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Everything posted by Grossman

  1. I think they might've learned something along the way and actually ended up including the engines somewhere down the list.. after the more important bits like a golden <deleted>ter and a fully equipped "fun room".
  2. Of course its news! Pretty sure there is already a committee of wise old men in the works to ensure Thailand's leading role as a Refuelling Hub. Obviously, to achieve such a grandiose goal, a few trips will be required for the aforementioned wise old men (and their wives giks) to study the art of refuelling.
  3. What was that one party again.. Prawit & Prompow Racketeering Posse?
  4. Nice! More outstanding future members for PPRP!
  5. No he isn't on tiktok, but he does sometimes post on his dead friend's account.
  6. What a pile of buffalo poo-poo again, as usual. Yeah.. No problem dissolving a whole party over a few defunct shares, but what about the fact that most (if not all) local media is controlled by these idiots with Prayuth and other dinosaurs constantly getting air time with their nonsensical BS and FUD?
  7. While this MFP win is a step to the right direction, I can't but to agree what you say here. Even with a bit more optimistic view assuming the new winners do honestly drive the "will of the people", there's decades (if not centuries) worth of baggage supporting the contrary and things won't change overnight (nor are they allowed to be changed.. you can play in your sandbox, but dare to cross the line and you'll find yourself in the penalty box). And since we're doing quotes, here's one from Mr G. Orwell: “If you want to know who rules over you, look at who you are not allowed to criticize.”
  8. I guess the one above all hasn't spoken yet..
  9. Hahaa, looks like someone shat their camo knickers seeing their besties lost in Thailand. Hopefully things work well for Pita & Co and we get a domino effect elsewhere too. Always a great source of joy to see these military manchild -types getting what they deserve.
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