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Posts posted by Borpender

  1. 19 hours ago, Pete1980 said:

    But I do know if he was a hard worker as you imagine, he didnt save enough money to self fund his retirement and is now living of the taxpayer. A lot of people spend all their money on alcohol, ciggies, pokies,hookers etc. etc..

    Then put their hand out for taxpayer (my) money, which offends me.

    Exactly HOW do you know he didn't save enough? He started a business for his wife and is helping her out as it was better than sitting around watching TV (as he says). Also, if he did work all his life isn't he entitled to his pension? I understand your thoughts on welfare cheats but a 70 year old man claiming his pension seems fine to me.

  2. Just now, kkerry said:

    One room left probably means booking.com has only one room left from of the rooms available to booking.com. The hotel itself, Agoda etc. etc. likely have more so booking.comt aren't necessarily lying. I've booked hotels before that were completely sold out on one website but still had availability elsewhere. 

    They deliberately say there are less rooms than available to push sales. I know as I work in a hotel and I know what we have available on booking.com and what they are showing if I view the site as a customer. It's a trick to panic people into booking.

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  3. They can't charge you unless you have added the CVC code. I work in a guesthouse and we take the card details and charge for first night if a no show. The reason for it is in high season if a lot of people don't show we lose out on turning away walkins, also if we are full on booking.com and people don't show then it's too late for other people to book. I've not turned up in the past but I now I work in hotel I realise what a nuisance it causes and costs the owners. In slow season it's not really a big deal as there are always empty rooms.


    On thing though, Booking.com have just changed their policy and if enough hotels complain about someone who has booked they will be barred from booking.com. Can't remember how many complaints are needed but I suspect if you don't turn up to several places and they all complain then you will be kicked off....I also guess you just need a new email address to register again.

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