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Posts posted by boredvisaapplicant

  1. Hello All,


    I am posting this question as I am unclear about the application process and how to start it?


    Many of my people I know have applied for Australia TR and PR and some are unsuccessful while other are waiting. Since I know the people I am not comfortable to ask about the process of starting visa process for Temporary Stay in Australia. Do I need a job offer for it or employer will arrange the TR for me. 


    I am currently based in US but I am not a citizen of US. I am here temporary and my case is pending for citizenship for a long time at the same time I want to secure myself as I think since the conservative govt is infamous when it come to immigration I am sure that my file will be rejected. 


    Any article or answer will be helpful 

  2. The best way to use a VPN on android TV is using Personal VPN 

    On 9/1/2018 at 1:00 PM, yimlitnoy said:

    Also Do ISP in Thailand blocking any contents

    Yes it is a common issue in Asia that ISP don't support net neutrality. Many ISP have made a deal with services which throttle the competitor. My advice get a personal vpn which have android tv, fire stick app. As most vpn providers don't have these apps

  3. Hello Everyone,


    I am a US citizen and I have reading this book called "4 Hour Work Week" which is pretty amazing. That booked have inspired me to move to Thailand. 


    The concept of the book is residing in a country where you can have fun and outsource the work where you can bargain on few bucks. 


    I hope to make most out of the forum. I will be moving to Thailand in Dec this year and plan to stay for an year. It is one of the most beautiful country I must say. The beaches there are great.


    I hope all my Question of applying a long term visa can be solved through this forum. 




    A thaivisa applicant 


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