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Everything posted by pathologix

  1. Thanks (and to everyone else) for the feedback. I just need to goto Cambodia for business for a few days... I'm not returning to the country of origin. Friends in Singapore had mentioned their embassy had returned their old passports for one-last trip while they were awaiting the new ones to print. Which would be ideal, as I have enough space on my last visa page for a couple more stamps. But trying to get the Bangkok location of this embassy to do anything useful, like return my passport, is futile. So... it sounds like I'm locked up in Thailand ????
  2. I'm a dual citizen with 2 Western passports. The passport I entered with (and which has my B visa) ran out of visa pages, so is being renewed at that embassy. I get a fresh one in a few weeks. However, some last-minute travel has popped up, and I need to leave the country for a few days. I know it's not allowed under normal circumstances... but is there any way to exit on my second passport – which has my same name? I have photos of the stamp, visa, entry card, etc. from passport #1. And i don't mind re-entering as a tourist for a couple weeks as I await my primary passport and getting its visa transferred over. The embassy that has passport #1 is totally useless and seemingly impossible to contact. So, I don't think I'll get anything useful out of them.
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