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Posts posted by Thee_Rak

  1. Just back from BKK and found that Mega Plaza in Chinatown is the hot hub of action in the used camera area...

    If you go up to the forth floor you'll find quite a few vendor shops with lots of vintage (and newer) used gear.

    Based on my experience (living in the US) I did not find the prices to be any bargain. In fact I'd call them down right high.

    Good news is if you're coming from somewhere that has low prices on used gear than you can sell here and make a few bucks.

    I ran into a gent from Italy who told me he doubled his money on a few lenses.

    I'll post a few pictures later. across the road there's another building with a few shops in it as well (on the map shown it's at the spot called Phirom Plaza but it's not called that any longer) and I understand that there's a section of street just around the corner that is lined with vendor shops (sort of like a full time street market) and there are supposed to be several camera stalls there too... it was Monday when I was there and found many of the shops closed.


  2. Hi,

    My wife (Thai) who came to the US on a fiancée visa (we are current with USCIS and have just filed I-751 to remove conditions) and I (US Citizen) have just had a baby!!!! We are living in the US. I am sure that he has US Citizenship but am wondering if he is also considered "Thai" and can he get a Thai passport. I realize that the US doesn't recognize "dual citizenship" but haven't the first clue about Thailand.

    Any thoughts out there?


  3. Thanks everyone... Sounds like ATM it is.

    BTW we have used paypal to send money to a Thai bank b/4 and the last time it seemd like the rate was very unfavorable. Moving $300 seemed to "cost" about as much as a wire transfer from a bank.

    Last time we used pp to move $250 to a pp account that is set up with a Thai bank and it turned into $239.95 but both accounts showed no "fees". Then we did a pp withdrawal to the Thai bank and the amount was 7,971.40 baht

    Everytime b/4 that if I move $200 they receive $200 if $600 they receive $600

  4. Hi,

    okay my Thai Wife is going back to Thailand for the first time in a year and I've just started thinking about cash issues.

    First question... if she walks into Bangkok Bank or Thailand Farmers Bank and writes a check from our US Bank account and deposits it into an account are there fees or costs involved in that? We want to give some money to her Khun Mae but I don't want to deal with travelers checks or atm w/d fees or anything like that.

    Okay so that's really the only question I guess... she has a Chase Bank (US) "debit" visa card so she can just use that like a Visa anywhere they accept cards and if she needs cash in hand she can make an atm withdrawal for that (plus she'll have maybe 600usd cash in hand when she arrives to change into baht when she gets there.


  5. Hi all...

    Okay I remember the last time I used to spend any time here (a few years ago and b/4 I married my TGF) that there was always some very good discussion about the state of the lower priced hotels around town.

    So my wife has been here in the US with me for just about a year now and it's time to go back and visit her mom (near Roi-et) but first she needs a hotel in BKK for a week to do a bunch of the shopping that we've been talking about.

    So I remember something about some place called "guest house something-or-other" anyone know the place I'm thinking about???

    We are thinking someplace along Suk but NO WHERE NEAR NANA or anything like that okay.

    I'm thinking less than 1,500 / night



  6. 100K in a month?

    Yeah, that sounds like 'normal' Thais. :o

    Well, since they don't hang around Sukhumvit and don't have anything to do with the tourist industry, you probably have never seen "normal" middle class Thais.


    ain't that the truth. :D

    Nice, unjustified attack on character by a poster (against the rules) and cheered on by the admin.

    Really do expect more out of the "admins" That was quite a rude thing to say about someone...

  7. Okay we got the Visa and now we are making plans for a few weeks vacation in Sept b/4 moving her to the States... she is living in a 1 room apartment (doesn't have much... a tv is the biggest thing) and we need to move her stuff to the family home outside of Roi-et.

    Any suggestions for how we can do this. I'm thinking 1 guy with a small pick-up truck to make the trip.

  8. Oh she's a good girl... ;-)

    I think it's Panthip. Dual keys and thai OS are the biggest consideration I think. If I can find her a nice new "branded" one (not Acer or some smalltime oem) for between 15 & 20K I'll be happy.

    She won't need the baddest machine out there just a bit of hdd space and the ability to run wifi (that way I can point her to the free hot-spots in town or see if there's an unsecured network within range of her apartment). I guess I'd like it to have a dvd drive and that's about it.

    Santa is going to be nice to her this x-mass that's for sure...

  9. Taxi or have a friend pick me up upon arrival at Suvarnabhumi?

    In talking with my friend in BKK they say that the TV news still talks about what a pain a taxi is from the airport and how there are no taxis at arrivals but that you have to take a bus to the transportation hub.

    The posts above say that this isn't true... what's the deal?

    Also does anyone know if it's pretty easy for someone with private car to just pick someone up? In the US picking someone up at the airport is a big pain because we are not allowed to get anywhere near the terminals with a car (so it's hard to arrange a time and a place to meet).

    What's the best plan?

  10. Okay here's my arrangement...

    I (us) send sms to thai number (1-2-call) using my US cell phone (t-mobile) and it costs me 15 cents for every outgoing international sms.

    She sends sms's to me using her thai cell (1-2-call) at a cost of 10 baht each.

    Sometimes I use yahoo or msn. since i've paid for that service already there's no unit cost to send the sms but for your friend in thailand that doesn't help much since what you want to do is sms and not e-mail.

    I probably send anywhere from 2 to 10 a day so yes it does add up. There is no really cheap way so send unlimited sms messages to and from LOS

  11. Okay I'm in the US and speak most every day (since January) with someone on a cell in BKK. I've been using Cloncom "Super Quick Card" $20usd gives me 4 hours and 4 minutes. The service is reasonably good but sometimes I've got to call back once to get a good line. This doesn't happen that often and if it does I only have to call one more time. Basically the service is on par with what I'd expect using a cell phone in the us to call a cell phone in thailand. Oh they advertise that card rate at 6 cents a minute but at 244 minutes for $20 that's actually 8.2 cents a minute... anyway

    Over the past months I'd say I average 4 cards a month ($80) plus I have to keep an eye on my cell phone minutes so I don't go over!! Okay so I don't have a land-line phone at home and at work I don't have a private office (so can't use my desk phone all that often)

    We SMS about 5 times a day too. With T-Mobile I pay for both the sent (15 cents) and the received (10 cents) so there's another $1.25 a day (let's say another $35 a month). This only applies to international SMS. I have unlimited domestic but it seems no US providers have unlimited international SMS packages.


    Here's where I think I am...

    Reduce cell phone SMS by using ThaiVisa SMS (although only slightly cheaper) as I'm at a computer more than I'm not and it's also easier to type on a keyboard than a phone.

    Reduce cost for voice calls by using Yahoo IM with Voice. I just installed it and bought $10 worth. My first call was pretty good. My friend said they could hear me about the same as the cell and since I had a headset on I'd have to say that I could hear them better. So a 30 minute call was $1.47 or 4.9 cents a minute. That same call on the Super Quick Card would have cost $2.46

    Any other ideas...

    At this rate if I could find a totally free way to have this same level of communication I could pay for another US-BKK return ticket a year.

  12. This cd software was bought in BKK and will not run. Has anyone managed to get this to work? It's a 32 bit program so I tried running it on my WinXP Pro system in emulation (win 95 & win 98) mode but same thing. It gives a "Script error: Handler not defined" error with #DirUtl under it.

    Any suggestions about this or for any good software to help learn Thai Script?

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