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Everything posted by Nkpjed

  1. Thailand really needs to address the issue of the critical level of Immature Thai males having no grasp on reality. this piece of sh$t needs to be executed
  2. Unprovoked attacks occur everywhere, but regardless whether that’s true or not, this guy is an idiot to sit alone drinking on the beach at 11pm.
  3. Those who commit this type of crime, like this sorry piece of dog sh$t, should face the death penalty. And not just lethal injection, he should be hung and it should be televised.
  4. The cops have initially charged him with attempted murder they should give him a medal.
  5. Should be an open and shut case since it was caught on camera. He needs to be convicted of murder, stabbed repeatedly, and left to bleed to death. That’s justice.
  6. People like this should be culled from society and hung in a public square.
  7. He got out of the Jaguar but unfortunately fortunately was hit by a passing motorcyclist.
  8. Daily News said that the case has been remarkable pathetic and fascinating sickening in all its twists and turns over the years.
  9. Don’t waste time or money on this piece of dog <deleted>. Caught on CCTV he’s guilty. Execute him.
  10. Him feeling threatened will clearly show on the dash cam (and I’m sure it’s total BS). Typical Thai patent showing that life is all about them . His daughter is hurt and needs medical attention but him saving face takes precedence. I’d be shocked if it wasn’t an every day occurrence here.
  11. I’m sure you would look at it differently if this loser who was locked up for “allegedly “ murdering two people was released and killed someone in your family.
  12. You are exactly right. They should be executed. There is no rehabilitation for filth like this.
  13. It’s irrelevant now whether he meant to kill him or not. He abused his position (and probably for many years judging from his wealth), tortured the victim, and murdered him. Oh, and it’s on video. The evidence against him is overwhelming. He’s obviously guilty of manslaughter. The only question is should they charge him with murder, which incidentally he should.
  14. The escaping suspect, however, accidentally drove into a roadside creek and tried to escape, just as the pursuing forces arrived at the scene. A brief gunfight took place and the driver was killed in a hail of bullets. Good, now they don’t have to waste time on a trial and tax payers don’t have to pay for him to sit in prison.
  15. <deleted> coward. They need to execute his sorry ass.
  16. This is just more BS. I would probably have more respect for them if they just came out and told the truth (although “respect” is never the right word when referring to the Thai police). We are not looking for Boss, we have never looked for him. Enough money has slid across the table from the family to assure that. Interpol? We don’t even know what that is. We just continue to drag our feet on the case tossing tidbits to you, the public, every now and again in a feeble attempt to assure you our commitment to pursue justice, Our real objective, however, is to let the statute of limitations run out so we can neatly brush this case under the carpet and focus on covering up the next high profile, hi-so negligence case or internal police corruption case that has somehow been mistakenly posted on social media (Joe Ferrari). Have a nice day and we’ll see you at the next checkpoint. Unless of course you spot us first and circumvent our money tables and who can blame you? Helmets are so inconvenient.
  17. I have to give him credit he’s the first Thai I have ever heard of to admit he was responsible for an accident. That said, his disregard for personal safety and the safety of others while operating a vehicle resulted in involuntary manslaughter (vehicular manslaughter) and he should be punished accordingly.
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