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Posts posted by chanangrak

  1. On 8/30/2020 at 4:25 PM, Chivas said:

    Excellent. Hang em high. All drug dealers should be executed worldwide absolute utter filth..... In addition end users of any unprescribed drug should get a 5 stretch. Let the convicted build the jails to house them all albeit as the 5s are handed down and reported daily end use will immediately hugely drop when little Johnny walking into a disco with his couple of E's leaves the place in handcuffs knowing the Scrubs is awaiting


    Pander to this filth too much...


    Yep I'm hugely anti drugs lol

     great idea...all those potheads in the 15 or so USA states that have legalised dope should be executed...and the millions of people worldwide who have an E or a 1/2 gram of coke for a party should be done away as well....that will work......yeah 5 years for an E...thats fair.....maybe we should execute anyone who has enough alcohol in their possession to cause them to get drunk and drink drive, get into fights, cause domestic violence etc... I hate alcohol...its such a low stone..only for morons......yep I agree with you ...ban any intoxicating substance...drugs and alcohol and execute anyone who uses either.....

  2. On 8/29/2020 at 5:04 PM, jesimps said:

    Who cares if it sends a message or not. Put them down and save the taxpayers the cost of keeping them in jail. The moral of this tale is if you don't want to face a death sentence, don't sell hard drugs. Seems such a simple choice to me.

    Thailand has only executed 1 prisoner in the last few years....which shows they are more compassionate than other nations and people like you....these guys arrested dont sell the drugs ..they are just poor guys paid small money to transport the drugs...the big fish are never caught....also the death sentence doesnt change anything...desperate people will always do desperate things.....maybe some of these guys will get out of jail in 5...10..15...20.. years ?? and contribute to the community.....

  3. Songkran ?  in Khon Kaen a few years ago I was on the bike with the wife on the back....doing about 25kph as it was amain road....kid steps out and slams a large bucket of ice water smack into my face and chest....the shock made me lose control and I pulled up and got off and I LOST FACE!! abusing this idiot telling him he almost caused an accident and why does he use iced water...even though I dont speak much Thai and I'm sure he had no idea of English he got my drift.....he just laughed....my wife told him not to use ice water but again he just muttered words about falungs and waved me off.......ok I get it..its a Thai tradition that was subtle and respectful but has become way over the top and taken to the extreme the way Thais do.......not my favourite time of year.......

    • Thanks 1
  4. thanks for your ideas.....I know about will disputes in our home countries but I am only interested in what happens in Thailand....to say just write a will no need for a lawyer shows total ignorance ......I think the best advise here is to have a Thai lawyer write and witness a will and also include how you want your body dealt with.....I told my wife to drag me out the back and pour some petrol on my body  and light me up...she said" good idea...cheap!!!."....I dont give a <deleted> what happens to my body....but I suppose a Thai cremation would be best.....so need to leave 50000 bhat to pay for that as well........so much shit to organise in this crazy bullshit world....wills...insurance...visa...licences....bank accounts....marriage...divorce.........as someone >>I think Descarte said  .......man is born free but is everywhere in chains.......

  5. Hi guys, if you died in Thailand living as retiree and you had 800000 plus bhat in a Thaibank ,how would someone access the money. If you had no family and just a Thai girlfriend would a will be acceptable to Thai authority...or just tell your partner you PIN number(and maybe die a bit earlier???LOL)......do you know of expats with wills written in Thailand...... thanks for any knowledge on this..........ps. I haven't retired yet but have a long term Thai partner who I would like to leave money to.....

  6. benzo withdrawl......forget Buspar and Tefranil......they .are also addictive and you have to taper of these as well.......you(or your friend??) really want to stop......reduce by 5mg every week until down to 10mg...the 5mg for 2 weeks and then 5mg every 2 days for a week and the every 3 days for  2 weeks and then STOP....drink a few beers, go for a walk, have sex ,watch funny movies...do stuff....you won't sleep well for a month but you will be getting better each day.....you or whoever it is has to want stop....dont go on other meds....same thing will happen again....dont listen to Thai doctors,,,they love giving pills out....

    • Like 1
  7. Do they really seize the cars??????and where do they detain 25,000 and how do they transport them???I reckon most get another driver to come and get the car.....they arnt arrested ,they are fined...and most don't pay it.....in my Thai family only 1 has a license....3 can't be bothered..doesnt matter what I say......also I have been watching lately and I estimate 6 out of ten drivers don't wear their seat belt????love Thailand but the thais will always get pissed and drive....they just don't care and think it won't go bad for them......very vain and very dumb people....so the more of these idiots that meet Buddha sooner then later...good.... is their karma....but as it goes they usually kill others on the road.....the government should take the car off drunk drivers for 1 to 3 months .....then they might think a bit...but this will never happen........NO ONE CARES enough to get REALLY tough on road offences.......

  8. Giday folks, in Khon Kaen at my(wifes) house.....been in Australia last seven months and its taken a week to clean inside and outside of rubbish and crap and clean ....her 2 sons are dirty lazy aged 30 and 32.....havent even wiped down the 42000 bhat tv I bought them...it was covered in dust..including the screen......lol....BUT I love it here.......and the fact that one son is now living in Chaing mai...and the second NOW has a job......sorry guys...I whinge but what I would ask is ......does anyone recommend or know what hospital in Khon Kaen can perform a colonoscopy for my wife( we were waiting for an appointment in Aus.....but had to come back to Thailand).....I understand there are a few private hospitals here but do I just go to the hospitals and ask at reception or what????I want to get medical insurance for my Thai wife and have been told ETNA is good?????her daughter told me it would cost 45000 bhat a year.....any insurance brokers or office in Khon Kaen........lastly I was told a colonoscopy would be about 12000 bhat in a private hospital here ????.......thank you for any help, suggestions on this..........all the best .....Damien 

  9. thanks for your quick response Mcambl61....but that site is for new guitars that they would import by order...the prices are standard retail...Reverb.com is much better...good new and second hand prices....what I'm looking for are shops that I can go into and play the guitar....you have guitars for sale?.....im a blues guy so what do you have to sell ...tele,strat ??...I don't like heavy guitars....if you live in Bangkok maybe I could visit and check some out......thanks

  10. Hi folks, we (the boss and me) are coming back to Thailand in a few weeks to our (her) house in Khon Kaen where she is from.I have looked for guitars there but nothing worthwhile.I have been to the shops in Bangkok in Siam(enormous shop, forget name) where there were 3 guitar shops in the complex..Does anyone know of guitar stores in Bangkok that have a range of good acoustic guitars??.......also has anyone had problems with guitars because of the high heat?humidity?..........I had big problems when I took a Taylor mini gs with me for a month in thailand and the top swelled up .....So there must be some musicians ,guitar guy expats who can educate me .....thanks for any help or knowledge in this area......cheers...damien...Sydney/Khonkaen..................

    ......may your guitar gently weep.......

    • Confused 1
  11. is not one solution to just deposit the 400kbhat or 800kbhat 3 months before visa time and then after visa approved live on that money or move it to another place until next visa...or can't the social security department in home country give you a formal letter stating you receive a pension as proof?....I do understand that a lot of guys don't have savings so this is not possible.People suggest moving elsewhere but where.?...Cambodia,Vietnam,Philippines......start anew life with what ? a suitcase full of clothes......I would imagine if you have a lifestyle in Thailand,with household goods and a bike or a car and a Thai lady it would be very hard to start again...and getting older each year........or go home  which is ok if you have property or a family to live with....the worse thing?????the thais don't care and the governments of the countries you worked in for decades paying taxes and spending money don't care cause now your just a non contributing parasite.....aint it grand growing old gracefully...........

  12. thanks guys re.bike license...........what is a certificate of residence?.....I would assume  it would be for people who are living in Thailand....marriage...retirement etc........ and not tourist visa visitors......and how do you prove where you live ....your wife or partner helps you or what?.......again thanks...............bloody paperwork......




    "man is born free, yet is everywhere in chains"

  13. I take my international driving license with my Aussie license when we go home to Khon Kaen......I don't have a motorcycle license but have been thinking about getting one herein Aus so I can use in Thailand........however its a costly and slow process and I don't want to ride in Australia anyway.........Can a falaung  get ?apply for a motorcycle license in Khon Kaen....if im just a tourist probably not but if im living with a retirement visa can I get a license ???? thanks for any assistance with this.....cheers

  14. Hi sirineou,nice house...well done......looks like a good block....can you tell  me  how big that is in rai or sq/mt ?and how far out from centre of Khon Kaen is the ring road ?...did your land cost a lot?.....that is the biggest cost ?....and Im thinking we would need at least 2 rai ......and yes will contact you for builder if things workout....that is selling the house in Khon Kaen first......somebody has made an offer but we will check all options when we are there at the end of the year.......ps...its been great to get feedback from the members of this site.........cheers.......

  15. hi folks,DJ54,nice house but I don't know where Kumphawapi is........my wife owns a block in her village(45min drive from KhonKaen) but I don't want to live there... to isolated for me ......our (her!!) house is in Sila muang ? about 10 mins to city centre.There are firms that sell houses..DDpropertys and others but yes I know driving around and word of mouth is also a way to find or sell.......I don't want to live in those new housing estates, houses 2 metres apart but one of my concerns is robbery so I like the idea of neighbours....with lots of roosters/chickens and dogs to keep me alert!!!!!LOL.... I hate chickens unless they are BBQed..........When I come to Khon Kaen at the end of this year I will drive around....if I can't find or can't afford I will do some things to make our current house better for us...good to find this site and I will be asking more questions regarding life in Khon Kaen......cheers

  16. Hello,My first post here.... many sites deal with expats in Thailand, its hard to know which ones are good.My partner and me are thinking of  selling our 3 bedroom 2 bathroom house,2 levels in Khon Kaen.Its close to the city and we want to move a bit further out to make a simple one level house and bigger garden.I know thais don't like anything second hand so I am fixing a few things like fresh paint job and landscape garden to make it a bit more attractive to potential buyers...its  about 8 years old.....I know land is expensive..I have no idea how much a house costs to build.....anyone have thoughts on land for 1 to 1.5m bhat......also does anyone think a house could be built for 1m bhat....rendered block walls....tiled roof.......vague questions I realise but can anyone  help me with any advise on where ,how to find land for sale and where to find a decent/honest builder....thanks.........Damien... currently home in Sydney returning to Issan soon......cheers.....ps had problem creating an account..all my usernames where already in use which didn't make sense as some of them where unique.???

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