No mention of how she managed to support herself as an eternal traveler. And her charitable efforts were odd to say the least.
"buying dolls from underprivileged children and redistributing them to those with nothing"
Buying dolls off poor kids and giving them to even poorer kids.
"stressing the need for professionalism to protect the city’s reputation."
I, for one, won't be purchasing a turn with one of these human dartboards if my safety and commercial integrity can't be guaranteed.
Banged Up Abroad - Ratings Disaster
A young backpacking Brit struggles to escape Thailand after being accused of downgrading an Italian restaurant's Google score. Facing the threat of jail, will Alex pay for his release or can he prove Phuket spaghetti doesn't stick to walls.
Post on Facebook says the Swede was with his wife going home and the Russian came from behind and cleaned them up. They weren't riding together as this article seems to imply.