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Tom F

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Posts posted by Tom F

  1. 20 hours ago, ripstanley said:

    Try using ther website and not the app. On the website it is at the bottom of the choices. I usually have to scroll down to find it.

    That did the trick.  Had to verify identity again, but no big deal.   Why it worked on the website , and not on the app remains a mystery.  But, no matter.  Thanks to all for the help.  Especially, ripstanley.

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  2. I must be missing something.  Maybe someone can point me in the right direction.   I am new to Wise.  Three weeks ago, I did a test drive and sent $2,000 US from my US bank account converted to baht in my Bangkok Bank account.  On the Wise app, I found the "purpose" list and clicked the "Funds for long term stay" box.  Transfer took a few days and appeared in my Bangkok Bank account as "International Transfer."   All good. 


    Today, when I try to do the big transfer, I do not see the "purpose" list or "Funds for long term stay" box anywhere.   Instead, before I complete the transfer, the app has a box where I can type in a "Reference. " And posts this message:  "Reference will not appear in bank statement.  Instead (I) will see the name of Wise's trusted local partner in their country.  The reference will still be available in email to (me)."  Which doesn't seem like it will work at Immigration.


    So, I'm wondering whether I'm just overlooking something obvious or if Wise has changed how it handles designating the purpose of transfers.   Any ideas, advice?

  3. 6 hours ago, Ohyesuare said:

    I assume you mean Royal Garden Plaza, never heard of Pattaya Gardens. It doesn't surprise me at all that Pattaya Mail is giving out inaccurate info either, they're the last "news" site I'd trust. I think if you have 2x Pfizer already, they're not giving boosters unless your last shot was 6 months+ is what I've been reading. 


    There's a whole thread about boosters in Pattaya here: 


    Not quite.  Yes,  clearly nobody is giving  a Pfizer 2x  vaxx person a Pfizer booster if the 2nd vax is not 6 months plus.   The question is who will give the Pfizer booster if the Pfizer 2X vaxx are 6 months old.  BM reports in these threads indicate that Banglamung Hospital will, and Royal Garden Plaza will not.  I was one of several people turned down at RGP.

  4. 5 hours ago, mauroest said:

    for people with 2 Pfizer >6 months old ?  can they get the booster Pfizer ?

    Sounds like we are in the same boat.  The Banglamung Hosp announcement is internally contradictory on the subject.  It says:   "***Note that those who have received the Pfizer vaccine are the 2nd injection. If you are not 6 months old, you don't need to get the stimulus or booster 3 because you have enough immunity."  That implies (accounting for translation difficulties)  that Pfizer two doses after 6 months gets a booster.   But, the announcement lists 8 or so vaccine combinations and when a recipient is eligible for a booster.  None of those combination is Pfizer 2X over 6 months .    That's what BM Pixelaoffy and I were told separately at the Royal Garden Plaza site last week.   "Thai Government says first 2 vaccine Pfizer, cannot have have number 3."


    Pfizer 2x over 6 months.  If anyone knows specifically where I can get a booster, there are now 3 BMs who would appreciate it.

    • Sad 1
  5. 9 hours ago, mauroest said:

    I had 2xAZ in Europe.  You must follow the program that every hospital has.
    1 Mil of Moderna just arrived. Stay tuned, could be a booster for you

    Well, that's the question:  does every hospital--or at least every government run program--now have the rule announced to BM and Pixelaoffy, and to me?   At the Royal Garden Plaza, administered by Banglamung Hospital, a government hospital.  "Thai government says if first two vaxx Pfizer, cannot have for 3rd."   If someone can answer this question directly, I know of two people who would appreciate it.

  6. 15 hours ago, mauroest said:

    I had the booster at walk in RG Plaza.  But they did not give me any receipt nor booking ID.
    I just got a picture of bar code and type of vaccine I had
    I cannot enter in MorPron because I do not have Thai ID or booking ID
    Assistance told me to register on   ????     

    I am assuming that your first two injections were not Pfizer, correct?   Myself and another fellow were turned down at RG Plaza for that reason.  Since we were both told that "Thai government says no for Pfizer first two". I am now stuck wondering whether that "rule" applies everywhere.

  7. 2 hours ago, pixelaoffy said:

    Forget plaza if you had 2 Pfizer previously  I was told ' government rule only Pfizer booster available to those who had other vaccine previously'.  


    I was told the same thing around 1:30 this afternoon.  Which leaves these questions.   Is this rule new?  Does it apply generally, or only to Royal Garden Plaza vaccination site?   Does it leave any way for a Pfizer 2 dose person to get a booster in Pattaya?    Any thoughts or suggestions?

  8. Can we get back to the OP's question.   Is proof of covid-recovery accepted instead of a negative RT-PCR test for entry to Thailand?  Before boarding and upon arrival in Thailand?  The science behind this is that RT-PCR tests are hyper-sensitive for traces of the bug.  Antigen tests less so.   Many people, who are fully recovered, still RT-PCR test positive weeks and even months after recovery, but are entirely safe.   The rules for entry into the US recognize this:  If you recently recovered from COVID-19, you may instead travel with documentation of recovery from COVID-19 (i.e., your positive COVID-19 viral test result on a sample taken no more than 90 days before the flight’s departure from a foreign country and a letter from a licensed healthcare provider or a public health official stating that you were cleared to travel).

    The Thailand MFA mentions something along this line.  But it is not clear how it works in practice.  Whether it applies only to a positive test on arrival.  Or whether you can board a plane with a recovery form.

    - Those who have recovered from COVID-19 within 3 months before travelling to Thailand must present a valid COVID-19 recovery form or medical certificate certifying that they have recovered from COVID-19 or are asymptomatic in case their COVID-19 RT-PCR test shows a positive result.
    Does anyone know how this works?  Anyone tried to make the trip with a recovery form/certificate instead of a negative test result?


  9.  There are several threads on the many aspects of the Thailand Pass (TP).  Apologies if this the wrong place to ask what is a narrow question.   What works (or doesn't) as proof of vaccination in the USA?  The only nation-wide document  is the small white card labelled: "CDC COViD-19 Vaccination Record Card," which has hand-written details on your vaccination.    Some states, including New York where I am vaxxed, also have an electronic/digital pass system which includes a tidy, printed,  one-page record of the vax, including a QR code.  It's got a New York State logo and is called "COVID-19Vaccination Excelsior Pass Plus."  So.....my question is which would be better for my application?  The CDC card, or the New York State document?   Any experiences with the CDC card, or similar State documents?  

  10. I have been using a Schwab debit card  in Thailand for years, with zero problems.   To withdraw, use "Current Account" menu option.  I never bothered to just check the balance; I don't even know if that is possible.  Ordinarily, when withdrawing cash, the ATM will offer the option of a paper receipt.  On that receipt will be your balance at Schwab, usually.   If a particuIar ATM does not provide a paper receipt with the balance, the problem is with the Thai bank that owns the ATM, not Schwab.  If you want a trial run on everything, just withdraw 5k baht, or so..  Since Schwab reimburses all fess, no downside to doing so.  Withdrawal limits?  I think that Schwab's is $1,000.  However Thai banks have lower withdrawal limits.    SCB's is 20,000.


    One possible hangup.  Does Schwab know that you are in Thailand?  If not, their fraud prevention algorithm might be blocking the transaction.  You can notify Schwab through your online account, or by phone.

    • Like 1
  11. 14 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    Why are two convicted criminals the best chance?

    Are there no competent and honest people in Thailand?

    Some people pretend it must be Prayut or Thaksin. No! Those are just two of many options.

    "many options"?  Like who?  Thanatorn?  What happened to him, and his party?  Who did it to him?  Why?   What does that say about how things work, and what options are available?  Those are mostly rhetorical questions.  The  real question--what are Thai people's realistic options at this point?  I'd be pleased to hear about them.

    • Like 2
  12. 10 minutes ago, sqwakvfr said:

    How did that play out in your case?  Nothing was written on the actual Visa.  I have also heard there is database that is accessible by Immigration Officers that indicates the Non Imm OA Visa has the required visa??  

    Thanks for the reply.   Sounds like another case of immigration authorities not really knowing their own rules.  No real surprise there.   Theoretically, they shouldn't really issue a new OA without the insurance.  And, the note on the visa should work to avoid any questions/problems at the time of entry.   When I do my next OA, I'll try to figure out some way to make sure they add the insurance note.   Wish me luck.

    • Like 1
  13. A question for the OP re the health insurance end of it.

    Like you, I'm planning on getting a new OA in the U.S.   I've got the insurance and my insurer completed the medical insurance certificate.  My understanding is that I have to submit the certificate with a new OA application.  And, that the consulate should make a note on the new OA visa, to the effect that I've got the required insurance.

    How did that play out in your case?

  14. 11 hours ago, Peter Denis said:

    Hi Tom,

    Thanks for the explanation, and indeed you are one of the rare lucky ones that got their insurance company to sign the Foreign Insurance Certificate that is now required to apply for an OA long-stay Visa in your home-country.

    A question > Did your insurer, mention a 1 year, 2 year or 'indefinite' period for the policy on the Certificate?

    The reason I ask is that thai border-immigration will only stamp you in for the period that your insurance (as stated on the Certificate) is valid.  Previously you could squeeze out 2 years of stay before having to apply for an extension of stay based on that OA Visa, because the OA is multi-entry and on each entry during the 1-year validity of the Visa you would be stamped in for a 1-year permission to stay.

    But with the new HI-policy requirement, you will be stamped in only for the validity of your insurance (hence it makes sense to have a 2-year or more insurance policy validity on the Certificate).

    Well, I re-entered January 17 on a pre-October 31 OA.  So, I didn't really need the medical certificate this time around.  Although, the desk IO initially said I did; I said no; the IO called a supervisor; who agreed with me.   I had the insurance certificate in my pocket, just in case.  I got stamped in until Jan. 15, 2021.  Essentially, the old OA rules.


    That doesn't answer your question, though.   My insurer was pretty much willing to fill it any way that I asked for.  I don't have an annual policy; it just continues, indefinitely.   I asked for Jan. 1,  2020 to Jan. 1, 2021.   Because that's all I needed, this time around.  And, they did it. I considered asking for them to write in "indefinite." of something similar.  I decided against it.   I figured that an IO might not understand the term, and that that might cause problems.   For me, at this point,  I am confident that I can get another certificate, with additional time, when I need one.   I have very little confidence in an IO interpreting a word like "indefinite."  A one year policy, should be easier to understand.  

    • Thanks 1
  15. 4 hours ago, Langsuan Man said:

    Thanks for replying but without knowing the name of your insurance company the information is worthless


    Blue Cross / Blue Shield offers me worldwide coverage also but they will not sign any form provided by the Thai government 

    As I initially said: "My insurer is specific for retired state government employees."  I'll be more specific.  It is for New York State government retirees only.  It is called the Empire Plan.  If you are not a NYS government retiree, that additional information will be worthless.   The insurance is administered partly through Blue Cross/Blue Shield (Exactly how, I don't know; the insurance business is a truly byzantine affair).  But, I have no direct dealings with BC/BS; only with the Empire Plan.  Which is a smaller operation, and therefore maybe more customer friendly.  They are the ones who signed the form.


    My overall understanding of BC/BS is pretty limited.  I do know that it is not just one big company.   Rather, it is a federation of 36, or so, separate insurance companies that operate using the BC/BS trademark.  And, the individual companies can do business across state lines.  


    As I also initially said, maybe my own success comes down to luck. I got a human being on the phone, who was willing to listen and to try something new.  If I were to try buying a BC/BS policy, I might try an independent health insurance agent (or two), and tell the agent(s): I'm interested in this kind of policy, but it only works for me if you can get this form signed.   Maybe the agent's possible commission would be an incentive for them to shop around for you.  If not, well, maybe my own case is just a unicorn.



  16. On 1/30/2020 at 9:40 PM, Langsuan Man said:

    Yes, look at the Washington DC,  Thai Embassy web site:


    You may be able to use foreign insurance so long as you get your US insurance company to sign the Thai form, something no one has yet reported being successful in obtaining 

    I got it signed.   In early January.  Maybe I just got lucky.   My insurer is specific for retired state government employees.   The insurer touts itself for providing overseas coverage for retirees.   And, it competes with other insurance options for retirees.  It took some polite persistence, and explaining, to get it done.   On the phone, the first level contact said it was impossible.   I got kicked up to the next level, who said "sure,"  and went out of her way to help.   All done within a week, by phone and emails.


    Ultimately, this time around I didn't need it for my January re-entry on my pre-Oct. 31 OA.   But, I'm sure that I can get another one for when I go to the consulate for my next OA.  I'm confident that the form will pass muster at the consulate.


    Any lesson based on this experience?  Luck does matter.  You might better your odds by letting your insurer know that you're shopping around for a company that will sign the form.

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  17. On 1/16/2020 at 2:02 AM, DannyCarlton said:

    Yes, massive improvements to the beach over the last year. I use taxis regularly, just agree a price for the journey before setting off. Never a problem. Can also use Grab if you are useless at haggling.

    Well, the walkways have been fixed up a bit, yes.  Nicer to look at.  But, most people's (including mine) definition of a good beach start with nice clean water in which to have a swim.   I have been staying in Pattaya or Jomtien for most of the past 5 years.  So, where is the nice water to swim in?

  18. A question about the roadside, screening breath test.  The results appear in some sort of color, red or yellow, I think.  Does anyone out there know what the colors are, and what each indicates, e.g., pass or fail?

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