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Posts posted by Raven007

  1. I enjoyed reading the responses to the topic and it's too bad that the discussion ended over 10 years ago.

    I would also love to meet an Arahant. I realize it might be difficult but maybe someone could help me. After all (as they said) G-d works in mysterious ways.

    I plan to travel in Thailand and Burma in the end of this year. In fact I will be taken Goenka's 10 days mediation retreat there. It would be remarkable if I could also have an opportunity to visit a true Arahant and pay respect to him.

    I wanted to send a private message to Grover asking about the result of his quest (if he met the one he was looking for) but sadly his "Message" option is disabled.

    If someone would like to contact me with any info which could help me with my wish but would not be appropriate or wise to put it on a public forum please send me a private message. It will be greatly appreciated.

    May all beings will be happy. May all beings will be liberated.

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