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Slap My Nips

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Posts posted by Slap My Nips

  1. They shouldn't show up as foreign because normally, Transferwise are transferring from their Thai account after you have paid into their GBP account.


    If you pay by SWIFT, you can avoid this so it appears as 'foreign'. However, your transfer would then be subject to your Thai banks conversion rate and fees. 

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  2. 11 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

    There is no reason why you would be refused entry with a valid visa. You have not mentioned your travel history. Some folk get hassled at bkk airports and one report refused entry even with visa. However that was many back to back TV over a year. You won't get refuse because of your overstay. As always advised have funds on your person. If your not happy flying in then you could fly to say Vientiane and enter border non khai. You could try visa exempt there. There would even be some members just say get to non khai pay fine and try and return. This is risky. BTW keep in mind if you got pulled up now for any reason, your going to Detention. You do not want that. That's why most advice would be ...get to airport. You made small error, don't compound it for few bucks.

     Solid advice, thank you very much. 

  3. 5 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

    Your in hard spot. Best is to pay your overstay upon leaving. You you have fine (think 500/day) max 20000. You might be able to reentry on visa exempt to continue your medical. Your safest way is fly out. If not banned then just fly to nearby country and try reenter via friendly border crossing

    Is there a risk in leaving by land rather than air? 

  4. Hey guys,


    Let me start by saying I acknowledge my own, personal stupidity and make no excuses for it however, hopefully someone can advise. 


    I'm on a visa exemption and extension. I applied for a new passport just before Christmas and thanks to the holidays this took longer than expected. I have now overstayed for a few weeks.


    What's the best way to handle this? If I leave on a visa run to come back (I have some medical treatment still to do), will I automatically be declined and end up screwing myself? Would it be absolutely stupid of me to just wait till treatment is finished and then leave? This would take me to abut 82 days over stay. 

    Please don't be too harsh ????

  5. 17 minutes ago, Rally123 said:

    Wasn't there a change announced , a month or so ago, that they would not be extending your new passport by the time left on your old one?



    Oh wow! Thanks for that - again, Trendy told me something different but I'll let this thread know when I get my new passport. 


    If you want to be super safe, plan for the 6 weeks they say - most passport renewals are simple stuff unless there's a name change etc

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  6. 18 minutes ago, Rally123 said:

    So, in the event of ones passport expiring, how long before the expiry date should one apply? I ask because I believe they've stopped adding on the days you have left on your old passport?

     6 months + 6 weeks before. They add the extra time (up to 9 months) to your next passport anyway.


    In my case, it's space that's an issue rather than time ????

  7. Hey everyone,


    Sorry to dig up my old thread.


    My Passport application was delayed as I had to get some unexpected docs from the UK but luckily, I managed to get my appointment and get everything sorted in that respect.


    However, the guys at Trendy said it may take up to 6 weeks but between 4 and 6 was normal. while 4 weeks is fine, 6 weeks would put me over my second Visa Exempt Entry and extension within the last 4 months.

    I don't want it to look like I'm taking the piss as really, I want to get my passport asap and move on but as far as I can see, I only have three options:

    1) Leave in the next few weeks and try my luck at getting another Visa Exemption stamp

    2) Pay for the 7 day 'extension refused' stamp that gives me a bit of extra time to *hope* I get my passport and to leave

    3) Overstay and pay the fine

    Can anyone chime in on the least stupid/risky option?

  8. Thank you guys! It all went swimmingly.


    I did read blogs about the crossing but upon rechecking, they are from 2016 and 2017 and only mentioned that I may have to pay extra on the Cambodian side to leave.


    Thankfully, it’s all sorted. Today was a ball ache but I won’t make the same mistake again. 

  9. Hey guys,


    I came to Thailand on a 30 day visa exemption that Europeans get and extended it by 30 days. I left today via Poi Pet and wasn’t allowed in again the same day.


    They told me to fly back - and I really need to, all my stuff is in BLK.


    I’m in an airport now awaiting my flight, I have a flight booked out to Yangon in 26 days and over the 10,000 baht they asked me to show.


    Will BKK still be a nightmare? This is the first time I’ve ever done this and only my second time in Thailand.

  10. Hey Everyone,


    I'm a prolific traveller and due to some crazy stamping methods, I arrived two months ago with 5 pages and now only have 2 empty so I'd like to renew my passport before moving on.


    I understand the process, having read through this forum's posts on the subject, however I didn't see an instance of someone who is simply passing through Thailand renewing their passport here.


    Is there anyway a non resident, tourist can renew their UK passport in Thailand?

    Thank you!

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