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Posts posted by fablo

  1. On 10/6/2018 at 10:43 AM, fenix said:

    Nothing creative about it champ, these are the facts.  Judging by your tone I'd say your friends with that loser but too ashamed to admit it - haha I don't blame you.


    Not a keyboard warrior bud, tell me where you are and I'll come and tell you the story in person next time I'm in the neighbourhood.


    And no, I'm not 'George', just one of the many people close to him and familiar with this story.  This isn't George's style and, in fact, he doesn't even know I've written this.  He's too busy running a business


    Thanks for the meetup request, but I currently have no vacancies and am busy sailing my yacht in the Med.

    Most of my friends are global leaders, CEOs, academics, thought leaders, and business people.  However, if an opening comes up for someone with your profile (down on his luck anonymous spokesman for gogo bar), I will be sure to let you know.  Meanwhile, I encourage you to keep up your fantasy writing.  It is entertaining, if a bit tedious.


    • Haha 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

    The source for that information from Cuenca is actually BLOOMBERG.


    Is that all you got?

    This does sound like significant (bad) news for some U.S. nationals owning businesses abroad. I shared it for them. It would be interesting to hear from some of them here that think they may (or may not) be impacted by this and what it means to them.


    Your original post points to cuencalife.com, not bloomberg.  Let's stick to the facts.

    • Sad 2
  3. 28 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

    At the time he was in Japan studying Aikido, he was completely unknown...why then would he have benefited from a special treatment?

    Japanese sensei are not into that kind of favoritism.

    Meanwhile, in his first 5 or 6 movies, you can see that he masters aikido...the way he give a first strike to disorientate the opponent, the way he moves in a semi-circles as if he was sliding.

    If it was so easy to simulate aikido, there would be dozens of actors doing it...which I have not seen...

    Totally wrong.  Many Japanese martial arts schools  (including the main aikido one) pass the school over to heirs or relatives.  Do some research.  This should get you started, https://www.koryu.com/library/mskoss4.html

    As for movies, if you believe that all the martial arts special effects are true, then there is no much to help you with. read this, http://www.cracked.com/blog/9-supposed-action-stars-who-clearly-couldnt-fight/ Maybe you thought the Jurassic Park dinosaurs were real?

    Anyway, enough educating for now.  You have some studying to do!

  4. 6 hours ago, fenix said:


    Sorry to come to the party late but i just came across this thread and feel compelled to set the record straight.  This article is highly inaccurate and is just irresponsible journalism.  I was there on the night of the incident and can recount everything that happened.


    This guy Chris is well known in the area for generally being a menace.  He’s mentally unstable and regularly goes out, on a lethal cocktail of prescription drugs, alcohol, marijuana, yabba and god knows what else.


    On the night in question, he was at a “friend’s” gogo bar - let’s call him George.  George is an easy going character and gets along with everybody - he didn’t really think much of Chris but entertained him for the sake of keeping the peace, and also because their wives are friends.  Many of George’s friends disliked Chris so there was an ongoing friction that constantly put George in a difficult position.  George told Chris several times that night to not cause any trouble in his bar, yet Chris continually walked around terrorising and threatening other patrons, to the point where a brawl broke out, and the place was shut down early.


    Shortly after, a conversation took place between Chris and George’s brother, at which point Chris head-butted him and broke his nose.  His finger was also broken in the scuffle.  Chris quickly scurried back to his own bar and George and one of his Thai security followed him to question him about what had just happened.  They met out the front of Chris’ bar and a heated discussion took place, at which point Chris punched the Thai security guy in the face and busted his mouth open.  He then turned to George and before he could take action, George hit him and Chris fell to the ground, hitting his head on the pavement, and became unconscious.  The other two then left.


    This had now become the critical point in the entire night’s events, and of course the police (and media) arrived on the scene shortly after, only to receive the heavily biased version of events from the staff working at Chris’ bar.  Chris regained consciousness shortly after and spent the night in hospital under observation, then discharged himself the next day.  Then suddenly, seemingly under advice from those smarter than him, he returned to hospital and spent several weeks in a top facility in intensive care, with possible brain damage!


    Through communication between the wives, they agreed not to press charges as long as George agreed to pay for his medical expenses - George agreed to this because he was flying back home the next day for a break, with his brother, and didn’t want complications.  George also panicked at the thought that Chris might have serious injuries as a result - of course it was all highly exaggerated for maximum effect.  You see, George was known to have money and they were going to milk that cash cow for all they could get.  At one point, a request for an arbitrary 2 million Baht was put forward, but was dismissed as absurd.


    George hired a solicitor who advised him that, because he took the law into his own hands he was at fault.  Because this incident was reported first and Chris’ injuries were supposedly more serious, somehow all preceding events that led to that moment were insignificant.  George also has clear video footage of the entire night’s events in his bar - you would think this evidence would play a part in the whole matter.  Read on…


    Once George returned from overseas the matter was finally settled with police and Chris was paid a handsome sum of 500,000 Baht, without any substantiation of expenses.  The police also took 200,000 and his solicitor took 100,000 for doing very little.  George tried to show them the video footage of the night’s events but nobody was interested in seeing it - they all knew where the money was and they all got their grubby paws on the prize.


    George (not Mafia) walked away and continued to run his business with a clear conscience (and record) and copped it on the chin.  Meanwhile Chris promptly fled to the countryside like the cowardly dog that he is.


    On a final note, there are many people who want to exact retribution towards this lowlife scum for the shitstorm he’s caused.  It’s just such a travesty that this putrid <deleted> can profit after the disrespect, suffering and financial loss he’s inflicted.  Obviously this story will make its way to him through those in here that know him so let him know this - every dog has his day and he is one dog whose day will come.  Maybe just the thought that he’ll spend the rest of his days looking over his shoulder is enough but who knows…


    thanks for sharing your version of events George...I mean fenix.  You sound like a fearsome keyboard warrior , not to mention a very creative writer

    • Sad 1
  5. 13 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

    Great Aikido Master, lousy human being.  His character was revealed years ago when it came out, with photos, his physical and emotional abuse of Kelly Lebrock. And as for his personality, I think he sucks.  His arrogance is absolutely astounding. 

    Hardly "great" and hardly a "master".  He married the owner of some dojo in Japan and suddenly jumped several levels of black belt.  Well known in martial arts circles.  it is a fact that he used some stunts based on aikido in a few movies, but he is white belt material. Kudos to him though for fooling hollywood and the general public.

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