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Posts posted by cass74

  1. 1 minute ago, Russell17au said:

    I am not talking about Hannah, I am talking about this case and a good lawyer would have any charges thrown out of court in seconds.

    Question 1: Did you got to a hospital for a medical examination?

    Question 2: You claim that you were drugged. Did you have a toxicology test done?

    She did not attend a hospital so there is no medical examination done and no semen sample taken from her vagina. There was no blood sample taken at a hospital to verify that she was drugged.

    The semen on the T-shirt could have been from a different time when she had consensual sex with this man.

    Sorry, but she cannot prove that she was drugged and raped because she did not go to a hospital to be examined and that is all the police can look at and the police must have proof to be able to proceed with action in court.

    I said about Hannah as you asked for proof of a rapist on the island


    Regarding this case - because she didn’t trust the KT police as she would have been aware of the handling of the double murder case and just wanted to get off the island and KP police wouldn’t take her complaint that’s it.


    None of the above is her fault nor is the CCTV conveniently not working 


    yes with hindsght sight she should have gone to a hospital to have a record but she probably had lost all faith in the country to do the right thing and thought it was pointless when the police refused to take a rape complaint but tried to take the evidence off her


    youve got to remember this is a 19 year old girl who will have been in shock and traumatised 


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  2. 1 hour ago, Russell17au said:

    Please show us your PROOF that she was raped

    I don’t have proof as you well know, only those that were there know the truth


    I said her account makes sense to me and I haven’t seen one reason put forward by the people on here who seem determined to discredit the allegation that holds any water


    Hannah was 100% raped and are you saying the Burmese did it because if not the rapist is still loose

    • Sad 1
  3. Everything about her and Martins story does add up to me.   And you don’t get much more squeaky clean than them, god help a victim who hasn’t led a perfect life,

    any wonder so many rapes go unreported.


    It is known for them the drug target and companion 

    this could be your sister or daughter.


    What I don’t get is why you don’t want the rapist put behind bars, this attitude is what’s damaging Thailand and specifically KT.  Crime happens everywhere but it is how it is dealt with that is important.  It will keep on happening on KT because it’s not being dealt with and the rapist isn’t stopping. If anything the situation will get worse as the locals know they can do what they like to farangs and Burmese with no consequences, eventually people will stop going 

    • Sad 1
  4. 30 minutes ago, frank83628 said:

    i doubt after the case in 2014 and media coverage surrounding it that the police were naive, maybe facts actually came into play? no description, lack of basic evidence.
    she was supposedly represented by lawyers in UK...well so claimed on here..maybe the info being posted on TV was incorrect to start with?

    The FO are pissed about something, they’ve updated their travel warning for Thailand regarding police investigations 

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  5. 22 minutes ago, bannork said:

    The girl gave the shirt to the UK police, right? And now the Thai police say there is no DNA on the shirt.

    You don't think the Thai police checked first with the UK police to see if there was any DNA on the shirt, apart from the owner's?

    Thinking back didn’t the UK police run some tests and found DNA of Asian origin on the T shirt- Am I remembering correctly? 


  6. 26 minutes ago, frank83628 said:

    yeah, those pesky thai police!...many called them incompetent, useless amongst other things..but here they are fooling the uk police...or maybe just maybe the case wasnt what you and the death island posse hoped and thought it was!

    I’ve never said they’re incompetent I think they’re very devious and short sighted.  They see it as saving face for Thailand and will do whatever it takes to do that, not realising they’re doing the opposite.  Yes they have fooled the UK police and I bet there is some seriously pissed off officers in London right now who were probably given guarantees about the investigation.  


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  7. 43 minutes ago, frank83628 said:

     i believe some posters were adamant that was the nail in the coffin.
    i'm sure the UK authorities would have checked it?..oh wait..i forgot..they're all in on it aren't they....silly me!

    I don’t think UK police are  in on it, just been completely hoodwinked, they probably told the victim and her mother that this was protocol and procedure and to trust in the system. 


    The victim and her mother will rightly feel that the FO have put diplomacy before justice for a UK victim.


    UK police were likely naive and should have kept a control sample and the FO is a disgrace as they are well aware of how Thai justice operates

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  8. Uk police & FO have been totally hoodwinked by the Thai police and they’ve badly let the victim down.  They should have kept part of the DNA sample as now there is no chance of justice and the rapist can carry on safe in the knowledge that they are above the law regarding crime against farangs 


    The FO know it  hence the updated travel warning which although good also needs to have a specific warning about KT as there are unresolved crimes there and therefore dangerous criminal/ criminals at loose there and UK citizens have no protection or recourse 

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    If they’re your views that’s your choice I just hope nothing happens to you on KT because you seem oblivious to the dangers


    Ive been to KT and when I first read her allegation I totally got the sequence of events


    I have to admit when I first went there although I’d read about everything that had happened there it never occurred to me we’d be  in danger as I’m well travelled, very aware, don’t do drugs and don’t drink to excess.


    it has been known for target and companion to be drugged 




    45 minutes ago, Kerryd said:

    Except that if you read the whole story, it seems she knew, well in advance, exactly what she was doing and exactly where to go and exactly who to look for.

    Which is how she ended up in "that" bar, where "that" person supposedly also was, and then ended up on "that" beach and then somehow "knew" that it wasn't safe to report anything to the police on Koh Tao - or go to a hospital/clinic there.


    Not to mention that her boyfriend was on a different island (Koh Phanang) at the time and she was out partying with a guy that was staying in the same room at the same hostel as she was. The guy who supposedly was at the bar with her and went for a walk on the beach with her and was still with her when she "woke up" and "discovered" that she'd been "raped". 

    (The first story claimed that she woke up and there was a Thai guy lying beside her who calmly got up and left. Then the story changed to she woke up and saw a Thai guy "leaving the area". Then the story changed again to she'd gone for a walk on the beach with the guy she'd been partying with, who (conveniently) was also drugged and passed out at the exact same time as she did and apparently woke up at almost the exact same time as well !)

    (If this had of happened anywhere else in the world, you know exactly who would be the prime suspect.)

    Never goes to a hospital to have an exam or rape kit done, but keeps a shirt she claims has the DNA proof on it.

    Continues her holiday as if nothing happened and then (supposedly) reports it when she finally gets back to the UK (over a week later) and (supposedly) gives them the t-shirt and claims she was raped.

    Then, instead of contacting any local (UK) media, or any mainstream Thai media, the story breaks in the Samui TImes, 2 MONTHS later.


    And then the mother claims SHE has the t-shirt with the evidence. The shirt that supposedly had already been given to the Met Police months earlier. The same Met Police who apparently took her claim so seriously that they did nothing about it. At all.

    Except, it seems, they gave the t-shirt back to the mother.


    Uh huh.l

  10. 5 hours ago, PREM-R said:

    In what must have been a reaction to the case in the OP. I have received an email from HM Gov regarding travel to Thailand. In the Safety and Security section this paragraph caught my eye.


    You should report any incidents of crime to the Thai police before leaving the country. If you do not, your case may not be investigated. You should be aware that the reporting of crimes in the media is different from that in the UK. Local authorities, including the police, may give detailed press briefings. There have been instances where the victims of crime have been identified and threatened with prosecution by the police for damaging Thailand’s reputation.


    A rather damning report  by the UK Gov on the way things are seen to be being done in Thailand, particularly "There have been instances where the victims of crime have been identified and threatened with prosecution by the police for damaging Thailand’s reputation."





    I think they should also advise people not to travel to KT



  11. 2 hours ago, Just Weird said:

    I'd love to hear your justification for calling the opinions some of us have about this girl "unwarranted".  Over to you, if you've got anything.


    PS, your name's not Issy, is it?

    Unwarranted justifications to say she’s lying:-


    She went to full moon party, nobody yet knows what she did at KP, and even if it turns out she did end up going so what - never heard of shock


    not reporting it at KT, I wouldn’t have


    saying she didn’t report it, when her and her friend said they tried to


    speaking to Uk press to defend herself (after being publicly slandered by Thai police)


    I could go go on but I feel it’s pointless 



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  12. 2 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

    Why not?  Why not have an opinion about a drunk girl who claims, with  no evidence so far, to have been raped, a girl who so far also has made no official complaint about the rape to the RTP?  Talking about it in the press doesn't count as a complaint to the police.

     CCTV not working or there maybe would have been more evidence


    There is the t shirt, her friends cooberating account, her injuries (cuts etc) which  should have witnesses and maybe photographs 

    there is her account, I think it’s fair to not presume she’s lying and listen to her account fairly 

    there is previous allegations against the same person which the victim isn’t going to have been aware of 


    the % of false rape allegations is low and I’ve not heard a valid reason yet for one in this case 


    She tried to report as soon as she felt safe to do so 

    Some rape victims don’t come forward for years 

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  13. 33 minutes ago, frank83628 said:

    She managed a chain of events which were Understandable and sensible...indeed.. but all while still 'drousy' as her mother claimed..seems she was alert enough at times yet still drousy at others....hummm

    Sent from my SM-A720F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    If you’re drugged you’re completely unconscious for a few hours then you’re maybe a bit disoriented the next day.  So your maybe not fully functional but you are functioning to a certain degree and how each person reacts will be different and they shouldn’t be judged.



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