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Posts posted by Sam8521

  1. The basic liver workout includes the so called liver function tests (ALT, AST, γGT, Alkaline phosphatase and birirubin -direct and indirect). An upper abdominal ultrasound is all you need from the  imaging standpoint. If the results are abnormal there are more tests to do. Any internist can order and interpret the above, no need for a gastrenterologist at this stage. If you go , like for a yearly checkup, include also in your blood tests a CBC (complete blood count), creatinine, glucose and electolytes. (not expensive to do, give a better general picture of your health). Add also a urine test for good measure.

  2. This is my advice and please take it seriously

    1) Do not take any form of testosterone before your prostate is checked by a urologist and a PSA blood test is done. You have to be absolutely sure that you are free of prostate cancer before you do anything. Sometimes in elderly men  prostate cancer lies there in a semi-dormant state and is fired up by testosterone with very bad end results

    2) your best bet would be to to use Nebido injections. It is an intramuscular injection, usually done at the deltoid muscle area of your upper arm, that you need to do every 3 months. I suggest  that you have that done by your urologist as well, as it is not completely risk free if you  do it on your own (potential complications : muscle hematoma, intravascular injection, nerve injury)

    • Like 1
  3. 7 minutes ago, MichaelJohn said:

    The last 2 years I have had to deposit money whilst I've been at CW. (I do that after I get a queue number).

    This year she wanted a copy of the bank book showing the deposit AND a signed, detailed statement from the bank as well as the normal letter (stating B800k had been in there for 90 days).

    can you get this signed detailed statement from every branch or you have to go to the branch where you keep your account ?

    • Like 1
  4. 32 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

    You will get varied advice. Also depends which imm office. My first ever, I did my bank letter the day before. Next day the io asked me to show activity THAT DAY. (I had deposited 100baht on day of letter)

    Fortunately I had my Thai partner with me and she ran off and deposited 100b. So recently I went to CW few weeks ago to do my 7th extension. I had form all filled out etc. Walked straight past all the folk filling in forms to desk for ticket. She looked at my extension form and gave me que ticket. I then went to bank. All banks in building at bkk. Was in and out in few minutes. Lady even knew I needed activity. Easy. 

    By the way I  was still there after lunch break. Allow a day. Oh you didn't state where your doing extension. Important.

    I will do it at Chaeng Wattana. My bank is Bangkok Bank

  5. On 12/4/2018 at 10:00 PM, Geode said:

    When I applied for and obtained my first retirement visa two years ago I was asked for no proof of residence. The only address information was on the TM.7 form. The renewal last year was the same. But when I went into the main office in Bangkok last Thursday to renew I was told I needed a map with my location marked on it.

    about this map, is a printout of your address in google maps sufficient for them

  6. Hi guys,

    On the info sheet for retirement visa it says in the documentation requirement section, that you have to provide "the updated bank passbook on the date of submission of application...". Is this strictly enforced ? I mean the day you're planning to submit the application, do you have to go to the bank first to update the passbook ? That would delay you to get into the queue system.Are there any banks in the Government Complex where you can do that ? Can you do that in an ATM without having to wait for the bank to open ?

    Thanks in advance for your replies

  7. Hello guys,

    I went to Immigration at Chaeng Watana today to ask about the document requirements for the 1 year retirement visa I am planning to apply for next week. I am over 50, entered with a 3 month visa 2 months ago and I already have the money in the bank for 6 months. I was not able to speak with an officer as I would have to wait for 2 hours only for a couple of questions. I was given a paper from a trainee at L8 desk, she could not clarify any questions. In the requirements there is no mention of proof of address, only in the TM7 application form I have to fill in my address details. Is there really no need to provide any proof of address ? I have rented with my girlfriend an apartment in the Sukhumvit area and the landlord insisted that the contract should be done in her name as I did not yet have a long term visa and that he would change it to my name after I get the 1 year visa from immigration. Any comments or advice welcome. Thanks in advance

  8. 3 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    Caverject is off market in Thailand.


    There is another brand of the same drug called Prostin VR that may or may not still be on market, I am not sure.


    Trimix has bever been available here. It is possibel some hospitals pharmacies are compounding an equivalent.


    the best thing to do is see a doctor specializing in ED to find out what your options are. Some suggested docs specializing in this:








    Both Bumrungrad and Bangkok Hospital are very large institutions and if any hospital is compounding this they likely would.

    Many thanks for your response

  9. Hello friends,

    I will be coming to live in Thailand next month on a retirement visa and as I started using Trimix lately , I wonder how can someone get that in Thailand. As this is a matter of great importance to me I would appreciate any info on the subject. It was mentioned in a post  2 years ago by the member SailingHome  that you can get it from a Thai compounding farmacy. Is this still possible in 2018 ?

    Is it good enough after shipment  ? as my doctor told me this should be refrigerated all the time. Is Caverject or any other brand of injectable alprostadil available ? Any info on prices ?

    Many thanks in advance,

    Sam Watson

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