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Bob Bucks

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Posts posted by Bob Bucks

  1. Hi all.


    Just back to this topic, as time has gone by and it's time to make the application. My question is this. Although her latest P60 shows a gross annual income of £16,700 appx her last six months payslips equate to £9,500 appx. This is due to the addition hours that have been offered and worked. So my question is, will the income be judged on the P60 or the last 6 months payslips. Obviously if the payslips were pro-rata it would equate to more than the minimum income required.


    Perhaps someone could be as so kind as to advise.


    I'm unsure if I can get back onto this forum (technical issues), so possibly if someone could mail the response as well.  


    Many thanks

  2. Hi all and many many thanks for your assistance on this. I guess the first port of call is to get her name change back to her maiden name in her passport. Whilst this is taking place, I will assist in the preparation of this and go through to see what documents that she has (bills statements etc).


    So (and I do apologise for my ignorance), she will now be the sponsor? With regards to a cover letter that was mentioned, will that be submitted by her (to explain the name change etc), and would that be done when she sends her paperwork to the U.K. address (i am presuming that she will be notified when that will need to be sent - after the application made in Bangkok?).


    I do apologise if it appears that I maybe asking already answered questions on here, but I want to ensure that all is done correctly, for the sake of our child.


    As she goes through the process, if you have no objections, I will no doubt be in communication again seeking advise.


    You knowledge is invaluable and greatly appreciated.


    Many thanks.


    Until the next post.


  3. Hi.


    I'm not sure if I have sent this correctly, but I have a scenario that I would really appreciate some assistance with.


     I have an ex partner who is Thai. She has lived in the U.K. for more than 10 years, and has British Citizenship. We still live in the same property together (separate bedrooms etc), for the sake of our child, and the financial benefits.

    She has since re-married in Thailand to her Fiancé, (appx six months ago), and is now residing back here. She would now like to bring her husband to the U.K. on a settlement visa. I will support her in doing this, but have some questions that I could do with assistance on.

    Her salary alone falls slightly short of the required sum stated, but if you added in my monthly contribution support for our child etc, that are given to her via the bank, it would well surpass this level. Are these considered on the application, and if not, by falling short of the stated figure, would the application be considered.

    She has a British passport in her previous married name (I don't think that there is any legal requirement to change it), and her Thai passport in her madden name. Any issues here.

    Also, she has her wage slips, bank account, mortgage statement etc, all in her previous married name. Again, any issues?

    It is her intention that if he is allowed to come to the U.K. (he has passed the A1 test), that they would reside together in my house for a month or so, whilst looking for a nearby flat to rent. He has also been offered a place of employment by her employee as well (subject to interview etc).

    I'm sure that I have many other questions to ask, but these are the immediate ones that come to mind.

    Lastly, how is the application made. Via the internet from the U.K. or does he need to make this in Thailand.


    Hopefully this explains some of the details, but she is just seeking advise, as not wanting to waist all of that money on the application if it will fail.

    A bit of a strange one possibly, but is being done so that she can remain in the U.K. without the heartbreak of leaving for Thailand that would be caused to our child.

    If anyone can assist it would be greatly appreciated, and I can answer further questions if it assists.


    Many many thanks.




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