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Posts posted by Merida

  1. Hi Talin 74

    I live in Merida, Mexico, where the women have backsides that you could balance a cup and saucer on, completely different to Thai or Aussie women, I'm going back to Brizzie in a couple of months, shall see if I can persuade a lady to try Mexico, which is a fabulous place.

  2. Hi  In Australia we have a beetle called a Rove Beetle, and you get what is called a kissing effect, what I did when my wife was bitten by a Rove beetle was to unroll some 2''wide sticky tape and dab the affected area with the tape gently dabbing the area with the sticky side of course, this will pick up the hairs that are causing the irritation, wear surgical gloves to do this and be careful not to spread the hairs to unaffected areas.


  3. Hi  In Australia we have a beetle called a Rove Beetle, and you get what is called a kissing effect, what I did when my wife was bitten by a Rove beetle was to unroll some 2''wide sticky tape and dab the affected area with the tape gently dabbing the area with the sticky side of course, this will pick up the hairs that are causing the irritation, wear surgical gloves to do this and be careful not to spread the hairs to unaffected areas.

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    This is a quote from an IMF working paper (April 2019)
    In summary, 10 years after the GFC crisis, it is clear that the low zero lower bound on interest rates has proved to be a serious obstacle for monetary policy. However, the zero lower bound is not a law of nature; it is a policy choice. We show that with readily available tools, a central bank can enable deep negative rates whenever needed - thus maintaining the power of monetary policy in the future.   Unquote:
    The general public has a 'head in the sand' approach to anything financial, it will be to their detriment if there is no reaction to what is proposed, by, not only the Australian government, but most western governments are working to this end, governments elected by you, and what they are proposing is in your name, most MP's are completely unaware of what they are voting for, they never read the legislation, they just vote along party lines, from accounts, they are tipsy when they enter the chamber to vote, and the general public to say that it doesn't affect them because they have no money anyway, and they never will, this is what Orwell predicted, total control of people, and their money.
    Late on Friday, when most MP's are partying at the end of the week, the government slipped in a bill, that was passed by a teetotal quorum that was half asleep and ready to go home. on January 1st 2020, the bill will give the government the power to CHARGE depositors, 3-4-5% interest on their funds, whether they have the funds in a deposit account or cheque account it doesn't matter, and they can charge whatever they like, 10%, 15% depending on how desperate they are, and borrowers will be given 2-3-4-5% for borrowing, sounds far fetched doesn't it, remember this when it happens.
    So, my theory is, that the black market money is being funnelled into countries such as Thailand, and a contributory reason why the Thai baht is so strong, just a theory, and, possibly a reason why the Australian dollar is weakening. Thailand, of course, doesn't use or accept credit or debit cards, you will see signs at the swankiest restaurants and hotels saying 'cash only', so it would be almost impossible to eliminate cash transactions, there would be a revolution.
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