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Everything posted by kevc

  1. He explained that the spray is capable of preventing coronavirus from attaching to the internal surfaces of the nasal cavity, So WD40 mixed with Vicks but has it been blessed by the holy man.
  2. Aren't they trying to fine the makers of The Beach ten million baht because of damage done after paying them a fortune to film there, fine way to attract film companies.
  3. At my daughter's school they actually park on the zebra crossing sometimes two deep on a three laned road while upto three police are there helping kids cross the road, not a word said.
  4. It's not a new thing in the eighties they were stealing luxury cars to send abroad and shipping them from the UK from the port of Tyne. All were bound for the middle East
  5. "A breed some dog lovers think is just a big loyal softy...especially with children." They were banned a long time ago in the UK for being viscous dogs.
  6. That's rich the person they're choosing to run the country (and make the decisions) has to ask mammy if she can take the job.
  7. Just dipit in some Haiter it'll be fine.
  8. Varifocal lens over here extra thin coated around 8,000 baht that's what I paid for my last ones and that's what I've been quoted this time includes an eye test. Try Modern Optical he was opposite Robinson's on Sukhumvit but he told me he was moving last time I talked to him but still in the area. Good guy knows what he's talking about not like the dolly birds in Tops Chareon. Sorry I'm not in Bangkok now so can't check where he is maybe someone else knows.
  9. And next month they're going to send a man to the moon.
  10. That's all right then a good weeks work should clear it all up.
  11. So will that mean the cars that park over the zebra crossing sometimes two deep outside my daughters school while the police are on crossing duty will actually start doing something about it..........wishful thinking.
  12. The latest in a long line of dates set for it to start. It'll not happen until they realise they have got to do more than just give a date.
  13. What are the fried chicken sellers going to cook with.
  14. What's the bet most of them are selling smuggled.pork at Thai prices.
  15. He must be a friend of the copper that said people go to Pattaya for the nature not for the bars.
  16. I've seen school mini buses up here with about twenty kids sitting on bench seats going length ways with nothing at all to hold on to.
  17. I'd want the same she's asking, might be this lady's pride and joy and this isn't just a little shunt. I'm sure that after paying just sixteen payments I wouldn't accept it being bodged up who knows what it might have done to the steering and frame.
  18. So it's only a few satang raise equating to 18 percent on people's bills wouldn't call that only.
  19. Thanks for the replies I don't think she had a clue really my sister being in Newcastle and being told to go and ask the Thai Embassy and come back to the front of the queue as if it was just round the corner. I'll give the embassy a few days to reply before I try anything else. She sends her a present every year birthday and Christmas and never been a problem even through Covid.
  20. My sister went to send a birthday present of a t-shirt and pair of pants for my daughter from the UK. Woman she spoke to at the post office told her Thailand didn't allow to send them and wouldn't accept the parcel, she told her to ask The Thai Embassy not sure she knew what she was talking about because she told her just come back to the front of the queue and I'll serve you straight away. Anyone know of anybody else this has happened to, emailed the embassy for her but no reply so far.
  21. Just look at all the businesses and town houses with only one way in and out. If a fire starts near the entrance there's no way anyone will get out of that building.
  22. It's not surprising when you see every advert on TV for anything from a pick up truck to a moped consists off skidding round corners on city streets.
  23. You can't advertise alcohol but you can advertise weed....amazing.
  24. It'll be legal once they find a way to make money from it.
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