatically pick up the information, unlike my netgear. I'll check on that tomorrow.

    3. Is there any difference between a wireless router and a access point? So far it they look to do the same thing.



  5. I have a cable tv uhf outlet in my apartment. I brought my usb video capture card from home that has a coax cable port. I went to home pro today and showed them some pictures of what I have. They sold me some cable, a uhf plug, and a coax plug. It appears the only important part of the cable is the copper wire in the middle. I THINK the silver wiring in between layers is just to give strength to the cable. Is this true or do I need to do something with the silver wiring in the cable?



  6. I went to Panthip the other day and wanted to buy some video editing software. They had all kinds and I wasn't sure which was good and which was bad. I'm mainly looking to cut and paste video clips together, add the logo of my website, and change videos into different formats. I really don't know what other good features exist these days though. Anyone have any recommendations?



  7. If you use raw eggs, make sure they are from healthy chickens. This alone will lower the chances greatly. Washing the eggs helps a bit too. Even if you do eat the bad bacteria, you won't die.

    I saw it being sold at Villa in a small bottle for 500 baht. That's too expensive in my book. In America I saw a small milk container of it for a few US dollars.

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