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Posts posted by kajito

  1. My 2 month stamped entry visa to Thailand expiration date ends on 01/31/20. Do you recommend  applying for a 30 day extension on the last day (Friday 10/31) or should I come in earlier in the week?  I'm just double checking but are there any Holidays or Observances next week will the immigration office be open all week? Last question, last year I went to the immigration office in CM and Hua Hin and applied for the 30 day visa extension with no problem. In July 2019 I went back to the states and returned to Thailand in December with a multi-entry visa. Do you think there will be any problems applying again for an extension?  

  2. My wife and I bought a one way ticket to Chiang Mai we're leaving in early December. We're applying for a single-entry visa at the Thai consulate here in the states and then plan on extending our stay for an additional month either by applying for an extension at immigration in Chaing Mai or looping through a neighboring country via land border. My question is, will a one way ticket raise a red flag? The last time we traveled to Thailand with a multi-entry visa (we did not over stay) we left NY with a one way ticket 
    but we also had a prepaid ticket to Vietnam. Any advise or suggestion would be appreciated.

  3. I will be spending 3 months in Thailand entering with a single entry visa. I need to schedule a test for a technical certification exam at the Pearson VUE test center in Chiang Mai while I'm there. I would do it here in NY before leaving or on return however I am not prepared to take the exam yet and the exam needs to be taken by Feb 23. As a tourist is it legal to take the exam in Thailand? Just double checking so I don't get into trouble.

  4. I just got back from Thailand spending a total of 8 months in various locations. I applied for a multi-entry visa in November 2018 in NYC. After my first two months in Thailand I applied for the 30 day extension. At the end of the 30 days I left Thailand by land border crossing over to Burma and looping back to get the 60 day visa. When the 60 days were over I traveled by air to Vietnam and spent a week there. On our way back to Thailand we again got another 60 day visa and then got the 30 day extension at the immigration office. During my 8 month trip to Thailand I did not over stay. I arrived back in the US in early July. My wife and I are planning to go back to Chiang Mai in early September we are planning to stay for at least 6 months and then move around Asia. I will apply for a multi-visa in NYC at the same consulate. My question is do you think it will be a problem to apply for another 6 month multi-entry visa after having just arrived back in the states? 


  5. 22 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

    be careful in the Bintabaht bar area at night.


    many drunk young Thai males there specifically looking for trouble with Farangs.

    I don't hang in that area but thanks for the heads up.

  6. 22 hours ago, shy coconut said:

    You live in Hua Hin, have no real idea what the weekends activities entail, one reply

    says it's fairly low key, yet you decide to stay home anyway.


    Go outside and live a little, who knows you may even have some fun.


    Don't let a few grumpy old men on the internet rule your life. If it is all too

    much for you, then go home.



    I don't mean to beat up on you but you're saying to me that to live a little I should go out and get sprayed by dirty water, because you enjoy it everyone else has to, is that what passes for fun these days? Do you know me, have you ever met me, how can you say that I don't live and have fun because I don't live life on your terms are you that arrogant? BTW how do you know that the few who replied are old and grumpy why are you old and grumpy do YOU want to rule my life? I post a simple question hoping for a simple answer and I get a moral lecture from a big dope like you.

  7. 29 minutes ago, sirocco said:

    But no but no.
    See at least once the mood of songkran.
    Just put a mac that is sold everywhere and brave the elements "raging".


    I'll see the mood on the internet thanks very much haha!

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