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Posts posted by RamenRaven

  1. How often do you see Farang men who are skinnier than their Thai ladies? Not that often, but sometimes you do see them.


    Whenever you see a chubby Thai woman with a Western man, the Western man is usually a skinny dude. Opposites attract.


    What do you think the percentage of skinny Farang dude + chubby Thai lady couples is, out of all mixed couples?

  2. On 9/3/2018 at 8:20 PM, baansgr said:

    Walking,  walking,  walking.... Beats fasting anytime. For weight loss,  last meal 6pm, then nothing till 10am. Cut down on carbs,  rice,  bread etc.

    Run around the rice fields all day like a Thai Forrest Gump. Eat mostly veggies and som tam afterwards, with small portions of sticky rice. Repeat.

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  3. Why do Thai people always think a farang wants a Thai girlfriend?

    Because sex tourists, sexpats, and wife hunters are disproportionately represented among Western men in Thailand. They form a small percentage of the general population in Western countries, but Thais do not see this general Farang population.


    Similarly, why do Europeans always think that Thai women in their countries come from massage parlors and go-go bars? Because they are disproportionately represented among Thais in Europe, even though most Thais have never worked in massage parlors and go-go bars.


    Stereotypes go both ways.


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  4. How to write like a Brit on ThaiVisa

    No offense intended. Brits are kewl. But this is for light-hearted comical effect.



    They like to say "the wife" instead of "my wife." (Americans don't say that.)

    Ex: "I'm going to take the wife on a trip to the beach."


    Sometimes, "the missus" can be interchanged with "the wife."

    Ex: "I'm going to take the missus to live in Cambodia. I don't think she'll like that."


    They like to say "lad" or "chap."

    Ex: "My dark-skin Thai beauty has a few Thai lads on the side."


    Their online posts are often run-on sentences with misplaced or non-existent punctuation, perhaps due to the brain-damaging effects of chronic alcoholism. Their non-coherent writing can be difficult to decipher at times. Ironically, many claim to be English teachers.

    Ex: "once you live in thailand for many years reality strikes ya know..what are you going to do about it its corrupt slimey wot r you going to do about it,,, ok im loggin off"


    They prefer "middle-age" rather than "old" when you refer to them.

    Ex: "As a 69-year-old middle-age English expat in Jomtien, I find myself to be young at heart. The ladies make me feel young."



    To be precise, many TV posters and Farang expats are predominantly old white men from the north of England or the Midlands. A few are also from London suburbs, Wales, and Scotland, but most are old guys from Northern England. Why are they all from that demographic?

    They are not representative of the general UK population anymore. In the UK, you'll often see more Pakistanis, Nigerians, and Brazilians on the streets than native Britons. White men are often young and skinny, and there's a nice balance of men, women, children, and people of all ages.


    But divorced, overweight, balding northern English men aged 40-80+ comprise the vast majority of British expats in Thailand. There are some Australians and Germans too. You don't see that many Americans and Canadians, but there are a few.


  5. 7 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    Thailand offers small feminine women, and small, weak effeminate men.

    White girls usually want something a bit more 'manly', and there are other countries that can provide that.

    Thai women think:

    Farangland (or Farangistan) offers smelly, fat, dumb women, and even smellier, fatter, dumber, and more grotesque idiot Farang men. But hey, at least they are milkable walking ATM's. We don't even have to go to Farangistan, because they are all coming here by the planeload. ?


    Thai men, on the other hand, usually want something a bit more human-looking, and prefer delicious white-skinned leggy young model Thai ladies. No Farang access!

  6. Not a bad classification.


    Goldfinger types (quite a few box-head guys included)



    Santa Clause types



    Retired High School science teacher types (more like my box-head classification)



    Vin Diesel types = my egg-head classification



    David Beckham types = my ice cream cone-head classification (well, some of them)


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  7. Sounds like you just described Farang women too, especially the Millenial generation and younger.

    I.e., No brain, interested in random junk.


    Farang women from many different Western countries (not just the US, UK, or Australia) are also stuck to their phones and have inane interests.

    And so do the men.


    For those of you who claim that Farang women are not like this, perhaps you are referring to Farang women over the age of 35.


    Welcome to the wonderful world of globalization!



  8. Generally, no. Asian women are turned off by excessive facial and body hair.

    A little bit stubby at most.


    Some Farang women may like the bodybuilder gorilla looks, but most regular Thai women other than the gringo hunting pack would prefer a guy who is slimmer, gentler, and more caring but probably not overly effeminate either. They idolize the Japanese actor look, which isn't the effeminate Korean boy band look but is a masculine, slim look.

  9. On 4/18/2016 at 8:09 AM, BookMan said:

    Do Western women come to Thailand for the men?

    They do go to Bali for the men. Maybe even southern Thailand.


    And Jamaica, Gambia, and Kenya. Thais may not even believe you if you tell them about this, since they think light-skinned women cannot possibly be attracted to very dark men. If you think Western men like (moderately) dark-skinned women, just wait until you meet Western women and their wonderful black fetishes. ?

  10. Thais have learned to tune it out since they were babies. Barking dogs, motorcycle engines, neighbor's Thai pop music. It's all just background noise that you don't really notice.


    In your home countries, Thais will be sure to complain about extremely loud sirens,  sports cars blasting gangsta rap audible from a mile away, Farang bike gangs, screaming Farang kids with no manners, Farangs yelling loudly and shamelessly in public, annoying Farang "music" such as deafening death metal, weird Farang strangers at the grocery store queue talking at you non-stop about the recent football game and his ex-wife, and argumentative blabbering Farang politicians on TV.


    Different types of noise pollution in different countries. It's actually far worse in other countries India and Egypt, so Thailand isn't really that bad.

  11. (First off, please take this as comedy.

    Photos are from Wikimedia Commons.)


    I don't know if it's just me, but I've been noticing that most of the Western expats married to local women in northern Thailand (Chiang Mai and surroundings) have heads that are shaped like squares and boxes. As a Farang with a long face shaped like an ice-cream cone, I feel out of place among the Farangs in Chiang Mai. Farangs in Japan and China don't tend to have box-like heads either, but in Thailand, that is the predominant facial structure you see.


    Sounds like a joke, but I'm kind of being serious here. ???


    The square/box-like Farangs would be like George HW Bush.



    Or Robert Mueller.



    Or Boxman (there's a whole YouTube series on Boxman by Smosh).



    In Pattaya and other areas, you see lots of Farangs with egg-shaped heads. Like Alfred Hitchcock. Not so many boxes in Pattaya and Bangkok. Many are not married. Many are bald in a good way.



    Or, Morpheus from the Matrix with his egg-like head.



    Many backpackers and digital nomads have the long, ice-cream cone head look. Few married Farang expats in northern Thailand do. As a Farang with a long ice-cream cone face like this guy, I feel like I really stick out like a sore thumb among the square-faced Farangs. Never actually told them that, but that's how I feel.


    Not me, but my head is shaped like this.



    Has anyone noticed too? What could possibly explain this weird trend? Some theories I've thought up.


    1. Fortunetellers telling Thai ladies to marry Farang men with box-like faces, since that means they'll have a big box full of Thai baht?

    2. Predominantly older men of Germanic descent settling down with Thai women, whereas the rest are a hodgepodge of Southern and Eastern Europeans with longer or rounder faces?

    3. Random coincidence due to humans noticing patterns where they don't exist?

    4. Thai food causing heads to square out?


    I don't mean to troll or offend anyone or look down on any Farangs with heads shaped like (or not shaped like) boxes. It's just an observation that I have. Please take this light-heartedly.









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  12. Soi dogs and street dogs are a piece of cake to deal with. After you throw some rocks and act like a boss, they all scatter.


    But how do you deal with neighborhood guard dogs? They are the most stubborn, annoying dogs to deal with, and are pretty much semi-feral creatures who just have someone who feeds them. They are everywhere in rural Chiang Mai province and Lamphun province. Since most Thais in the suburban moobans don't run or bike around their neighborhoods, dogs will bark at and harass anything that does not have a motor engine.


    Every time I go biking or running outside during around sunset or during the evening, I feel like I'm going into a war zone with dangerous beasts ready to eat me. Dogs don't tend to come out as much when it's scorching hot during the noontime, but that's the time of the day when you can't really exercise outside unless you want to get heat stroke.


    Dog whistles usually don't work. Sticks and rocks agitate them. They are in the same place 24/7, ready to harass you. Sometimes there is just one dog, sometimes there are six. Once one starts barking, then the neighbor dogs all get aroused and start barking like mad. They will charge towards you and block your way.


    I would get off my bike and show them who's boss and chase them. They are actually quite afraid of you. Do not let them think you are vulnerable.


    I cannot possibly feed every single one of the house dogs while I am biking through the rural sois. So I have to scare them off with a long PVC stick. I have been biking around the rural sois of Chiang Mai and Lamphun provinces for 2 years, and have not had to actually hit a dog. Raising and swiping your stick is enough to scare them. It is absolutely essential to have a stick while you are biking. Even the Shan migrant workers here (who actually bike unlike the motorbike-loving Lanna people) will carry long bamboo poles to ward off house dogs when they are biking around.


    If anyone has better tips on how to deal with guard (not stray) dogs, please let me know.


  13. Some kids are getting taller, but on average most Thais still are not that big. It's more like tall guys starting to spring out in a big field of short people. Look around you, and you will see few Thais who are taller than 180 cm. The taller young Thais are maybe 175 or 180, but a Thai man who is 190 cm is still very rare. But in Amsterdam or Berlin, 190 cm guys are a dime a dozen.


    Northeast Asian countries have proportionally far more people who are at least 180 cm. Walk around in Chiang Mai, then walk around in Beijing, Taipei, or Seoul. The difference in height is stark. A tall guy won't really stick out that much in China, Taiwan, South Korea, or Japan, but not in Thailand.


    Still, the average Thai is taller than the average Vietnamese, Cambodian, Laotian, or Burmese.


    Outside of Bangkok, I am still struck at how tiny most Thais are. Some adult Thai women are about as tall as 10-12 year old Western schoolchildren. If you are 180 cm or over, you will stick out like a sore thumb and feel like everyone around you is at your shoulder level or lower.



  14. There's a lot of Thai bashing going on in this forum. But sometimes we also get a bit of Farangland bashing, which balances things out.


    There is no perfect place in the world. Live life and adapt. Let's keep this quote in mind.


    "It is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives; but the species that survives is the one that is able to adapt to and to adjust best to the changing environment in which it finds itself."

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  15. Why would anyone try to compare the two?


    Filipinos and Thais are like apples and oranges. Might as well compare Japanese with Cambodians.


    Many Filipinos adapt even worse in Thailand than Westerners do. They have much more Western attitudes and do not generally cannot adapt to the spicy food, learn the Thai language, or understand the cultural intricacies of Thailand. A few do, but they are the exceptions.

    Thais living in the Philippines also face total culture shock.

  16. Americans actually smile about as much as Thais do. Both smile not because they're necessarily happy, but they put on these so-called fake smiles since it makes you look good in public.


    Thais don't smile that much as Filipinos and people in other countries that are even more happy-go-lucky than Thailand is.


    "Land of Smiles" is really just a tourism-promotion slogan. The Philippines should be the real Land of Smiles.

  17. On 7/17/2018 at 9:18 AM, Dazinoz said:

    Many Thais are amazed at how little I eat and still fat. It just I eat the wrong stuff.

    Many Thais are amazed at how much I eat, but am still skinny than many of them. Ectomorph genes maybe?


    It's kind of a curse in some ways because I need to eat like a pig just to maintain my weight. Otherwise, medium-size portions would make me lose weight when I don't want to.

  18. How come there are so many long-term expats in Thailand who are seriously overweight? I don't get it. Everything about the environment in Thailand is geared towards making you stick-thin.


    1. Chili peppers that make food pass through your stomach quickly

    2. Veggies, veggies, veggies everywhere

    3. Super hot weather quelling appetite

    4.Tiny portions everywhere

    5. Having to walk around everywhere, especially in Bangkok


    What's your secret to weight gain in hot, humid Thailand where tiny portions are the norm? Even when I try to gorge like a pig, which makes some Thais kind of surprised, I just can't gain weight and am always thin as a stick.


    Some of my friends here (younger farang crowd) also tell me they have trouble gaining weight here.


    It's really hard for me to gain weight. I'm a wiry fellow at 65 kg and 185 cm. Was 70 kg back in my home country before, then lost weight here.

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