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Posts posted by DannyP

  1. I don't understand but it's mean, if I travelling in Thailand I have to visit immigration everytime when I change hotel and city? Really??? So if today I'm in Udon Thani one night and tomorrow I will be in Khon Kaen one night, I should go to immigrations in Udon Thani and Khon Kaen? Just for report my adress? I just bet that I don't stay in "official" hotels.  Im just on visa exemption now... 


    Sounds really crazy. And no information about that at embassies websites or goverment. 

  2. @lovethai123 I think You should think about make your life more stable. Find legal, well paid job in Your country or open profitable business.  Just give yourself little time for improve your work and financial situation to have more money to visit Thailand often. If You have money - no problem with visit Thailand. I know some people for example from India who run well business in Thailand and have legal, NON-B Immigrant visas.  I know you expect another solution, but if You really love girlfriend, You should think about that.  Just save her more dissapointments.  Unfortunatelly visa rules getting harder and harder for everyone. It is big problem in relationships with Thai woman. 


    Unfortunatelly Your situation is different than mostly of forum users, who are from Western countries. 


    And in my opinion You should entry to Thailand on land boarder as much as possible. Nongkai is the best. If You have no choice and need fly by plane, avoid popular airports like Phuket, Bangkok (both), Krabi, Chiang Mai.  I don't know what about Pattaya, Hat Yai, Udon Thani, Khon Kaen, but maybe it's low risk to be refuse?  And always be well dressed and elegant at the street. Not look like homeless. 



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  3. 9 hours ago, Snow Leopard said:

    You will never get a credit card issued by a bank in the country you are visiting whilst being there on a tourist visa. I would have thought that would be pretty obvious. 


    I don't talk about credit card. I mean debit card what is connecting with current account balance. 


    I open Payooneer and other Fintech. 



  4. 4 hours ago, Kwasaki said:

    If you have a Bangkok bank account and your own home country bank debit cards, credit cards that's always been enough for me in Asia.

    Transferwise & Deemoney are good for getting money moved either way or Bangkok bank can do same as Deemoney you just have to take into account cost and arrangements for money amounts.


    Thanks I will check Deemoney. 


    But still Im interest about opening banks accounts with local credit cards in few SEA countries. Like Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Philipinnes. 

  5. Report from Laos boarder


    I back to Thailand at visa exemption via train from Vientiane , but at first immigration officer don't want let me entry, because he thougts I cross the land boarder two times in this year already, but these stamps was from last year ???? After negotationts, he realize with mistakes and give me entry stamp ????

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  6. Hello mates, 


    Do You have any experience in opening personal bank accounts in South East Asia countries just with tourist visa? I mean countries like Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philipinnes and Thailand of course (I have savings accounts here in Bangkok Bank, but wanna now more about other options). Is it possible? What about requirements?  


    Is it possible to get bank account with card from Master Card or Visa and use this card abroad? You can connect easy with Pay Pal or other e-wallet? 


    I heard they ask about proof of residence in their countries.  It's possible to ask owner of guesthouse for rental agreetment, even if You don't want to stay long time in this country, just only need paper for bank? 


    Do You transfer money oversea, for example from third persons (not from your account)  without problems? 


    I will be grateful for Your tips and bank recommendations, where I can open bank accounts without problem. 



  7. Big condolences for You. I'm really sorry about your wife and your situation and hope you will well. 


     But from other side it's still unbelievable for me. Sorry for being importunate. 


    1. Do You have a bank account and credit card? Because you will need it to buy flight ticket in cheap price. 


    If You have, how do you open and manage, If you not have valid document and not visit your counties three decades?


    2. You don't have in your area any Thai or foreign friends who can help you? No one? You are 30 years there, it's impossible to know no one. You are more Thai than French. 


    No kids or family from your wife side? You were almost 30 years with her so you can't contact with someone from family about help?


    What about family in your country? Do you have some contact or when did you have last time? Maybe you should find your family on Facebook, refresh contact and ask about help? Not only financial. 


    3. How do You survive in Thailand almost 30 years? How did You make money? You wrote you used savings, but...  did you had enough savings for almost 30 years living in Thailand and support your wife? How did You transport all savings to Thailand in one trip In a few bags and change in exchange office?


    Or you and your wife had a small business there?




  8. 53 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

    Hells bells...listen to Leaver.

    Online zero problem. You obtain "letter of approval" download visa app form, attach photo. Cost about 20usd. Go to VOA counter (left side pp control) 50 USD multiple entry. I do it EVERY 3 months. What's with Vientiane??


    Why Vientiane? Because I want do visa run and back to Thailand by land boarder.  Stay one month and in half of June go to Vietnam.  So visa run is mainly reason. But in the same time, I thought apply for multi entry 3 months visa in Vietnam, direcitly in embassy.  But I will do it online. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Leaver said:

    So you will travel all the way to Vientiane from Bangkok, for another 30 days, which would be back to back, which doesn't look good now, or in the future.


    Why not fly from Bangkok to Vietnam, do your 3 months, then you can fly back to Thailand, and do another month in Thailand then?  No over land travel. 


    Safer (visa wise) safer (transport wise) cheaper, quicker, easier.


    Unless, of course, you have fallen in love, and desperately need 1 more month with your future wife.  ????


    Yeah, you're right, but I need one month more with a reason what You text ???? But from other side it will be my last month in Thailand in this year. I plan back but in January 2020 with SETV. To the end of this year I want to stay in Vietnam and travelling to all nearby countries. 

  10. 3 minutes ago, Leaver said:

    Get your Master Card or Visa Card out, and your passport out, get online, and arrange your visa on arrival for Vietnam.  Simple.  You will have the VOA letter back tomorrow.


    Then, instead of making your way to Vientiane, which you have to pay about $40USD for a Lao Visa at the boarder, make your way to an airport that has cheap flights to Vietnam. 


    Why waste 1 week of your time, energy, another page in your passport, and money, going to Vientiane, for something you can do online. 


    You would still have to make your way from Vientiane to Vietnam.  It makes no sense.  


    Where are you in Thailand? 


    I want go to Vietnam in the half of June, not now.  I wanna stay in Thailand one month more, so in next days I want to do visa run and back on one month visa exemption.  When my visa exemption end, then I want go to Vietnam with three months multi entry visa. 


    Of course You're right with online application. I think I will do it and save a little bit time. Just stay few days in Vientiane to visit friend and not to make confuse immigration officer about short visa run. 


    I stay in Bangkok. 


    8 minutes ago, Leaver said:

    All of the online Vietnam visa agents offer 3 month multi entry visas.


    Here's one of the bigger ones.  Cost $43USD to the agent, and $50USD to immigration at the airport. 




    A lot of budget airlines fly to Vietnam out of Thai airports now. 


    No need to go to Vientiane. 




     But no matter of that I have to go to Vientiane because my Thai visa end, so I must leave Thailand. 


    I try to apply for a Vietnam visa by myself, without visa agent. Of course if it's possible.  If not, I will use agent. 


    But thank You for link. 43 USD is price only for agency service right? What about price for Vietnam visa? Because , if I understand well, 50 USD to immigration at the airport is another charge, beside visa price and agency service (if I use).  

  12. 8 minutes ago, Leaver said:

    Why are you going to Vientiane to get a Vietnam visa if you have already been there and done the tourist things? 


    You can arrange a Visa on Arrival for Vietnam,  online. 


    I know I can do it online, but not always. it works. If I understand well, I can get 3 months multi entry visa only directly in embassy. Not online. 


    I go to Vientiane because my Thai visa end 7 May.  And moreover I think its a some of prove to Thai immigration that I leave country soon. 

  13. Guys, I have question. Im in Asia almost 1 year and 5 months. My visa story in Thailand: 2 SETV (one from embassy in my homecountry, both extended) and 3 visa exmpetions (2 extended).  From October to February I was outside Thailand, just travelling and have stamps from Cambodia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos, Malaysia, Singapore. 


    My visa expired 7 May and I want go to Vientiane via land boarder in Nongkai. Then I want stay there around 5-7 days and apply about... multi entry 3 months visa to... Vietnam with 16 June date start).  


    Then I want go back to Thailand on visa exemption (my first visa exemption in this year) with Vietnam visa and flight ticket to Vietnam. The same land boarder - Nongkhai. 


    Do You think I can have problem in Nongkhai (like deny) boarder when I will back to Thailand on visa exemption? Im in Asia 1 year and 5 months, no back to home country during this time. I think I travelling a lot like tourist, but im still not look like average tourist. 


    BTW - what happen if You are deny in the land boarder? You have departure stamp from previous country on the visa. Its not problem to get new? 


  14. 2 minutes ago, Arthur1960 said:

    As wrote the 20.000 thb for pay the overstay, the funds for purchase a bus ticket and for a plane back Paris are already in my wallet. After read all your posts now the problem is the passport and how to pay for a new one. Silly question: if i go at check with this passport, they will refuse me 100%?


    Pay direcitly by cash in embassy I bet 

  15. I think every hotel ask You about passport.  A lot not report to immigration but just for security themselves.  


    Im not sure its good way, but what about to stay in... temple? Maybe monks let You spend couple days and give You food. I think no one ask You about passport there. 


    But first call to embassy please.  And try to calm down. You have to be focus during all process. 

  16. Hmmm but what do You think about travel by bus? I travel a lot by bus in Thailand and they rarely check passports and almost never check your visa. Just they are curious this is your ticket or not. Drivers and staff don't know how look immigration stamp. It's not their business to hunt for overstayers (Im not sure to say the same about airports or train staff).  As well, some friend can buy ticket for Your name. 


    Some cons - I don't know about way from Chiang Mai do Bangkok, but sometimes police stopp buss and check pssports and docmments (especially near Myanmar boarder and South Thailand). 



  17. Last time (last Friday) they check so better care about that. If Your apartment dont want to give You TM30, try to find hotel what can report you to immigration (just ask about that) and check in for a couple days. 


    Im in situation like that. My hotel didnt report me, so immigration didnt give me extension. The same about another guy from ThaiVisa.


    Tomorrow I will go to immigration. My new hotel said they report me to immigration.  My visa expired yesterday in Sunday, today is holiday, so hope I will not have problem with overstay and I dont say about pay fine. 





  18. Yes, you re right about hotel. But my visa will expire at Sunday 7 April. 


    7 April - Sunday, weekend, immigration close


    8 April - Monday, holiday, immigration close....


    Its not problem about pay money for overstay. I can pay for overstay, easy. But I afraid I would show in immigration on overstay and will have problem. I can be denied, because Im no overstay MAYBE. And what then? 


    @Austrian26 What do You plan? ????



  19. Almost the same situation from today bro. I was extend tourist visa and they said I cannot because hotel not report my adress. To be clear, I type adress hotel in Bangkok where I really stay now.  I was so late, but call to hotel and they told me they are not hotel, just homestay and cannot. So I need to do visa run too.


    And moreover they say Im long time on tourist visa in Thailand (2 months this year, 7-8 months last year). But they denied me, because no report from hotel and no paper (I dont know TM 30 or something) from the owner. i didnt know about that. 


    Now I am in Thailand on SETV. 


    Im not sure what to do now. Go abroad or check in another hotel to report and wait untill Tuesday and extend visa? I will pay overstay or not?  What do You recommend? 

  20. 12 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    You will not be able to get a multiple entry non-ed visa within the reason. It might even be difficult to get one now in your home country.

    To apply for one you would have to enroll in a school.

    You can only apply for METV in you home country or country of legal residence.

    Perhaps a Thai Elite visa would be an option. You can get a 5 year visa that allow unlimited one year entry up to the date it expires.

    See: https://www.thailandelite.com/at-your-service/card/elite-easy-access-membership?locate=en


    I now a lot of situations when friends dont attend to school and have visa. But they not travelling like me, just stay in Thailand... Well, if not means not ???? Go to Vietnam for few months ????


    Thai elite visa is the best option but for future maybe, not now. I plan stay in Asia this and next year. After live in another continent. 

  21. February report from land boarder Thai / Myanmar in Myawadi / Mae Sot.  No problem. Nice and quickly.  SETV in Yangon very easy. Just give them documents (outwards tickets, but not financial proof) and everything fine. No question about more things. Next working day I got a visa. It was my second SETV, but first in Asia. One year living in Asia in this time. 

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