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Everything posted by kevc

  1. Logged in again and it worked although correct answer is 30 metres but I had to put 15 metres. Strange thing was at the end you have to review questions and when I put the right answers instead of the the incorrect ones they accepted in the test I passed.
  2. Ok got to the last section 4 of the training video even though a lot of the answers were wrong, now I'm stuck at the last hurdle. Last question when turning how many metre's ahead should you indicate 5,15,20 or 30 metre's I know the answers 30 but I've tried all and still no luck. Anybody been at this point it amazes me that the person setting the question doesn't know the answer.
  3. Wife's lost her tax on the motorcycle ever happened to anyone and is it possible to get a replacement. I'm asking as if you ask a Thai they just say it's okay.
  4. My daughters wants a smart watch that can connect to the internet for Messenger, Line calls. The 4g ones are the only ones I've seen with internet connection but the battery life isn't so good. If she doesn't insert a SIM card keeps it on airplane mode and uses only WiFi connection will it improve the battery life much. Thanks for any help forthcoming.
  5. A few years ago on TV they took load of school kids out to clear all the rubbish from the roadside, they stopped for lunch and threw the polystyrene cartons in the ditch.when they'd finished.
  6. And where are 100,000 plus taxis in Bangkok going to charge their EVs.
  7. Is it possible to do a 90 day report at any immigration office. I live in Buriram but I'll be in Bangkok for a couple of weeks when it's due could I go to Chang Wattana to report. Thanks
  8. Thanks a lot just wanted to make sure.
  9. Am I right in thinking I can do a 90 day report up to seven days after the date. Thanks.
  10. Christ actually complaining about the weather now, no wonder Thais think we're all barmy.
  11. Where do you get 20,000 baht from I got rabies shots a few years ago the first which I got at home in Buriram cost me 200 baht the second I got at Camillion Hospital in Thing Lor Bangkok cost me 450 baht
  12. You know you'll save maybe 2,000 baht on a second hand TV and it's not worth the risk have a look around on Lazada and you'll find something in your budget with a guarantee.
  13. I've had up to nine out for deliveries without even a phone call and when I've eventually cancelled it they've returned it in two days. I think the problem is they're using part timers who'll not go to an area unless they've got a few packages or maybe even weekends when they're not working. Google reviews for Kerry not one good one all complaints.
  14. What about the twelve year olds riding scooters how they penalise to catch them
  15. Cheers.
  16. Anyone know if the service is running again I know I can get Bangkok to Nang Ring but I'm not sure if they've started the Nang Rong to Bangkok pick up again yet as their office in Nang Rong was closed down due to Covid.
  17. Can't see why it isn't booming I would've thought doubling the already double price of national park entries would've nailed it for them.
  18. I wonder what he used to have for lunch while the children were eating.
  19. Say it again if they can't enforce the motorcycle crash helmet law what chance have they got with any other.
  20. Better still train the police to catch them before the children are in that situation, sad world when you have to tell little kids how to run from gunmen.
  21. From now, the government will be making sure that those applying for gun ownership and carrying licenses fully comply with the criteria, including a psychiatric regulation. So from now on they'll be enforcing the law, making themselves look incompetent out of their own mouths.
  22. Instead of putting barriers to stop the bad guys with guns and knives why not stop the bad guys having guns and knives in public. Always the same don't fill in the hole just cover it up
  23. When I taught my wife to drive in the UK I told her treat everyone as an idiot, over here it makes perfect sense to. Pick up driver wasn't a good driver he should have been looking for that to happen instead of reacting at the last minute.
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