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Grandpa Cool

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Everything posted by Grandpa Cool

  1. Starting? Thailand has never been properly functional..... dysfunction is the norm.
  2. Yes, it's funny how all the attention turns to cannabis rather than the bad character of the road ragers! If the headline was "Shop assistant stabs tourist" the anti ganja crowd probably wouldn't ever bother to read the article.
  3. You don't show any awareness of the deep corruption displayed by the military regime and the consequent disadvantages that the general population have suffered. You seem to live in a privileged bubble.
  4. Ya ice!!! I wonder if they did a blood test on him? ???? It's way too simplistic to surmise that because he had cannabis in his possession that that was the cause of his meltdown. There's definitely other things in the mix....volatile Italian temperament, dumped by his girlfriend, discovered his "girlfriend" was actually a lady boy, ordered pizza, got delivered a Subway.....
  5. No mention of any further investigation into this guy's accumulated, unexplained wealth. I doubt that this is a one off occurrence. No doubt in my mind that it will be part of a long standing way of life, associated with other "colleagues". ????
  6. You forgot to mention to give convicted international heroin smugglers a Government Ministry!
  7. There's a few people trying hard to be funny, but being attacked by monkeys can be absolutely terrifying. Many years ago I was enjoying the sunset from a rocky lookout at Mahabalipuram in South India. A Danish couple were doing the same, and feeding the quite large monkeys with peanuts. The lady couldn't get the peanuts out of her pockets fast enough! Two monkeys attacked her, viciously clawing and tearing at her shorts. She was screaming hysterically. The Rains ran down the steps chased by the greedy savage monkeys. They managed to get away, but both of them were badly scratched and traumatised.
  8. Major causes of mental illness : religion, television, movies, newspapers, education systems, societal pressure, propaganda, social conditioning and expectations, lust, greed, envy, etc, etc, etc.....the causes and manifestations of mental illness are endless. We live in a world where madness is the norm. War ( conspired mass murder) manifests itself between nations, but actually echoes the pervasive craziness of us as individuals. We love to hate! We love to condem! We thrive on divisiveness! It's very convenient to blame cannabis for the ills of society, but really speaking, the problems of human beings are our personal responsibility and the solution can only be by becoming self aware . It's this writer's opinion that pointing the finger at others and blaming is just another way of avoiding oneself.
  9. Isn't this a a Thai tradition?,eg. Boss????
  10. Yes. The best sativas increase alertness and focus. Rather than make you tired and "couch locked" the effect is motivated and energised.
  11. Interesting opinions and experiences. I was in Thailand 50 years ago and bought a brick of what you call Thai Sticks (20 sticks) for 20 baht from a rickshaw boy in Udon. I had a choice of number 1 (seedless) or number 2 (with seeds). It was called Buddha Grass and the number 1 was very sticky, resinous buds and the resultant high was clear and psychedelic. Pure Landrace Malawi Gold is very much the same. "Golden Tiger", a recently stabilised sativa hybrid of 2 Thai females and Malawi killer male is supposed to be the apex of sativas. Isn't it wonderful to be able to be able to have these discussions without fear or favour! ????????????
  12. Perhaps by sending contraband through the mail! ????????????????????????
  13. For some reason remanding of and acceptance of bribes has been omitted from the guidelines for the new "Police Angels".
  14. The Thai minimum wage is approximately one fourteenth the Australian minimum wage!
  15. Get a grip on it you guys! There's CCTV footage of the incident. It will tell the story. But, for the uninitiated, Samui is renowned for motorbike accidents. Young Thais, Burmese and tourists speed like crazy, day and night, regardless of the traffic and road conditions. Many don't wear helmets, shoes or even a shirt! It seems like they think they are a law into themselves, flying along as if there is no tomorrow....and for one of these guys there is no tomorrow! It's not the first garbage truck that's been slammed into on Samui, and I predict it won't be the last.????
  16. I'm approaching 70 years old. I've been around the traps. Spent 4 years backpacking through S.E.Asia, India, the Middle East and Europe in the early 1970s. Lived in Amsterdam for a year. Smoked weed on and off for more than 50 years. Ran several successful businesses, both domestic and international. Raised a family. Been a social activist all my life. Cannabis should not be an issue. If you like using it, good. If you don't, good. It's an issue only because it has been prohibited. It's legal use means that it will become normalised and society will absorb that normalisation. Relax. Don't worry. Be happy.????????
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