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Everything posted by WEBBYB808

  1. Yes, see thats the selfish approach. All about the individual and their pleasure. I guess you think you will stay young forever, and never have health issue of any sort. Well good luck with that.
  2. Oh! I see. Your one of the struggling business owners who would rush to open before the worlds actually at a healthy point to do so. Now how perverse and one sided is your desire. You dont by chance own one if those struggling bars that exploit the women do you?
  3. Yes! Yes! Yes! You get it. How do they not lose face when everyone can see their tactics?
  4. And then 30% of people tested there had the Vid. Sure they were spreading it for weeks.
  5. Yeah! Wasn't the restaurants. It was the the bars. Pleasure and money before saftey.
  6. Do you really think the bars are going to toe the line? You think they are all checking your test results? Do you believe prostitution doesn't exist? As long as they dont lock down you got no worries. Plenty out there testing positive and not staying home. Plenty testing positive and still seeing the ladies. You surely will get exposed to it if thats what you want. I had a friend tell me the other day he was in a pub, and when he and others tested a gentleman tested positive there on the spot. The bar asked the man to leave and take care. He promptly walked out. He walked a little bit down a soi and went right into another pub. My friend happened to be walking by and spotted the guy in the bar. He promptly went in and told the manager or owner. They just dont care. So really you shouldn't worty about your good time. You can go almost anywhere and fullfil a vice and probably get exposed by the cream of the tourist who obviously come to Thailand to respect the culture. Tourist dont come here to exploit or get away with things they cant in their country.
  7. Isn't it obvious to the world that they left it open to make money at the busy season? Isn't it obvious to the world that its too late to attempt to put a finger in the damn? The only thing that worked and showed that it worked, was a strict lockdown. This is an annual cycle now. The local business say dont lock down, we need the money! Almost, like they only want the money and not worry about people getting infected. In fairness though 80% of cases in Thailand are Delta, not many are fatal from the Omicron.
  8. Opening to fast allowed the tourist and outsiders to take the virus in. Agreeing with article headline
  9. Not after the Netflix special showed all the corruption, and deciept, and how bad disease is at the Salmon farms in Norway. Younever know if you are eating Dyed meat.
  10. Exactly an N95 is whats been the standard.
  11. One still must breath, of course their has to be airflow. Mask still saves lives.
  12. If the police do their job and write you a 20000 baht fine after a certain number of incidents of not properly wearing, thats ok too.
  13. Problem is people get complacent and forget to put it on correct when near others. I see so manu with their noses sticking out. Thats whe worst organ to have uncovered for a virus.
  14. No he did not write "They were having a quiet drink and not wearing mask." He said,"They were having a drink, and removed their mask to chase him." Big difference. They wanted to assault him the same he did to them.
  15. He said they pulled theirs off and chased him. Clearly the message was that they wanted to assault him the same way.
  16. Why cant you just wear it correctly? You feel above the law. I wish I could state and ask more but so many have a thin skin and report when their feelings are hurt. My feelings are hurt tgat someone assaults me and doesnt wear thei mask correctly. Its not for the wearers benefits
  17. You and anyone not wearing a mask in public are the ones in the wrong. You dont wear the mask to protect yourself you wear it to protect others. Same as a doctor preforming surgery. They protect the patient not the surgeons. Its you and others like you that are perpetuating the virus here if you arent wearing mask and wearing it properly they should get you and fine you maximum amount. I see so many walking with their nose uncovered. In another country it could be perceived as assault. Yes, you were in the wrong and they were clearly bothered and you to them represent the problem and why its spreading. Why cant foriegners just follow the safety laws and protocols? Of course you will reply that you see nothing wrong with not wearing your mask when you are walking alone, but clearly its not perceived that way.
  18. Lol. Its not 3000 unles you got a fine. It 1900 always has been
  19. You just need to get some inverters, transformers and bridges to meet requirements
  20. Ill tell you what it means. Open all the bars in Pattaya. Close down the villages and let all the tourists give covid to each other. And any locals who associate with the tourist.
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