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Everything posted by ExpatInCM

  1. So many English speaking people find it very difficult to learn Thai, so it is not really surprising that so many Thai people find it difficult to learn English. I've been watching this annual reports come out for about 15 years now, and Thailand's ranking has not moved very much overy this time period.
  2. "Seems like this guy had some bad luck." ???
  3. "The girl is old enough to know better, did she think her job would be serving fanta with ice. " ? It is very common for runaways to find and take jobs that they are not old enough to do legally. While some people might feel they are old enough to know better, they are making a decision that for whatever reason they believe to be in their best immediate interest. Right or wrong isn't what they are thinking about at the time; they are focused on their survival.
  4. Thank you very much lopburi3 for posting the 2nd link below, the Bloomberg article! It explains the serious debt problem that so much of the Thai population and the country's economy is facing much more clearly than the very vague AseanNow article (which was focused on the Thai policemen's debt) that we read here and are all commenting on. lopburi3 had posted: "Which, if my math is right (often is not) makes the average amount about 1.3 million baht per officer. Wiki puts officers between 210,700 and 230,000. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Thai_Police Other sources place one million baht debit at less that 14% of total individuals. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-06-30/why-thais-have-high-household-debt-and-why-it-s-risky?embedded-checkout=true"
  5. Some things you cannot UN-see. Nudity while swimming in east Europe is common. Berlin, Germany recently announced women do not have to wear tops in public swimming pools any more.
  6. Going to the "Official Website: https://ltr.boi.go.th/" link to learn more yields this message: HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable.
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