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Posts posted by LoveisTruth

  1. I read this excerpt  a couple of years ago and though I do my best to follow Christ, not being much of a Bible thumper or evangelist, I was suspicious, thinking this might be Christian propaganda, which, by the way, is an oxymoron, as the word “Christian” actually means “Christ-like” (and, well, that’s a whole other conversation.) After asking people I knew in Cambodia, some from Vietnam and others (some Buddhist, some Christian) from Thailand (who all confirmed knowing of this scripture as authentic) and since I lived in Chiang Mai, I visited Wat Phra Singh, (“The Temple of the Lion”), where I asked an elder monk if the scripture quoted above was actually housed at his temple. He said yes and pointed to a small building that he said contained this scripture and also told me that it is sealed for 10 years. He also told me Chiang Mai University had taken pictures of it and put it on microfiche. I visited the Library, where the Monk thought it might be located. They told me they no longer store microfiche at the library but it is in a database in their arts and cultural center. (More research to do). This was in the third week of July, 2018 (just two days ago, as I write this). I guess we have to wait 10 years to lay our eyes on the actual manuscript, but it does cause me to ponder and pray. It is for those who have eyes to see and those who have ears to hear. As far as I know only those who have not investigated this, dispute it. (This is a common practice called “contempt prior to investigation”), a sure way to remain ignorant. The rest of those I have discussed this with, either honestly say they do not know about it (This includes a Catholic Priest, other Christians, Buddhists and laymen alike) or when asked, they confirm it’s authenticity based on their first hand knowledge. You do the math...or the research, as you like. Either way ignorance is a dull path trudged by those who seem happy flailing and faltering in light of the truth, usually from a bar stool or some other ridiculous pulpit. I do find it interesting that western sources now say there is evidence to support that during Yeshua’s missing years (age 13-33) he was reported to be a Buddhist monk by some and a wandering prophet (all over Asia) by others. In any event it would be remarkable and even amazing to discover that Yeshua followed Buddha to some extent, only to later be reavealed that Christ was followed by Buddha...Seems reasonable and fitting in a circular more universal view. Krishna was confirmed to be Christ by an actual Hindu Priest, so why would this be so surprising? Probably TMI for most, but I hope it helps. ((((LOVE))))

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