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Joker Man

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Everything posted by Joker Man

  1. What a shame to some of these political parties.?
  2. Maybe they have really figure out the Best way to handle the Chinese visitors this time around. Personally, I think if other neighboring countries can use this same method or other the Chinese will adjust their behaviors. Well, I guess.
  3. Shocking she's also a wife of a deputy superintendent.
  4. Yes, Pheu Thai don't share with them please.... Both parties are on the same wavelength.
  5. Son must have been pissed off for not laying hands on Dad's money.
  6. So sad that the Experienced instead got stung.
  7. And I really hope it doesn't goes that way which will be too bad or sad.
  8. Who ever did this to them is nothing but a wayward coward. Here it seems taking someone's or others live is a trophy. RIP to them. My condolences to their families.
  9. It's a sad situation here. There's a word that goes by ”charity begins at home " but it's eventually not here....I can do whatever I want and nobody will stop me from doing it.
  10. "Will bring Bad Karma to the country " he says. Most people are already fade up with his team... Does he knows that? or is it another ways to win the peoples minds..
  11. I'm a black guy. Yes, I would say happens alot here especially at some local places. Where I live, I have a white friend who hails from the UK. He always visit me with his two daughters because where he lives the locals there for some unknown reason always uses Thai derogatory slurs on him. It even get into some point where his wife brother knocks his door for money to buy lao-kaoh. I think it's always better to Keep a cool when engages with them as most of them lacks Social etiquettes.
  12. Hope everyone got their own shares of the Cash????????
  13. Never admit failures or wrongs why?????
  14. Like seriously, is this coming from a third year old kid...
  15. Opening more counters and sufficient preparations ahead of time will definately solved the problems.....Without criticism people will not learn to adjust.
  16. The Chinese...why must they always get involved in this <deleted> all the times...????
  17. Serious parenting problems here and it is high time they start working on it.
  18. This is absolutely disgusting and wicked of the so called Greedy Owner. Why buy something he knows he cannot take good care....That's animal cruelty. Prays the Ape mental health is ok..
  19. Rip to the young man. The tragedy is a little bit twisted and I am very sure that truth will prevails soonest.
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