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  1. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 126 seconds  
  2. I didn't say I had two visas, just that I happen to be retired - and I'm on a married visa. Anyway, academic - if I could close this post I would. I get the gist, already ????
  3. Okay, thanks to all of you. I won't be paying anyone off, or bending any rules, or anything else to jeopardise my status here, so that's that. I was just running the options, see if it was simple - clearly not! Cheers everyone.
  4. Wow... More great Intel, thanks everybody. I'm clear on this now. I'll stay at home, she can run the biz!
  5. Will do, thanks Charlie????????
  6. Thanks for that, Bamb... That's clear????
  7. Thank you both, for your answers. Is it fraught with pitfalls, to apply for a work permit, whilst on a married visa and retired?
  8. As you probably guessed from the title, this is about what I'm allowed to do if my wife buys a business. I'm 57 and on a married visa. If my wife buys a small resort (a few bungalows around a pool) where would I stand, legally, regarding 'helping out around the place'? Maybe checking guests in, doing the meet'n'greet kind of thing? There's no bar or cafe - just the bungalows, so I wouldn't be visibly manning a counter or anything. Thanks for any help.
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