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Boby O

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Posts posted by Boby O

  1. "Thailand Tell Black People Don't come Here"

     I will make this short and to the point. This will reach America Black population , and I guaranteed they will say the same about Thai people "Don't come to America, you are not welcome". Law enforcement officers will crack down on law breakers, and you won't get away with a smile and say I didn't Know I am new here. 

  2. "Dark - Skinned People Targeted in Thailand Immigration crackdown"

     Do you know the number of dark skinned people in the world and what country they come from? NO YOU DON'T. Because of your lack of education you think every dark skinned person comes from Africa.

      It is ashamed that Thailand has this mind set. I can see why billions of baht are spent on whitening products each year, and making white company richer, but they will not recognize you as from the white race, you are yellow and want to be European.

      Do you know the different Asia people and where they are from since they are all yellow? No you Don't! Every dark skin person are not from Africa, some are even from Thailand like Issan, and people in the southern part of Thailand. There are dark skin people in every race of people.


       The Headline you posted shows your lack of intelligent, This no longer the "Land of smiles" but the land of hatred.  


    This headline tell me that every black man has to be looking over his shoulder wondering when he is going to be stop, and ask for his passport. This a racist act and Thailand will get into trouble if this continues. " The passport is a valuable item and should be safe guarded at all times and there are many pick pockets in Thailand, and should you lose your passport, there is a lot of interrogation will be put though before you can get another one. " There were three men without passports, but you only shown the black as the headline. That tells me and others that you only want European, and other Asia countries in Thailand, so they can do as they please with mafia actions without any recourse of actions. 


     This Thai men on Black men will not last very long, one day you will challenge the wrong Black man and he will let all the News Media in America and especially CNN who will show how treat Black men in your country. This will cause a change in how Thai people are treated in America.  There are thousands of Thai people in America, and not are welcome. When an American is not being treated fairly in another country we American stick together to make it right.

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  4. Thai Visa .com said you arrested "500+Foreigners in new Nationwide Raids" why do you show pictures of only three Black Male? Three is a long way from 500+, why not show pictures of others.

      I know Thai people don't like dark complexion people, it is a known fact that Thai people spend Millions of dollars on items that make themselves look light complexion. Take a look at all the department stores, grocery stores, and 7/11, there shelves  are full of items that "says make you white". I blame this on the European country that have found a market for these items, and have cause the Thai people who do not use these products, a nation known as Black and White.

     I have been around for a long time and I know and have seen in USA, Europe, Korea. Vietnam, and South America, a Thai person will announced themselves as THAI not White no matter how much they have Bleach themselves. God forbid if they tell a white person that they are white like they are.

     It is the only country that I have lived in that Thai people want to be European and not Thai people it is a disgrace, because no other Asia country want to be European.

       You have many Universities of higher learning and many graduations each, and you still act as if there is only two colors in Thailand Black and White. You are close to the Equator therefore you are a dark yellow nation know matter how much you bleach yourselves. Be what you are and stop pretending to be European.

      You show Three Black men with police all around them on ThaiVisa.com, what happen to the other 497+ are they not worthy of a photo OP? NO! but your objective is to show Thailand that every Black man is bad, and so every Thai person that sees a Black man no matter what country they are from will think they are bad. SHAME ON YOU. 

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