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James Roderick

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  1. Next you will be telling me that the "Big Guy" is as bright as a button and switched-on to World affairs, rather than the elderly, bumbling , aging buffoon I see daily on TV. The guy is clearly senile - how could he possibly think about running for a second term. Come to think of it, your Joe would have trouble running to the bathroom !! Much of the data has already been authenticated - just read the book "The Laptop from Hell " .
  2. What was the fraud exactly and who lost money ??
  3. The laptop from hell, belongs to Hunter B and the world now knows it !!
  4. Hi Borderhopper . Where in Cambodia did you decide to settle ??
  5. what long term visas are available for India and what financial and other requirements apply to such long-term stays ?
  6. Thanks Eisfeld- that information is very useful!!
  7. As the heading says, is it possible to take a Thai- registered bike into Lao ? If so , what documentation is required and how difficult is the transfer process in getting my bike from here to there. My plan is to travel around Lao by bike for about a month before returning to the Kingdom. Has anyone ever done such a trip with their own bike? On that same note, is it possible to put a motorbike on the train from Bangkok to Udon Thani or Nong Khai ? ?? Many thanks in Advance
  8. As the heading says, is it possible to take a Thai- registered bike into Malaysia ? If so , what documentation is required and how difficult is the transfer process in getting my bike from here to there. My plan is to travel around Malaysia by bike for about a month before returning to the Kingdom. Has anyone ever done such a trip with their own bike? On that same note, is it possible to put a motorbike on the train from Bangkok to Hat Yai ?? Many thanks in Advance
  9. I work part-time in the Marshall Islands and in PNG. My earnings are fully taxed in both these countries - although the tax rates in PNG are punitive. Neither of these out-of-the way places has a double tax agreement with Thailand. So it looks like the Thai government wants its share of my dwindling earnings. In PNG the tax rate is about 40 %. I understand the Thai government will claim another 30 %. So, my options are to pay 70 % in tax, give-up work or move to the Philippines. Tomorrow, I will start learning Taglog !!!
  10. From my quick reading of the new tax arrangements, it looks like money bought-in from overseas to support a retirement visa - either the monthly transfer and/or the lump sum - will now be subject to local tax - and be treated as assessable income here in Thailand.
  11. The Watergate break-in had nothing to do with Nixon's tape recordings !! You really should go back and read what Wategate was all about !
  12. Are you really saying that it wasn't Hunter Biden's laptop, and all that incriminating information was fake ??
  13. The last election wasn't that fair. If the media had reported on Hunter Biden's laptop then Trump would have certainly won. Instead the media, and particularly social media actively suppressed most stories damaging to Biden , and withheld those benefiting Trump - that was hardly fair.
  14. What absolute rubbish. Please cite evidence for your ludicrous claim !!
  15. Didn't Bill Clinton do something similar - does the name Lewinski ring a bell!!
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