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Everything posted by Phredd

  1. Australian Customs permit items that can't be manufactured in Australia to be Duty Free. Australia could manufacture blow-up dolls but the Australian Workers would not do so, due to their beliefs etc. So such items are Duty Free 😉
  2. I believe it's time we farrangs stop referring to any of these 'girls'. I find it a bit sickening and sad. Thailand has more than this to it's credit. So many of them are there and don't wish to be there, due to reasons beyond their control. There but by the Grace of God, goes you and I!
  3. Just hope that something Good comes out of this for all the Genuine Wonderful Thai People.
  4. I didn't see it saying he was going China, just that he was leaving the Country. Maybe USA to make a few quid.
  5. I had both bones in my leg broken 2.5 years ago still having Physio and a long time to come. Metal plate with 15 screws to hold it together. I cannot thank the Thai Medical Staff for their professional care, but not the Idiot driving her husband's big bike, at about 80kph who said "I didn't see him". Lucky I had an independent witness and a Thai nurse across the street, visiting her aging parents, at the time of the accident, who I'm told saved my life. Take Care, as in Thailand you need eyes in the back of your head. ????
  6. I'm an Aussie, who just Loves Thailand, and their Love of Life.
  7. I have a Thai lady who teaches English and some of her Students are beyond belief with there Intelligence, that's is the way I see them. However when they reach teenage years it's all gone to 'waste', particularly when it comes to girls falling in,"Love" so to speak. What a Bummer. :(:(:(
  8. Yep, Tell a Lie often enough and it becomes the Truth, no matter how it is believed
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