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Posts posted by bquick

  1. Thailand has Gone Sour. The Thai facade is so weak now.

    The chinese-thai own the country, media and anything of value now and use the media to control the Thai-Thai popultion and it's important to keep for the chinese to keep Thai people dumb.

    Sad to see the country fooled like that.

    I'm leaving with most of my lifes savings wasted in thailand but i've learned to not care same as the thai people.

    Thailand as a country is a trick. You foreigners are all the marks. It's just time before you lose your money and feeling here too.

    This is my last post. Good Luck and i hope you all get out with out too much damage. You'll need it with all the chinese tricksters here out to screw you over any way they can.

  2. I took out a thai lease for 30 years (registered in land office) and afterwards the landlord told me after a drink that leases in thailand mean nothing to thai people and that the landlord could take it back anytime. I said if you did and i would be forced to sue you for which i got the reply "Everybody know the farang always lose in law here. waste your money."

    Then there was talk about a simple accident would take care of any such problem like that the landlord might have.

    all smiles so i guess the landlord meant sending some punks to give a few broken bones or simpler maybe knocking one down in a pickup or sending a few punks around to pretend to rob the house or like that.

    Anyway moral is to stay on good terms with landlords here and their heirs.

    Thailand has gone sour with learning all about what thais or the thais that affect us really think so it is just a matter of time before i go back to my homecountry for good or to another more honest country. I hate having wasted so much money in the country with no real appreciation.

  3. jews of the east.

    'selfish' and 'self-serving' are common descriptions.

    I've heard elsewhere other sories about partly foreign owned companies being investigated today so lets wait and see but it just reaffirms the feeling that Thailand is a beautiful enough country, but run by very untrustworthy people with a very selfish self-serving agenda. They are laughing at all the losing foreigners now ready to buy buy buy for peanuts and do it again in another 10 years. Laughing they are.

    When they screw over foreigners it's a good thing and something to be proud off with each other.

  4. The land office people told mrs today that there is a real problem in thailand that foreigners have many houses and the thai people cannot afford to buy them houses. The foreigners own too much so they have to stop them and the thai people have to work together to keep the foreigners money but not let the land and house belong to them.

  5. this is not about the individual Farang buying land and a house, it's about foreign conpanies/organisations buying the land from Thais and building on it to make profit, it seems that the capitalistic style is getting less popular with the locals, quite understandable if you ask me

    I am an idividual farang who wanted to buy one house as a safety net in case of breakup and i got refused in land office.

    So now After spending about 5 million total I'm screwed. Amazing and disgraceful that Chinese-Thais and cronies led us up the garden path like this to screw us hard and fast.

    Taksin and his kind can buy a lot more now with his money and latter maybe lead tens of thousands more foreingers up the gaden path to screw them too. It's the information age now so their kind of behaviour is a lot more difficult to get away with unhurt. People will remember and talk.

  6. Thailand Trickery.

    How Low and selfish can a country go to trick people like this. I can hardly believe it. Amazing Thailand eh!

    The square faced guys behind this are laughing so hard at us now and rubbing there hands together in glee at this trickery. They talk about snakes, well it sure fits their thinking cozy.

    This is the kind of thing that will bring such bad luck to the country. I can feel and almost smell it. The wife who is chinese-Thai is saying not to worry because maybe i will die soon and relief.

  7. Quite why the farang should get their presumptious knickers in a twist by this bit of tub thumping by the " Thai" is beyond me. It is only their own hubris which convinced them in the first place, albeit aided by some toad snake oil salesman estate agent, that they could circumvent the stricture on foreign ownership announced in the second line of the Thai national anthem. Wishful thinking did the rest but I daresay some further clarification will be made to allay fraying nerves pro tem.

    But honestly, did the farang really think they were players in the Thai market? More fool them if they did. The Chinese own Thailand. The rest is just grist to the nationalist mill.

    True. The chinese own Thailand. Sad isn't it and the way the thais hate their own skin thanks to the chinese propaganda.

  8. We all got the carrots dangled in front of us and reassured again and again by professionals that everything was wonderfuland now we have being bent over and screwed up the ass. Tricked and Screwed screwed screwed. ass raped, lifetimes work raped.

    And it hurts.

    I walk around the malls now and see the luxury house advertised for the foreigners and my stomack hurts. Thailand ass raped me.

  9. I do not understand the remark "the day the property boom ended". There must be some property agency behind this statement.

    There will be a lot of unhappy builders and other foreigners who invested in building houses here and now not being able to sell them so you can expect a lot of fake talking from them here about how everything is ok. All the normal foreigners who put money in a thailand house just got screwed screwed screwed. Everything about that is not ok.

    If you still have your money before buying you are lucky. You escaped. A lot of people had paid already only to find out they will have to put the house into a non-trustable name and lease it and deal with the offical thai owner's family likely for a few years before giving up from the unhealthy hassle.

    Lots of Dead money with news of that change.

  10. We got tricked.

    We all got tricked who bought here.

    I swear I will never never trust a chinese man again never.

    Property in thailand is :o now.

    I wish all the money the few political lowlifes make from screwing over all the foreigners brings them all the unhappiness hunger and greed they can handle. They deserve it. it is just a shame the rest of the thai population has to suffer because of them.

  11. Is that what is happening with the rules that part foreign owned companies cannot buy anymore?

    Actually more likely the houses would just sit empty, partly unfinished and failed like them other buildings you see everywhere after the 1997 thing.

    Real dissapointing about thailand them new rules. I wonder what the real reasons are or who makes the money from screwing the country over like this.

    Whats happening if a part foreign owned company tries to sell a house?

  12. Is that what is happening with the rules that part foreign owned companies cannot buy anymore?

    Actually more likely the houses would just sit empty, partly unfinished and failed like them other buildings you see everywhere after the 1997 thing.

    Real dissapointing about thailand them new rules. I wonder what the real reasons are or who makes the money from screwing the country over like this.

  13. Nobody answered if loxinfo or star connect was better with ipstar.

    the tot ipstar is capped so forget it. uncapped for sme it costs i think 2,200 for the same package that loxinfo do for 1,800.

    they all want year contracts too so them promotion prices will scree you for 2 months price cancelfee plus 3,000 uninstall fee. = about 4 months worth so if it is crap they screw you that way too.

    It was such a big thing when launched with all the taksin superstitution for the peasants and assholing with neckties and big talk about how good it would be for thai people and bigger talk about the high bandwidth and then all people get is 512/256 which is nothing and even if worked at that speed would be frustratingly slow for people used to hi speed adsl.

    still better than nothing and handy if outside of telephone/adsl reach.

  14. Thai baht loses value, stands at 38.14 baht to the dollar

    The management of BankThai company stated that the Thai baht opened at 38.24/26 value against the dollar, signaling weakening strength from its recent value of 37.85/88 baht.

    The Thai baht decreased in value today, following the Japanese yen's drop to 111 yen to the dollar, causing the baht to open at 38.27 to the dollar today. A slight surge in the yen's strength at 110.60 has resulted in the Thai baht settling in at 38.24. The Euro also decreased in value, due to a recent announcement by the French Minister of Commerce stating that France will work to stabilize the Euro at its current value.

    It is expected that the Thai baht will move in a narrow margin around 38-38.30 baht to the dollar. Currently, the Thai baht is valued at 38.14/16 baht to the dollar, the Japanese yen is at 110.60/70, and the European Euro is at 1.2760.

    Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 18 May 2006

    Frogs. always wrapped up in their own selfish arrogant heads.

  15. There are various promotions. The traditional ones, which have been here since IPstar started, have data transfer caps, and they're not very generous. However, recently there have been "unlimited" promotions available. You might want to check out other ISPs to see whether they have IPstar packages that have unlimited data transfer.



    looking at the 1800 baht a month promotion i don't know if it's capped or not as it says nothing on the page. will ring csloxinfo and report. not sure if that is the best current deal or not.

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