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Posts posted by TRichards

  1. Lots of conspiracy theorists are saying "he must have known you're planning the holiday". I doubt it. I think it's simply that he saw a friendly email I sent to my ex and flipped. Perhaps one of the friends I'm visiting mentioned it to my ex, but so what? Whether her new partner knows or not, I don't see how that helps with solving the issue. 

  2. 8 hours ago, Shoeless Joe said:


    Jeez man, there you go again! Be honest with yourself, you don't really want a solution do you? You just want to keep the thread alive by ignoring every positive and helpful response. The potential problem is really just inside your head, so stop wittering on about: false "evidence"; threats of arrest by the police; lawyers and agencies checking on non-existent "blacklists"; the ex-girlfriend and her boyfriend.


    Also, by cherry-picking one sentence from my response you've neatly chosen to ignore what I considered to be, helpful advice in my reply to you, so here it is again:

    "There is of course a stunningly simple answer (which has already been suggested and rejected). It is to forget about holidaying in Thailand and write off the cost. Then take a nice non-stressful restful holiday in another part of the world. OK, so you lose some money but hey, what's that when set against peace of mind?"












    You don't understand the situation, and reposting your own advice and insisting I heed it achieves nothing.


    I lived in Thailand for a number of years and had a highly enjoyable social life there. My holiday is to visit a number of friends I haven't seen for two years, and I'd rather not write it and them off purely because of someone harassing me who may have set me up to be arrested. I asked a number of those friends for advice but nothing promising was provided, hence this thread.


    I'm not "wittering on", I'm keeping the topic going in the hope that more info will be provided on my preferred option, suggestion of an agent who can investigate this for me and find out if there's a problem or not, because I'd much rather prevent the possibility of problems now than try to fix them on arrival at Christmas.


    Here's a better suggestion than you telling me to "stop wittering on". If you don't like my posts, don't read them. Thanks.  

  3. 16 hours ago, Shoeless Joe said:

    I don't know, but the OP's original post and subsequent negative responses; rejecting a plethora of well-meaning, sound advice leads me to question why he seems so determined to try and find a solution to an (as yet) non-existent problem.


    So you think I should agree with everyone, and do nothing about preventing the potential problem occurring?

  4. 8 minutes ago, mstevens said:

    Due to your obvious paranoia, I would cancel the trip to Thailand and never visit again.  

    I've no idea why you are mocking my caution. Threats of having arranged an arrest by the Thai police from someone who presumably has mental health problems are not to be taken lightly in my view. I've paid out nearly £1000 on hotels for 17 nights. If there's a simple check that an agency can run, I'll take it. I could get it done later in the year, a few weeks before Christmas.

    • Confused 1
  5. 6 hours ago, cyberfarang said:



    If you have not committed any serious defamation against anybody, and there is no evidence to the contrary, then tell this person either to do their worst or get stuffed. Also, as I`ve already mentioned, check out the email headers to find their origins. Or PM me the email header script and I will check for you.


    if someone is using threats to try and stop you visiting Thailand, this is classified as harassment and even a form of blackmail. 


    Maybe there is more to this than you`re telling us?

    I don't know if this person has created any evidence for the police to get their teeth into. Sorry, I don't understand the importance of finding out the email origins. He's already told me he's my ex wife's new partner. My ex wife lives in Bangkok.


    Yes I agree that what he's doing is harassment. I don't want to get into a legal battle. I simply want to find out if the police will trouble me if I decide to go ahead with my holiday. Someone earlier mentioned that there are agencies who can check blacklists and that type of thing. That seems to be the most straightforward approach. Can anyone name such an agency? I think that's all I need.  

  6. 6 hours ago, mstevens said:

    Police do actually investigate things and won't seek an arrest warrant unless there is compelling evidence against someone.  A complaint about someone does not automatically mean an arrest warrant is issued.


    I really think you're worrying too much about this!

    Sorry but I lack your faith in the decency of professionalism of the Thai police. In my opinion they are not to be trusted and I don't want to risk even a 1% chance of having to deal with them because of a fake complaint of criminal behaviour. I've no idea why defamation, were I actually guilty of it, is even a criminal offence, and I don't want to find out why.  

  7. 6 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

    If you know for sure that you haven`t defamed anyone, then no problem.




    You're assuming that he hasn't reported something to the police, that I won't be arrested upon arrival, that the police won't be expecting bribes from me, and I'll not need to spend on a lawyer to be able to return to my holiday. Any of those things happening counts as a problem in my book.

  8. 5 hours ago, mstevens said:

    I think you are failing to look at the whole picture here.  No, he does not have to tell you his name, but look at the situation objectively: If someone made a criminal complaint about you to police then do you really think they would start sending you anonymous emails about it.  I very much doubt it.  If they emailed you at all there would be zero reason to hide behind a non de plume.  The odds that the person behind the emails has made a complaint to police about you is genuine is very, very slim.....unless there's more to the story and there's something pertinent you're not telling us!

    His objective seems to be to keep me away from my ex-wife. I've no plans to see her, but he seems to think differently. He knows that the police would release me after X hours or days of investigation, so I think his tactic is to intimidate me into not even going to Thailand in the first place.  That seems to be his preferred option to me actually being arrested then released in Thailand, and is logical because it keeps me as far away as possible. 


    Whether or not the police thing is a bluff is what I need to find out. 

  9. 16 minutes ago, mstevens said:

    If someone makes a complaint to the Thai police they have to do so under their name.  Their ID card or passport details are recorded and they are noted as the complainant.  An anonymous tipoff about defamation would be ignored.  So if this mystery person does go ahead and make a claim for defamation against you the first thing you would know is who they were.  Given that they have not used a name the whole thing sounds bogus.  Anyone who had a genuine case would not hide behind a nameless email.  It sounds very much like they are simply trying to scare you.  Really, I would not worry about it.

    There's a difference. He's under no obligation to tell me his name in these emails, and hasn't. Which most likely means he's a coward. It's unrelated to giving it to the police when reporting this alleged defamation. So yes, I'd find out his name, when potentially arrested at Christmas. That doesn't help much with trying to avoid being arrested beforehand. 

  10. 2 hours ago, Chou Anou said:

    That said--I really love your idea in this post!!  "I'm already here in Thailand, let's meet up for a beer..." This would REALLY throw the person off guard and unnerve them. If the OP took you up on this suggestion, I doubt he'd ever hear from the guy again.

    Thanks but I'm not bothered by hearing from whoever he is. Emails can be ignored, blocked, deleted. I'm bothered by what the Thai police may have been informed and will do upon my arrival at Suvarnabhumi. 

  11. 8 hours ago, bwpage3 said:

    You give the police way too much credit and think they have nothing to do but investigate these bogus issues? I say 100% nothing to worry about. 


    The fact he doesn't use a name and a random email should be convincing enough this guy is just blowing smoke.


    Probably just the fact you are in your ex-wife's life at all is bothering him.


    A real neurotic tosser that thinks your ex-wife might still like you better than him.


    I wouldn't lose one wink of sleep over this.

    Fair call but I'd prefer to find out the situation and be sure if I can. If this is genuine I can simply avoid Thailand. I'll lose a lot on hotel bookings but I'd hate to be arrested anywhere, especially Thailand.  

    • Like 1
  12. 11 hours ago, tubby johnson said:

    Is he bluffing or telling the truth? One way to find out is by testing him.


    Politely reply to him: "Hello Mr XXYYZZ, Perhaps we could meet up and discuss amicably what seems to be troubling you. I arrived in Thailand two weeks for my summer vacation and met my ex-wife (your current wife) and had a friendly chat about your attitude. (now he suspects his wife has been cheating on him ?) I had no trouble at immigration and I don't know what your defamation threats are all about (this will wind him up a little and show up his legal impotence ?). I'm currently in the neighbourhood. Please reply to me if you'd like to meet for a few beers in the evening and talk this over."


    Remain unfailingly polite, and his replies might reveal whether he's sane and a genuine threat or just a little farang drunk in over his head in silly bluffs.

    That sounds too much like trying to play him at his own game. I'm not twisted like that. I'd much rather simply find out if I'm on an arrest warrant list or not. There must be a way to know.  

  13. 1 hour ago, LongTimeLurker said:

    In which case you would be able to show that you were not in the country at the time and so it was not you using the sim card?

    Yes I could, but it's the whole being arrested at the airport and carted off for X number of hours or days and the damage that could cause to my new relationship not to mention my holiday that I want to avoid. I've already booked return flights to Bangkok and hotels. I really don't want to have to go to Vietnam or somewhere like this if there's a simple way of finding out if there's a genuine problem.


    I thought about applying for a Thai police clearance certificate before I go at Christmas but I suspect that only reveals convictions. Anyone know?

  14. 2 hours ago, mstevens said:

    I'd be tempted to reply to the email and state clearly that you have not defamed anyone and that any accusation of defamation is false.  Go on to say that anyone making a false claim about you would see a counter claim against that person.  Yes, if in Thailand someone makes a contrived claim to the police about you which subsequently proves to be false then you can sue them for that.  It's all a bit silly and such a response seems unnecessary and not the sort of thing one wants to engage in, but maybe it will shut this person up?

    I don't even know his name. The email address is random and he doesn't use a name. I've got nothing to go on. I doubt my ex wife would tell me his name either. 

  15. 4 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

    I would take a guess and it is just a guess that the person is full of wind. Probably just trying to frighten you to stay away. I wouldn't let  anyone know when your coming back to Thailand or where your staying.

    I haven't. He seems to think I'll be arrested at immigration if I ever return, so where I stay is presumably irrelevant. 

  16. 8 hours ago, ukrules said:

    They know you're coming back obviously, how ?

    They don't know. I think it's a case of a jealous new partner of my ex-wife who sees me as a threat to his relationship for some crazy reason and wants me never to return. I talk with my ex wife in a friendly manner once a month or so. Perhaps he saw my latest email to her a couple of weeks ago and lost it.

  17. Hello all at Thaivisa, 


    I have a current concern and would appreciate some viewpoints. I used to live in Thailand and left two years ago following divorce from a Thai lady. I've booked to return to Thailand for the first time since then for a Christmas holiday in a few months time. 


    I've received several strange emails in recent days from someone claiming to be my ex-wife's new partner, who appears to have a grudge against me. I don't know his nationality but his English appears to be native. I deleted and thought nothing more about them apart from the most recent, received yesterday. This email claimed that he had been defamed by me on the internet, that the words had been reported to the Thai police, and that I'll be arrested at the airport for questioning if I ever return to Thailand. I've spent the past 36 hours pondering what this is all about.


    I don't know who he is or what this grudge is about, but it's presumably linked to my ex-wife and is either a bluff or a set up. A friend I spoke to earlier today suggested that he could have defamed himself on a website somewhere using my name and reported it to the Thai police. Could it be as simple as that?? He may even have had access via my ex-wife to an old 12call simcard registered in my name and used that to do it, if that makes any difference (IP addresses etc).   


    As the hours have passed I've grown increasingly worried. The last thing I want for my Christmas holiday with my new partner is to be detained by the police on arrival in Thailand. Should I take this seriously? Is there anything I can do before arriving at Christmas to check if it's a genuine problem?


    Many thanks for any opinions or advice. 

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