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Everything posted by Robspierre

  1. I find this entire subject a tad voyeuristic! Concern about the whereabouts and medical issues of a wealthy and successful man as if we have all been deputized as paparazzi. Prediction: Thaksin is going to do what a eealthy and successful man should be expected to do. I suggest an equivalent amount of focus be put on the individuals currently in place responsible for the direction Thailand takes. This requires a change from the last several decades: rudderless. When the activity of other countries in the region is compared, a coma or hibernation are descriptions that seem apt. When you look at attributes that other countries have, the grestest deficiency I identify with Thailand is LEADERSHIP. Maybe the focus on Thaksin should be with the aim of him mentoring the leaders in place who don't have the benefit of being wealthy and successful... with the country doing the same for a change.
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