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Posts posted by BrahmaCat

  1. I met far more vicious Chihuahuas than pitbulls. I owned two pitties and they were sweethearts and absolutely adored my grandkids. Its the owners that use them for dog fighting that gives them a bad rep. Knuckleheads who claim all pitbulls are vicious are probably the same sort who claim all black people are great athletes or all Asians are smart. Please get a brain. 

    • Thanks 1
  2. 4 hours ago, Justin Side said:

    If you really do have a "Non-immigration 1 year visa" you have to leave the country every 90 days.

    Not "check in". 

    The visa stamp says NON IMM. I applied for a retirement visa and I assume that is what it is with multiple entries. This will be my first check in so not really sure what I need to do for a check in. The reply that I had to do the check in at Chiang Mai was helpful. I guess I can look up the hoops that I have to jump on their web site. 

  3. Ended up pulling in to a DUI checkpoint at 2 AM. I did have a few beers over the course of the evening but was not feeling drunk so instead of turning at an intersection prior to the checkpoint, I rolled towards it. I failed the initial breathalyzer test and was thinking I made a huge mistake. However, the second test I took had me below the legal limit. My question is what was my potential risk in regards to the police? I imagine an opportunity to bribe my way out of the situation but if I did not do that and decided to go through the courts, what could have been the consequences. I would appreciate real life experiences. Please keep the troll comments and preaching to a minimum. 

  4. Thanks to everyone that helped me on this. I wanted to relate my experience in case anyone does a search with a similar question. 

    Since the flight was domestic between Chiang Mai and Bangkok, I could not get the reentry permit in Chiang Mai. I got to the CM airport way too early! I did have a two hour layover at Don Muang and getting the reentry permit at Don Muang was simple. Once I cleared immigration, there was a very clearly marked office right past immigration to obtain a reentry permit. It was a little stressful since I had to check in to my next flight in addition to clearing immigration with only two hours but there was sufficient time to do so. 

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