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Joe Mcseismic

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Posts posted by Joe Mcseismic

  1. 1 hour ago, Bob12345 said:





    I am not calling you a liar, I am only pointing out that the "facts" you are giving are INCORRECT. I dont think you misrepresent things on purpose, it seems like you simply misunderstood what you were told and what you read. Let me explain:


    Point 1: in the article you give they are talking about the hospital next door. Maybe you are not familiar with Phuket, but next to Vachira hospital is another hospital, which is not Bangkok Hospital (Bangkok hospital is much further down the road). Next to Vachira hospital is a government hospital, which is part of Vachira, under the name "Mahogany care". It was built in the past couple of years and is open for about a year now already. This is simply the same hospital (with the same doctors) with shorter waiting lists at higher prices. Bangkok hospital is not next door, and it is not government run but private.

    Google maps image of the building, which is located EXACTLY next to Vachira hospital:


    Point 2: the work doctors do at the Mahagony care unit is not pro-bono. They get paid for it on an hourly basis but do have to fulfill their contractual hours at the Vachira hospital also. So it is basically overtime they do there (my assumption based on my knowledge of how the Thai medical system works). Nowhere in the article it says its pro-bono (it only mentions pro-bono as patients coming to vachira without means to pay their bills) and i dont think the doctor treating you will tell you how much he earns at each place.


    Point 3: my wife has been working at BHP as a doctor for the past years and has not done a minute of work at Vachira hospital. How is that possible? None of the friends working at BHP do extra hours at Vachira, how is that possible? They work between 260 and 300 hours at BHP per month, they simply have no time to work at another government hospital next to that. When we just moved to Phuket she did think about working there a bit every week to see more action (more interesting cases) and give back to the community, but that was completely out of free will and that idea was parked when her working hours increased and we got kids. 


    Edit: What LivinginKata says was the reason she considered working there a bit extra. Most doctors who would consider that have often some extra free time (less shifts to divide between the doctors in their department) or are just "doctor-junkies" who really like their work.


    I've been living in Phuket for 35 years and regardless of what you say, I know that doctors from Siriroj and BHP work some hours at Vachira.


  2. 1 hour ago, Bob12345 said:

    Where did you get that little "fact"? (Which is definately incorrect btw).


    Why would a doctor at a private hospital put in hours at a competing government hospital? Who would demand that and why? That makes no sense at all.

    Here is an article that proves Thai doctors work in private and government hospitals.



    Where's your proof that they definitely don't Bob?

    • Thanks 2
  3. 17 minutes ago, billd766 said:

    Do you have any links or facts saying the Queen and her family are at an all time low, or is your fertile imagination working overtime again?


    BTW if you are portraying the Queen as German, then by your imagination she would be pro EU and would have denied the prorogation.

    It's not just the royal family that are Germans.

    Many Brits have German blood, but, we call it Saxon.

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  4. 8 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

    Me following? You jest sir.


    It's your beloved Remainers that essentially started all the puerility with their "only racist, old, white people with a low IQ voted to leave" brickbats. The newly empowered and easily streets ahead more clever and proactive Brexiteers have simply finessed it.

    Possibly, but, walking off a cliff is still walking off a cliff. Doesn't matter how "clever and proactive" you were to get to the edge and jump.

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  5. 3 hours ago, DannyCarlton said:

    Typical Brexiteer statement. Big on jingoistic rhetoric, low on facts.


    It's actually at an all time low. Apart from betraying her own parliament to appease the Eton toffs she's also got the matter of her son going with 16 and 17 year old hookers to contend with.


    No more hiding behind the Union Jack, she's shown her true colours.



    You're wrong and I'm a British Republican.



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