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Posts posted by Lucifer

  1. i got a proof of residence last week in Udon, needed house papers, charge 500 baht & also needed picture, (think its supposed to be free!) 5 minutes to get paperwork, not sure they will accept hotel as place of permanent residence?

    They do. Just go to reception and tell them you need proof of address from Immigration.They'll most probably have a standard form. Take a couple of photos with you.

  2. Go to Tuk Com and get one of the guys there to repair it. Take it to one of the guys there who is actually repairing there and then. In front of you.

    After you've had it repaired, throw it in the bin and get yourself an Android phone.

  3. Try Royal Masala Restaurant. Walk down Beach road towards walking street. Before you go into walking street turn left (no choice). Get to the cross roads and turn right. Cross the road and walk about 400 yards. Second best place after Indian by nature, and far cheaper.

  4. Your new found thai girlfriend will adapt well with your European country, and very well with the men in your country. Don't worry, she's yours till she gets her permanant residency, then she's off to the highest bidder. That won't be you by the way, You've failed that already.

  5. Wish I knew :-

    My woman IS different.

    Thai's love us foreigners

    No need to ever learn Thai as your girlfriend/wife will translate everything for you.

    No need to rent a house instead its so easy to buy one under your wife's name. Let her do the paperwork while you put your feet up and open a cold beer Chang.

    Thai's are naturally honest and truthful. If one asks to borrow money, go ahead and lend them. No need for a contract. Their word is their bond.

    Any farrang telling you different, is just twisted and sick. Ignore them.

  6. there are many products which constitute much less than the container they're in. Both food and non-food. Here are a few:

    yogurt: about 45% of the container is air

    white glue: it comes in a hard plastic tub with a lid. Inside, the glue is in a plastic bag. When you squeeze the glue from the bag into the tub, it fills about half.

    teflon tape: You think you're getting a lot of tape, but you're just getting a bit wrapped around a large diameter false inner part.

    These items are measured in weight (first two) and lenth. Not mis-leading at all.

  7. Maybe in your view the OP should consider to stay in his room, with the door locked at all times, and just a small trapdoor through which he get his food delivered 3 times a day?

    He could, I suppose. Sounds a bit daft to me though and it's certainly nothing that I would do.

    I go out every evening but I simply dont carry things with me that I'm not prepared to lose. It's really not very complicated at all.

    I always carry things I don't want to lose, everytime l go out. It's a wallet and cellphone and I need them, that's why l carry them. Not carrying them would make life far more complicated.


    You do know money doesn't HAVE to be in a wallet, don't you? You can put money in your pocket, leaving less of a bulge.

    You could also have two phones. One a smart phone the other a 1000baht cheapie to be taken on piss ups.

    Why O' why am I replying to these threads?

  8. You only need the medical and police check to get a OA visa at the embassy in London. To apply for an extension of stay at immigration they are not required.

    It will depend upon what the embassy will accept for your proof of income. You have the proof of income already equal to 2 to months of income if you got a month in advance. See here for info on getting the income letter: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/how-to-obtain-a-pensionincome-letter-for-thai-immigration

    Sorry, I wrote 14,000Baht ( not sure where I got that figure) what I ment is I have the 65,000Baht( actually 130,000 Baht/month) But not adding up to 800,000 yet as I've just rented out my apartment last month. I do, however, have a contract with the tennant.

    Good. Just need to sort out my medical certificate and Police check.


    So to clear things up. I could get a two month holiday visa and then convert that into a retirment visa (now showing 3 month income) once I'm in Thailand but without the need for medical or Police check?

  9. You need 65,000 Baht a month or a combination of income and money in the bank to total 800,000.

    14,000 is only of use if added to savings.

    UK Embassy letter is needed to verify income.

    Sorry, I wrote 14,000Baht ( not sure where I got that figure) what I ment is I have the 65,000Baht( actually 130,000 Baht/month) But not adding up to 800,000 yet as I've just rented out my apartment last month. I do, however, have a contract with the tennant.

    It will depend upon what the embassy will accept for your proof of income. You have the proof of income already equal to 2 to months of income if you got a month in advance. See here for info on getting the income letter: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/how-to-obtain-a-pensionincome-letter-for-thai-immigration

    Good. Just need to sort out my medical certificate and Police check.

  10. You need 65,000 Baht a month or a combination of income and money in the bank to total 800,000.

    14,000 is only of use if added to savings.

    UK Embassy letter is needed to verify income.

    Sorry, I wrote 14,000Baht ( not sure where I got that figure) what I ment is I have the 65,000Baht( actually 130,000 Baht/month) But not adding up to 800,000 yet as I've just rented out my apartment last month. I do, however, have a contract with the tennant.

  11. going to by my own alcohol meter let me know if you want one .

    Quite a few on lazada. Just got one. Went to lunch with a few friends, had 2 beers the first hour, water the only the next 90 minutes along with a massive lunch. Tested just before I left and it showed .03. I'm keeping it in my car. Cost about 800B, but I got one of the better ones. Just tested it again, another hour later and it's .022. Wifey hasn't had a drink and it showed .00.

    Throw that thing away and let her drive then, or at least get her to jump over into the driving seat quickly if you get stopped, usually works even if they are watching.

    Also, works after you've run someone over.

    Some of you need to go back home. Please.

  12. Easy solution, next time if you are going to drive don't drink anything, then you are sure that you will pass their test when you get stopped.


    What a stupid reply, the bloke passed 3 times yet the police officer wasn't happy with the result.

    Obviously he didn't do anything wrong, yet still gets treated like a criminal.

    No. He was treated like a cash machine......that wasn't working.

  13. I buy my glasses from


    in the US. The most I have paid was $128.00 for a pair with progressive lenses. I am not aware of the width issue, but the company is a US company that you can call on the phone to ask them about it.

    Before I knew what was what about buying glasses in Thailand I made the mistake of going into a Top Charoen shop. I plunked down 50% with the order. When I went to check them the lenses were so wrong I couldn't see out of them. Buying glasses in a Thai store is certainly much riskier than in the US.

    Buying anything in Thailand (Asia for that matter), is risky. Once you've handed your money over, all bets (warranty) are off.

  14. Friends of Hannah and David must also be happy with the guilty verdict then. Those friends that would have excitedly discussed and planned their trips many months before September '14. The females came back minus their friend whose head had been smashed in. Not an everyday occurrence. Press reports stated 'friends said Hannah and David left the AC bar between 3 and 4am. No names in the press of who these friends were. For all we know the friends that made that statement may be non existent. Surely one friend would own up to stating that? Not exactly anything to be afraid of is it? There is a reason why we have heard nothing in the press regards any of the 'friends'. Not one of them have come forward to dispel the rumours that there was an altercation at the AC bar. Not one of them have come forward and said who was the last to see Hannah or David alive. Absolutely incredible and unbelievable! No statements requested by prosecution or defence in court from any of them? Why not? Last movements of the deceased etc etc. RTP said they took statements from the friends - were these read in court? And no CCTV from the AC bar only footage showing David entering the bar at the front. Pure speculation on the part of the police that Hannah and David left by the back door. Where are the bloody witnesses!!! Who saw what and why aren't you speaking up? Likely that drugs of some sort played a part in all this. Did all the friends simply stroll home to go to bed with no concern for their missing friends or where they up, wide awake, maybe off some of their faces and witnessed something they dare not speak of? I can only surmise that their attitude is two little Burmese nothings being sentenced to death is something they can easily live and is meaningless in comparison with losing their 'friends'.

    You just answered most of your questions yourself.

    The reason that no one has come forward, and no one was called to witness, is that it probably never happened and it was pure speculation and rumors from a certain facebook group picked up by members of this forum.

    Indeed this is correct. Now we are seeing posts along the line "I seem to remember...XYZ" when in fact what they remember is an unsubstantiated rumour posted on this forum twelve months ago.

    Initially I too, thought the bar owners must be implicated but in over one year not a single piece of evidence has come to light linking the bar owners and associates to the crime. That is, evidence that would stand up in court when presented by defence lawyers.

    I could easily make up my own rumours. That Mon, the sharkman or any from that gang committed this crime then they would have got rid of the evidence. The bodies would have been taken out on a boat, weighted with stones and dumped overboard.

    They would not have left the bodies to be discovered in their own resort. That would have been ruinous for business.

    But there is no cctv or witnesses that prove the gang was out at the time of the murders.

    The only cctv evidence shows the b2 buying alchohol sometime before the murders and one or two skinny kids running around in a panic after the murders.

    Why did the defence team put up such a poor show? Because they knew the two Burmese were guilty.

    Because they were paid off handsomely.

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