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  1. Hi all, i am looking for recommendations for a primer to redecorate a shop. the walls are acrylic emulsion, which has oil build up over the years. There is also some problems with rising damp which i woul dlike to take care of as well. regards
  2. @dazinoz anecdotal evidence ... ladies in massage shops would not accept the owner keeping their money - they would leave and it would be on the thai lady jungle drums - and then the owner would not be able to hire any new staff - as they would know of the bad practices of the owner.
  3. massage shop ladies are generally self-employed. They take a percentage of the charges for the massage. some shops guarantee a minimum amount each day. some shops give free food / water / room for ladies. Shops dont get any of the 'tip' that the massage lady recieves.
  4. few beers after working day - id say half / half of the week. Dont drink spirits and i dont drink wine. thing is to not let it become a habit ...
  5. legal in your private residence - not in the weed shops ...
  6. scraping ... the .... barrel ...
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